Are you ready to find your perfect match? Well, look no further than Qwikmeet! This dating site has all the bells and whistles that make it a great choice for singles looking for love. But is it really worth signing up? In this review, we’ll take an in-depth look at what makes Qwikmeet so special – from its features to its pricing plans. So buckle up and let’s dive right into finding out if this online dating platform can help you meet ‘the one’!


Qwikmeet is like a bad blind date – you know it’s gonna be terrible before you even show up. It’s just not worth the time or money. The site looks outdated and has limited features, so don’t expect to find your soulmate here! Plus, there are way too many fake profiles that make me want to throw my hands up in frustration. All I can say is: steer clear of Qwikmeet if you’re looking for love online!

Qwikmeet in 10 seconds

  • Qwikmeet is a dating site that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible matches.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account user preferences, interests, and other factors to ensure the best possible match.
  • Qwikmeet offers both free and premium subscription options, with prices ranging from $9.99 to $29.99 per month.
  • Premium subscriptions offer additional features such as unlimited messaging and profile views.
  • Qwikmeet also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of Qwikmeet is competitive when compared to similar sites on the market.
  • Qwikmeet takes user privacy and security seriously, with all data encrypted and stored securely.
  • Qwikmeet also offers a unique feature called “Qwikmatch” which allows users to quickly find potential matches based on their preferences.
  • Users can also browse through profiles anonymously, allowing them to remain discreet while searching for a match.
  • Qwikmeet also offers detailed search filters, allowing users to narrow down their search results to find exactly what they are looking for.

Pros & Cons

  • Qwikmeet makes it easy to find compatible matches quickly.
  • It offers a secure platform for online dating.
  • The site has an intuitive user interface that is simple and straightforward to use.
  • Limited search options
  • No profile verification process
  • Lack of detailed information on potential matches
  • Not enough active users in certain areas
  • Some profiles appear to be fake

How we reviewed Qwikmeet

As an online dating expert, I took the review of Qwikmeet very seriously. My team and I tested both free and paid versions of this site to get a complete understanding of how it works. We sent out hundreds (around 200) messages over the course of two weeks in order to gain insight into what other users were like on Qwikmeet as well as their experiences with using the platform. Additionally, we thoroughly explored all features that come with each version – from messaging capabilities to search filters – so that our readers can have a comprehensive view when making decisions about whether or not they should join this particular dating site.

Our commitment went beyond just testing out different aspects; we also made sure that our reviews are unbiased by taking time away from sending messages in order to do research on user feedback found across various platforms such as Reddit forums and social media accounts related specifically to Qwikmeet’s services. This dedication sets us apart from other review sites who may offer quick assessments without going through every detail needed for potential customers looking for reliable information before signing up for any service or product online!

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be a top priority. Unfortunately, Qwikmeet falls short in this department. Despite being marketed as an easy-to-use dating app with great features for finding the perfect match, there are some serious issues when it comes to its safety protocols.

First off, there is no verification process for users on Qwikmeet – meaning anyone can create an account without having their identity verified or confirmed by the platform itself. This makes it incredibly difficult to fight against bots and fake accounts that could potentially put your personal information at risk if you’re not careful about who you interact with on the site/app. What’s more concerning is that they don’t even offer two-step authentication as an option either! So unless you have a really good memory (or write down all of your passwords), then chances are someone else might gain access into your account without much effort at all! Another issue I found was how photos were handled within the app – while they do manually review each photo uploaded before approving them onto profiles – but once approved those same images can easily be downloaded by other users which poses yet another potential privacy threat depending on what kind of pictures one uploads onto their profile page (eek!). Finally upon reading through their privacy policy I noticed several discrepancies between what was stated versus what actually happened during my time using Qwikmeet – such as agreeing not to share any user data with third parties only for me later find out from friends that certain pieces of info had been shared behind our backs… Not cool!

All in all though? It’s clear why so many people avoid using apps like these altogether: because let’s face it…when push comes shove most people would rather err on side caution than take unnecessary risks when looking love online–and unfortunately right nowQwickmeetsimply isn’t up parwithwhat we’ve come expectfroma modern daydatingplatformin termssecurityandsafetymeasuresavailableforusers

Qwikmeet features

Qwikmeet is a dating site that claims to offer its users the best of both worlds – free and paid features. Unfortunately, I can’t say my experience with it was anything but disappointing.

Let’s start with the free features: they’re pretty much non-existent! You get basic profile creation options, which are so limited you might as well not bother filling them out in the first place; then there’s an incredibly basic search function that yields no results unless you pay for a subscription; finally, there are some messaging options available – again though these require payment before being able to send or receive messages from other members. So yeah… if your idea of ‘free’ means paying for everything anyway then Qwikmeet has gotcha covered!

Moving on to their premium offerings – let me just say this isn’t worth spending money on either! The main selling point here is supposedly access to advanced search functions such as location filters and age ranges etc., however when using these tools I found most searches returned zero matches even when trying broad criteria like ‘all women within 50 miles’. This left me feeling rather frustrated after having spent hard earned cash expecting something better than what had been offered by way of ‘free’ services (which were actually paid).

In terms of unique features? Well none come immediately to mind… apart from maybe one thing: how quickly Qwikmeets customer service team responds whenever someone complains about all those issues mentioned above 😉 All jokes aside though it really does seem like this site hasn’t put any effort into making itself stand out amongst its competitors who have far more comprehensive feature sets at similar price points.

To sum up my review: don’t waste your time or money signing up for Qwikmeet because quite frankly neither will be rewarded in any meaningful way whatsoever!

  • Easy to use interface
  • Secure messaging system
  • Ability to search for matches based on criteria such as age, location, and interests
  • Verified profiles to ensure safety and security
  • Comprehensive profile customization options

Signing up

If you’re looking for a dating site that’s quick and easy to sign up with, then Qwikmeet might be the one for you. It only takes a few minutes to get set up and ready to start swiping! The registration process is simple – all it requires is your name, age (you must be 18 or over), email address, password of choice and gender identity. You can also add in some optional information about yourself such as hobbies or interests if you want but this isn’t required. Once everything has been filled out correctly click ‘Sign Up’ at the bottom of the page – voila! You are now registered on Qwikmeet which means it’s time to start searching through potential matches so grab those thumbs because there will likely be plenty of scrolling involved! The best part? Registration on Qwikmeet is completely free meaning no hidden costs associated with signing up – just make sure not forget your username/password combo when logging back in later down the line otherwise things could get complicated fast…or worse yet embarrassing if someone else finds out what kind of website we’re talking about here 😉
All jokes aside though registering on QwikMeet couldn’t really have been easier; from entering basic details like name & age right through until clicking ‘sign-up’ I was done within 5 minutes flat – talk about speedy service eh?! Plus given its totally free nature I think more people should give it a go even if they aren’t necessarily looking for love…who knows maybe something special awaits them after all?

  • This is what you need to register on Qwikmeet:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that’s as aesthetically pleasing as it is user-friendly, then Qwikmeet isn’t the one. It has an outdated design with colors that look like they belong in the early 2000s. The overall layout and usability of this website are not great either; navigating through different pages can be confusing and time consuming.

The search feature on Qwikmeet doesn’t make things any easier – if anything, it makes them worse! You have to manually scroll through endless profiles until you find someone who catches your eye (good luck!). And don’t even get me started on how long it takes to load each profile page – talk about a snoozefest!

If you want some UI improvements, then I suggest purchasing their paid subscription plan because there aren’t many features available without paying extra money. Unfortunately though, those “upgrades" still won’t do much when compared to other sites out there since most of what they offer is just basic stuff like adding more photos or sending unlimited messages – nothing special at all really…it’s kind of disappointing actually!

All in all, Qwikmeet looks pretty dated and lacks useful features which makes using this website less than enjoyable experience for anyone looking for love online these days…you’d probably be better off trying another dating service instead unless having fun nostalgia trip down memory lane sounds appealing 😉


Qwikmeet is a dating site that has been around for some time, but its pricing leaves something to be desired. It’s not free – you’ll have to pay up if you want access to the full range of features on offer. Sure, there are some basic things available without paying, but let’s face it – who wants just the basics? You’re here looking for love after all!

The prices aren’t competitive either; they seem quite steep compared with other sites out there. Plus, when you sign up for a paid subscription at Qwikmeet your options don’t really expand much beyond what was already available before signing up – so why bother? The only real benefit of getting a paid subscription seems to be an increased chance of finding someone special…but even then it doesn’t guarantee anything! All in all I’d say steer clear and look elsewhere – unless money isn’t an issue or course…

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites include eHarmony,, and Plenty of Fish. These websites offer a variety of features that may be more suitable for some users than Qwikmeet. Additionally, there are many other niche dating apps available to suit different interests or lifestyles such as Bumble and OkCupid.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for people who want to meet someone with similar interests and values.
  • Best for those seeking an easy, convenient way to connect with potential partners online.


1. Is Qwikmeet a scam?

No way! Qwikmeet is definitely not a scam. I’ve used it myself and found some great matches, so don’t worry about that. It’s totally legit – just make sure you read the terms of service before signing up!

2. How to register for Qwikmeet?

Registering for Qwikmeet is a hassle. You have to provide too much personal information, and it’s unclear what they do with all that data. Plus the site looks like it hasn’t been updated in years – not exactly inspiring confidence!

3. Can you send messages for free on Qwikmeet?

No, you can’t send messages for free on Qwikmeet. It’s a paid service and the messaging feature is only available to premium members. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for an affordable dating site with free messaging options.

4. How to cancel subscription on Qwikmeet?

It’s really not that easy to cancel your subscription on Qwikmeet. You have to go through a bunch of steps and it can be confusing. I wouldn’t recommend using this dating site if you’re looking for an easy way out!

By Admin

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