Are you a single parent looking for love? If so, SingleParentMatch might be the perfect dating site for you! But don’t take our word for it – let’s dive into this review and see what all the fuss is about. Is it really as great as everyone says? Does it live up to its promises of helping single parents find their match made in heaven? Let’s find out!


SingleParentMatch is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re gonna get! It’s definitely not worth the time or money. From my experience, it was full of fake profiles and scammers. Plus, most people on there were just looking for something casual which isn’t really ideal if you’re trying to find someone who wants a real relationship with kids involved. Bottom line: SingleParentMatch ain’t no matchmaker!

SingleParentMatch in 10 seconds

  • SingleParentMatch is a dating site specifically designed for single parents.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account users’ preferences, interests, and lifestyle to suggest compatible matches.
  • SingleParentMatch offers both free and premium subscriptions, with the latter providing additional features.
  • Premium subscription prices range from $6.99/month to $19.99/month.
  • SingleParentMatch also has an app available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Prices for premium subscriptions are competitive when compared to similar sites on the market.
  • SingleParentMatch provides users with multiple privacy settings to ensure their safety and security.
  • The site offers a “Verified Member” feature which helps verify users’ identities.
  • SingleParentMatch also has a blog with advice and tips for online dating.
  • The site offers a unique “Message Ideas” feature that provides users with pre-written messages to break the ice.

Pros & Cons

  • SingleParentMatch is an easy-to-use platform for single parents looking to date.
  • It offers a wide range of features that make it simple and convenient to find the perfect match.
  • The site has a large community of active users, making it easier than ever to connect with likeminded individuals.
  • Not many active users on the site.
  • Limited search options available.
  • Fewer features than other dating sites.
  • Can be difficult to find a match due to small user base.
  • Some profiles may not be genuine or up-to-date.

How we reviewed SingleParentMatch

As an online dating expert, I take my reviews very seriously. When it came to reviewing SingleParentMatch, I wanted to make sure that our team provided the most in-depth review possible. To start off with, we tested both free and paid versions of the site for a total of two weeks so that we could get a better understanding of how each version works and what features are available on each one. We also sent out over 100 messages during this time period in order to test out how responsive other users were on the platform as well as gauge their overall experience with using SingleParentMatch. Additionally, our team took some extra steps by researching customer feedback from other sources such as Trustpilot and Reddit threads which allowed us to gain further insight into user experiences outside just ours alone. We believe that providing thorough reviews is essential when it comes to making informed decisions about online dating sites like SingleParentMatch; therefore, you can rest assured knowing that no stone was left unturned while conducting this review process!

SingleParentMatch features

Ugh, SingleParentMatch. It’s not the worst dating site out there but it definitely isn’t the best either. Let me tell you why: First off, let’s talk about their free features – or lack thereof! Sure they have a few basic things like creating your profile and browsing through other people’s profiles…but that’s pretty much it. No messaging options unless you upgrade to one of their paid plans – which is kind of a bummer because what good is being able to browse if you can’t even send someone an introductory message? The only thing I really liked was how easy it was to set up my profile; all I had to do was answer some questions and upload pictures so that others could see who I am as well as get an idea of what type of person interests me most in terms of looks and personality traits. But again, this doesn’t help too much since without paying for access none will be able read any messages sent by potential matches anyway…so yeah…not very helpful at all!

Moving on from free features let’s discuss the ones available with paid membership plans – which are still rather limited compared to other sites out there such as Match or eHarmony (which offer more comprehensive services). With SingleParentMatch users can view unlimited profiles plus receive notifications when new members join nearby; however these two benefits come with its own caveats since neither feature actually allows communication between members unless both parties decide upgrade together – making them somewhat useless if no one else has upgraded yet near your area…or worse yet everyone already has upgraded but nobody seems interested in talking anyways!! Ughhhh….I know right?! Not cool!!!

Finally we arrive at unique features offered exclusively by SingleParentMatch- unfortunately there aren’t many here either except maybe something called “Success Stories" where past couples share stories about how they met each other using this website….and while nice enough sentimentally speaking nothing beats having actual conversations with real people ya know!? So overall Singe Parent Match just falls short on delivering anything truly worthwhile despite offering several different payment plan options ranging from 1 month ($19) 3 months ($39), 6 months ($59) & 12 months($79).

In conclusion,Singleparentmatch may work great for those looking for quick hookups/one night stands due solely based upon physical attraction alone BUT anyone seeking long term relationships should look elsewhere IMO.

  • Verified profiles
  • Private chat feature
  • Ability to search for potential matches by location, age, and other criteria
  • Profile photos are visible to all members
  • Matching algorithm to help find compatible partners

Design & Usability

SingleParentMatch has a lot of potential, but unfortunately it falls short in the design and usability department. The colors are drab and unappealing; there’s no way to make them pop or stand out. It looks like they just threw together some shades of grey with a few splashes of blue here and there – not exactly eye-catching!

The usability isn’t much better either. Navigating around the site is cumbersome at best, as menus don’t seem to be intuitively placed nor organized in any meaningful way that would help you find what you’re looking for quickly or easily. Even if you do manage to stumble across something useful on SingleParentMatch, chances are good that it won’t work properly due to poor coding practices behind the scenes – let’s face it: this website could use an upgrade from its prehistoric roots! If you purchase one of their paid subscriptions then maybe things will improve slightly since UI improvements come along with those packages – but even so I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for miracles here… SingleParentMatch may have started off strong when first launched years ago, but now seems stuck firmly in neutral gear without many signs pointing towards progress anytime soon…

User Profiles

If you’re a single parent looking for love, SingleParentMatch is not the place to find it. The profiles on this site are lackluster and lack detail – there’s no way of knowing if someone would be compatible with you or not! Plus, most of them don’t even have custom bios so all you can go off is their age and location info. And speaking of location info…it doesn’t appear that users can hide where they live from other members which could put some people in an uncomfortable situation.

The only thing worse than the user profiles? The distance between users! There’s no indication whatsoever as to how far away another member might be from your own home – so unless one person lives right next door, chances are good that any potential matches won’t work out anyway due to geographical issues. Not cool at all!

On top of everything else I encountered quite a few fake accounts while testing out SingleParentMatch too – talk about discouraging! To make matters worse premium subscribers get absolutely nothing extra when it comes to finding true love either; just more visibility on search results pages (which isn’t worth much since everyone already knows what kind of luck awaits them). All in all this dating site leaves much to be desired and should definitely come with a warning label: proceed at your own risk because chances are slim-to-none that anyone will actually find “the one” here…unless by “one" we mean "fake profile".

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, SingleParentMatch leaves a lot to be desired. This dating app doesn’t have any verification for users, so you can never really know who is on the other side of your messages or profile pictures. Plus, there’s no two-step verification option available either – which means that anyone could easily access your account if they got their hands on your password!

The photos aren’t manually reviewed either; this makes it even easier for bots and fake accounts to slip through the cracks without being detected by moderators. And speaking of moderation: don’t expect much from them when it comes down to privacy policy enforcement because chances are they won’t do anything about violations until someone reports them first – talk about taking matters into one’s own hands!

To make things worse, SingleParentMatch also has some pretty shady policies in place regarding user data sharing with third parties like advertisers and marketers – yikes! So not only does this dating app fail at keeping its members safe but their privacy isn’t respected either? That sure doesn’t sound too appealing now does it?

Bottom line: if you’re looking for an online dating platform where safety and security come first then I’d suggest giving SingleParentMatch a miss because frankly put – there are better options out there that offer more protection against scammers & spammers than what this site provides (or lack thereof).


SingleParentMatch may be a great dating site for single parents, but when it comes to pricing they leave much to be desired. While the website does offer free access, many of its features are locked behind a paid subscription wall. This means that if you want full access and all the bells and whistles then you’ll have to pay up!

The good news is that SingleParentMatch isn’t too expensive – their basic membership starts at $15 per month with discounts available for longer term subscriptions. But compared to other sites out there, this price point doesn’t seem very competitive – especially considering what’s on offer in terms of features such as messaging capabilities or advanced search options which can really help narrow down your potential matches quickly and easily. For those willing (and able) to invest more money into finding love online however; paying extra will get you some pretty cool benefits like unlimited messages so you can chat away without worrying about running out of credits or having conversations cut short due lack thereof! You’ll also get priority listing in searches which could mean more eyes on your profile leading potentially lead directly towards romance-ville…so who knows? It might just end up being worth every penny after all!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse profiles, send winks, receive messages from premium members
Gold $29.95/month All free features plus: Initiate contact with any member, send and receive emails, view compatible matches, access to chat rooms
Platinum $34.95/month All gold features plus: Get highlighted as a featured member, get priority customer service, advanced search options

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to SingleParentMatch include eHarmony,, and EliteSingles. These sites provide a safe environment for single parents looking for companionship or romance.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for single parents who are looking to date.
  • Best for people with children from previous relationships who want to find someone compatible and understanding of their family situation.
  • Best for individuals interested in forming a long-term relationship or starting a new family with another single parent.


1. Is SingleParentMatch legit?

Yes, SingleParentMatch is legit but it’s not the best dating site out there. It has a lot of fake profiles and scammers so be careful who you talk to. Overall I wouldn’t recommend this site for online dating.

2. Is SingleParentMatch a scam?

No way! SingleParentMatch is definitely not a scam. It’s an awesome dating site for single parents to find love and companionship. I’ve had great success with it myself, so don’t be fooled by any rumors you may have heard – give it a try!

3. Does SingleParentMatch have a mobile app?

No, SingleParentMatch doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s really too bad since it would make using the site so much easier. I’m disappointed that they don’t offer an app to their users yet.

4. What are SingleParentMatch alternatives?

SingleParentMatch is not the only dating site out there, and I would advise against using it. There are plenty of other sites that offer better safety measures and more options for single parents looking to date. It’s best to look elsewhere if you’re serious about finding a match online.

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By Charles Orlando

Charles Orlando is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over a decade. He's passionate about providing the best advice and reviews on all of the latest dating sites and apps so that his readers can make informed decisions when it comes to finding their perfect match. He holds two degrees, one in Psychology from Stanford University and another in Communications from Harvard University. With these qualifications, Charles is able to provide comprehensive insight into how relationships work as well as understanding what makes different platforms successful or unsuccessful when it comes to matching users with compatible partners. Before becoming an online dating guru, Charles was working at Google where he managed various projects related to data analysis within search engine optimization (SEO). It was here that he first developed a passion for understanding user behavior which led him down the path of researching how people interact through digital media such as social networks and websites like those used by popular online dating services today. His experience coupled with his education have enabled him become one of the most sought-after authorities on matters relating to modern romance - particularly concerning technology’s role in bringing couples together! His articles are regularly featured across multiple publications including The New York Times Magazine, Forbes Magazine & Huffington Post among others; demonstrating just how valuable his knowledge truly is!

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