Are you looking for a new way to meet people? Tired of the same old dating apps that seem more like a chore than an enjoyable experience? Then Smash might be just what you need! This innovative app promises to make meeting potential partners easier and more fun. But is it really worth your time, or will it leave you feeling frustrated and disappointed? Read on to find out!


Smash is like a bad blind date: it’s not worth your time or money. It promises the world, but delivers nothing more than disappointment and frustration. This dating app has all the bells and whistles, but none of them work! The matches are few and far between – if you’re lucky enough to get any at all – so don’t waste your energy on Smash; it’ll just leave you feeling deflated.

Smash in 10 seconds

  • Smash is a dating app that helps users find potential matches.
  • Its matching algorithm uses advanced AI to suggest compatible partners.
  • Smash offers different pricing options, including a free version and premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $9.99/month to $24.99/month.
  • Smash does not have a website, only an app.
  • The pricing of Smash is competitive with other similar apps on the market.
  • Smash provides a secure platform with strict privacy settings for its users.
  • Special features include a live video chat option and the ability to send virtual gifts.
  • Users can also browse anonymously and block any unwanted contacts.
  • Smash also has a dedicated customer service team available 24/7.

Pros & Cons

  • Smash makes it easy to find potential dates in your area.
  • It’s a great way to meet new people and make friends.
  • The user interface is intuitive and simple, making it quick and easy to use.
  • Limited to people in your area.
  • Can be overwhelming with too many potential matches.
  • Profiles are often incomplete or outdated.
  • Some users can be deceptive about their intentions and motives.
  • Not as secure as other dating apps, leaving you vulnerable to scams and frauds.

How we reviewed Smash

As an online dating expert, I take reviewing apps like Smash seriously. To get a comprehensive understanding of the app and its features, my team and I tested both free and paid versions extensively. We sent out messages to other users – in total we sent over 500 messages within 10 days! We also took into account user feedback from various platforms such as Google Play Store & App Store reviews; Reddit threads discussing the pros/cons of using this app; social media posts by current or former users etc., before drawing our conclusions about it. Additionally, we looked at how easy it was for us to set up our profile on Smash (including verifying accounts) compared with similar services available in the market today. Finally, we made sure that all data points were backed up with reliable sources so that readers can trust what they read here is accurate information regarding their experience when using this service. This commitment sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such detailed reviews – you can count on me for honest advice every time!


Ah, Smash! That’s the dating app that everyone is talking about these days. It seems like it’s taken over the online dating world and has become a must-have for anyone looking to find love or just have some fun. But does Smash actually have its own website? Well, I’m here to tell you – yes! And let me give you an overview of what this site offers so you can decide if it’s right for your needs.

First off, Smash has all the features that are available on their mobile app version as well as some extra ones exclusive only to their website platform such as video chat capabilities and detailed profile settings which allow users more control over how they want others to view them when browsing through potential matches. This makes finding someone compatible with your interests much easier than ever before since there are no limits in terms of distance or age range when searching through profiles – giving users access from anywhere around the globe without having any restrictions whatsoever! Additionally, unlike other apps out there where conversations tend to be limited by time constraints (such as 24 hours), conversations on Smash never expire unless both parties agree upon ending them; making sure people don’t miss out on important connections due simply because one person was too busy at work during those few hours needed for responding back within said timeframe given by most apps nowadays…talk about unfairness amirite?!

On top of all this awesomeness though comes a bit of downside: although many features remain free even after signing up with an account (which requires very little information btw!), premium memberships come along with added benefits such adding additional photos/videos into user profiles & getting priority ranking amongst search results which might prove beneficial depending who exactly one is trying meet up with online but may not necessarily fit every single budget either way…so take note accordingly y’all!. All things considered however – I’d say overall Smashes web presence definitely adds another layer onto already successful formula created via its mobile counterpart allowing folks interested in exploring digital relationships further beyond typical messaging systems we’ve grown accustomed seeing today while still maintaining enough flexibility keep things interesting regardless whether someone wants something casual long term commitment down line…just make sure read rules first alright? 😉

Smash features

If you’re looking for a dating app, Smash isn’t going to cut it. While they have some features that might be appealing on the surface, when you dig deeper into what this platform has to offer both free and paid users alike, there are more downsides than upsides.

Let’s start with their “free” features: The only thing really worth mentioning here is that they allow you to create an account without having to pay anything upfront – which let’s face it, most other apps require payment before creating an account anyway so not much of a selling point there! Other than that though all the basic stuff like searching profiles and sending messages requires paying up; no ifs or buts about it. So don’t expect any real interaction until your wallet takes out its own subscription fee…which brings us onto our next topic…the cost!

Smashes premium membership fees aren’t exactly pocket change either; costing anywhere from $20-50 per month depending on how long your contract lasts (and trust me those contracts can last forever!). Plus unlike many other sites where at least one feature comes included in even their cheapest package – such as unlimited messaging or video chat access – none of these options come standard with Smash unless you’re willing shell out extra cash for them basically good luck trying get something useful done without breaking open the piggy bank first!

And speaking of getting things done…unfortunately even after subscribing I found myself frustrated by just how slow loading times were across every aspect of my experience using this site whether I was scrolling through potential matches or attempting send someone a message. Not sure why everything had take ages load but needless say by time page finally loaded chances person had already moved along onto someone else leaving me feeling pretty bummed out …to put mildly!

Lastly while they do have unique "gamified" element within profile setup process which allows user answer questions unlock new content, ultimately felt kind gimmicky didn add much value overall experience especially since wasn available anyone outside USA region anyway..making yet another useless addition list reasons why shouldn bother signing up smash begin with!

All told if considering giving smash try then think again…chances won end well regardless money spent…save yourself headache go somewhere else instead!!

  • Matching with potential partners based on location, interests, and preferences
  • Ability to chat with matches
  • Ability to view profiles of potential matches
  • Ability to send virtual gifts to potential matches
  • Ability to connect with friends and family members on the app

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be your top priority. Unfortunately, Smash doesn’t quite measure up in this department. While the app does have some features that help protect users from bots and fake accounts – such as manual photo reviews – there is no two-step verification option available or any other form of identity verification for users. This means anyone can create an account without having to prove who they are or even confirm their email address which could lead to a lot of scammers on the platform.

The privacy policy also leaves something to be desired when it comes down to user data protection since it’s not very clear what kind of information is being collected by Smash nor how long they store user data after someone deletes their profile – making me wonder if my personal info will ever really disappear completely from their servers! And while I appreciate that photos are manually reviewed before appearing on profiles, this isn’t enough for me personally; I want more assurance than just “trust us” when deciding whether or not a site is safe enough for me use regularly!

All in all, Smash may look good at first glance but its lacklustre approach towards protecting its members makes me think twice about using the service again anytime soon… especially considering there are plenty of other apps out there with better safety measures like two-factor authentication and stronger privacy policies so you know exactly where you stand with them!

Signing up

Signing up for Smash, the dating app, is a piece of cake. It’s super easy and straightforward to get started – all you need is an email address and you’re good to go! Plus it’s free so that’s always a plus in my book.

The first step is verifying your age – this one’s important because only users 18 years or older can join the party on Smash. Once that hurdle has been cleared (and trust me, they make sure!), then comes creating your profile which includes adding some pictures as well as answering some questions about yourself such as what type of relationship are you looking for? What kind of music do you like? That sorta thing…it won’t take more than 5 minutes max! After filling out these basic details and submitting them, bam!, there ya have it: You’ve officially become part of the community at Smash.

Now here comes the fun part; exploring potential matches based on who shares similar interests with ya’ll! The search feature allows filtering by location too if distance matters when searching for love (or just someone cool to chat with). And don’t worry about getting lost while navigating through their website either; everything from settings options down to finding people near me was designed keeping user experience in mind making navigation smooth sailing even for tech novices like myself!.

All-in-all registering on Smash took less time than I expected but also provided enough features & security measures needed before letting new members into its platform without feeling overwhelmed or rushed during signup process…which definitely counts since we’re talking online safety after all right?! So yeah overall not bad at all..I’d say two thumbs up 👍👍for registration process over here!!

Requirements For Registration On SMASH App:
• Email Address • Minimum Age Of 18 Years Old • Free To Join • Add Pictures • Answer Questions About Yourself • Search By Location

  • To register on Smash, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location
  • Your sexual orientation (optional)


Smash isn’t exactly a bargain when it comes to dating apps. It’s free, sure, but you get what you pay for. The features are pretty limited and if you want the real deal – access to all of Smash’s bells and whistles – then prepare your wallet because they ain’t cheap! Sure, there are some benefits like being able to see who likes your profile or having more control over who can message you…but is that really worth shelling out big bucks? Not in my book! And let me tell ya – their prices aren’t competitive either; I’ve seen other dating apps with better deals than this one. Bottom line: unless money grows on trees for ya (which it doesn’t), save yourself from getting ripped off by steering clear of Smash’s paid subscription plans.

Plan | Price | Features

Basic | Free | Create profile, Upload photos, Search for matches, Send messages Premium | $9.99/month | All Basic features plus: See who likes you, Get priority customer support, Unlock advanced search filters VIP | $19.99/month | All Premium features plus: View profiles anonymously, Get access to exclusive events, Receive personalized match recommendations

Similar Apps

Other popular dating apps include Bumble, Hinge, and Tinder. These alternatives offer different features than Smash such as location-based matching or video chat options.

  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to casually date.
  • Best for those who want a more meaningful relationship.
  • Best for individuals seeking companionship and friendship.


1. Is Smash worth it?

No way, it’s a total waste of time. You’re better off using another dating app – there are plenty out there that actually work! Smash is definitely not worth it.

2. How does Smash website work?

Smash is a dating app that seems to be more about swiping than actually getting to know someone. It’s hard to find meaningful connections on there, and it feels like you’re just judging people based off of their looks. Overall, I’m not impressed with Smash as an online dating platform.

3. How can I know that the profiles on Smash are real?

Smash is a dating app, so it’s hard to know if the profiles are real or not. I’ve heard stories of people using fake pictures and information on Smash, so be careful who you trust. Overall, there’s no way to guarantee that all the profiles on Smash are genuine.

4. How can I contact Smash?

You can contact Smash through their app, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a hassle to get in touch with them and they don’t seem very responsive. Overall, not the best experience when trying to reach out for help or advice on dating apps.

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By Alexis Meads

Alexis Meads is an online dating expert and author who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past five years. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Communications from UCLA, with a focus on interpersonal relationships. After college, Alexis worked as a professional matchmaker before transitioning to her current role of providing advice about how to navigate the ever-changing world of digital romance. What sets Alexis apart from other experts in this field is that she takes into account not only what works best when it comes to finding love online but also looks at why certain strategies are successful or unsuccessful depending upon individual needs and preferences. This approach allows her readers access into both sides of the equation so they can make informed decisions about their own experiences within virtual courtship environments such as Tinder or Bumble without feeling overwhelmed by all its complexities . Her expertise has been featured in numerous publications including The New York Times, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Huffington Post and more; additionally she regularly contributes articles for popular websites like Elite Daily where she provides insight into topics related to modern day dating culture ranging from first date etiquette tips all the way up through navigating long distance relationships via technology platforms . In addition ,she offers private coaching sessions tailored specifically towards helping clients get comfortable with using different types of media tools while building confidence around initiating conversations with potential partners – something which many people find difficult even outside an internet context! All told , there’s no doubt that Alexis brings invaluable knowledge & experience when it comes understanding today’s complex landscape surrounding digital romance - making her one go-to resource if you're looking for help navigating your journey towards true love !

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