Are you looking for love? Or maybe just a casual fling? If so, OutPersonals could be the dating site for you! But is it worth your time and money? In this review, we’ll take an in-depth look at what makes OutPersonals unique – from its features to its user base. So buckle up – let’s dive right into the world of online dating with OutPersonals!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle, then OutPersonals is the one for you! It’s like throwing money down the drain. I mean sure it looks nice enough but when it comes to actually finding someone who meets your criteria…forget about it! The matches are so far off base they might as well be from another planet. And don’t even get me started on their customer service – talk about hitting your head against a brick wall. All in all, this isn’t worth anyone’s time or money and should be avoided at all costs – trust me!

OutPersonals in 10 seconds

  • OutPersonals is a dating site that offers users the ability to connect with potential matches.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to suggest compatible profiles.
  • Pricing options range from free to premium subscriptions, with monthly plans starting at $19.95.
  • Premium subscriptions are available for 1 month ($19.95), 3 months ($39.95) and 6 months ($59.95).
  • OutPersonals also has an app available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other similar sites, OutPersonals is relatively affordable.
  • OutPersonals provides users with complete privacy and security when using the site.
  • Users can browse anonymously and use the site without having to reveal their identity.
  • Special features include video chat, live webcams, and virtual gifts.
  • OutPersonals also offers a “verified” badge to ensure users are who they say they are.

Pros & Cons

  • OutPersonals has a wide variety of users, so you’re sure to find someone who’s right for you.
  • It’s easy to use and navigate, making it perfect for those new to online dating.
  • The site offers lots of features like chat rooms and video profiles that make finding the perfect match fun!
  • Not enough active users in some areas.
  • Limited search options for finding matches.
  • No video chat feature available.
  • Some profiles are outdated or inactive.
  • Profiles can be difficult to verify authenticity of information provided by other members

How we reviewed OutPersonals

As an online dating expert, I took the time to thoroughly review OutPersonals. My team and I tested both free and paid versions of this site by sending messages to other users – a total of 250 messages over 10 days. We also checked out its features such as messaging system, search options, profile creation process etc., which gave us an idea about how user-friendly it is for people who are new to online dating sites. We went through each page on the website carefully in order to get familiar with all aspects of using OutPersonals before we started our tests – from setting up profiles that were detailed enough but not too long so they could be read quickly; making sure their privacy policy was clear; looking at what type of customer service support was available if needed; checking whether there were any hidden fees or extra charges involved when signing up for premium membership plans etc.. All these steps helped us understand better how reliable this platform is and if it can provide quality services compared with other similar websites on the market today.
Finally, we committed ourselves completely into testing every feature offered by OutPersonals while keeping track of our progress throughout entire duration (10 days) so that readers would have access to accurate information regarding performance & usability based solely on real experience rather than just opinions or reviews written without actually trying out different functions first hand like most review sites do nowadays.

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that promises safety and security, OutPersonals isn’t the one. Don’t get me wrong – it has its merits, but when it comes to keeping users safe from bots and fake accounts? Not so much.

For starters, there’s no verification process in place at all; anyone can sign up with any name they choose without having to prove their identity or even confirm an email address! That means there could be plenty of scammers lurking around on this platform who are just waiting to take advantage of unsuspecting victims. Plus, since photos aren’t manually reviewed before being posted online (which is something most reputable apps do), you never know what kind of images may pop up during your search for love… yikes!

And as if that wasn’t bad enough already: unfortunately OutPersonals doesn’t offer two-step authentication either – meaning your account won’t be protected by an extra layer of security like other platforms might provide… talk about a major bummer! On top of all this, the privacy policy also leaves something to be desired – while some basic information is provided about how data will be used and stored by the company itself (including contact details) nothing else really stands out here which raises more than a few red flags… not cool guys not cool at all!!

All things considered I wouldn’t recommend using OutPersonals unless you want potential dates seeing every detail about yourself within seconds after signing up – because let’s face it: if safety & security are important factors then look elsewhere cause these guys ain‘t got ya back 🤷🏼

Mobile App

Ah, OutPersonals. It’s a great dating site for anyone looking to find their special someone – or just have some fun! But one thing I’ve noticed is that they don’t seem to have an app. That’s right: no mobile app in sight! Now this could be due to a few reasons, such as cost and technical know-how needed for development of the app itself. Or maybe it’s because OutPersonals doesn’t want people swiping away on their phones all day long? Who knows?!

But if you are like me and prefer using your phone over desktop computers when it comes time to search for potential dates then you may feel left out by not having access via an App Store download. Not only do apps tend make things easier (and faster) but they also allow us more flexibility with our searches while we’re on the go – which can come in handy if you happen upon someone who catches your eye at any given moment during your daily routine!

However, unfortunately there isn’t much else we can say about OutPersonal’s nonexistent mobile application since…well…it simply does not exist yet so there aren’t really any advantages or disadvantages associated with its use (or lack thereof). This means that those interested will still need log onto their computer whenever they wish utilize this particular online dating service; something many users might consider quite inconvenient compared other sites that offer both web browser versions AND downloadable applications from various App Stores around the world. Oh well – hopefully someday soon enough these folks will get wise and hop onboard the “app train" too – after all everyone loves convenience nowadays don’t ya think!?

Signing up

Registering on OutPersonals is a piece of cake. You’ll be ready to mingle in no time! All you need to do is provide some basic information and voila, you’re good to go. First things first: the minimum age requirement for signing up with OutPersonals is 18 years old so if that’s not your case then I’m afraid this isn’t the right dating site for you (just yet). Once we’ve established that, let’s get started! The registration process begins by entering your gender – male or female – as well as what type of relationship are looking for; whether it’s something casual or long-term. Afterward, they ask about sexual orientation which can range from straight all the way through bisexuality and beyond depending on how specific one wants their search criteria to be. Then comes email address verification where users must enter an active email account followed by password creation – make sure it’s secure enough but also easy enough for you remember without having written down somewhere else…unless writing passwords down makes them easier memorize? Anyway moving along…
Next step requires filling out personal details such as date of birth plus physical characteristics like height/weight etc., followed by profile description which allows potential matches know more about who they might meet once connected via OutPersonals platform; here folks can write whatever catches their fancy when describing themselves although there are limits set forth in terms content allowed within these descriptions so please keep those guidelines mind before submitting any text associated with profiles created using this website service(s). Last part involves agreeing Terms & Conditions after reading carefully prior accepting same thereby completing signup procedure altogether…oh yeah almost forgot mention best part: registering atOut Personals totally free charge making even sweeter deal overall since don’t have pay anything use its services start meeting new people today!!!

  • To register on OutPersonals, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and sexual orientation
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location (city/state or zip code)
  • An optional profile photo

OutPersonals features

OutPersonals is a dating site that claims to offer its users the chance to meet someone special. But after trying it out, I can confidently say that OutPersonals falls short of expectations.

For starters, their free features are extremely limited and not worth your time or energy. You’re basically just able to create an account and browse through profiles without being able to message anyone unless you upgrade your membership plan – which isn’t cheap! And even then, most of the messages sent by other members seem like they were written in haste with little thought put into them; so much for finding “the one” on this website! On top of all this, there doesn’t appear to be any unique features offered by OutPersonals compared with other dating sites – no video chat options or anything else really innovative here either unfortunately. All-in-all it’s just another generic online dating service looking for ways take advantage of people who don’t know better than pay up front for something they could find elsewhere at a fractional cost (or maybe even free). So if you’re considering signing up with Out Personals my advice would be: save yourself some money and look somewhere else instead!

  • Ability to search for potential matches by location, age, and interests
  • Video chat feature to get to know other members
  • Private messaging system to communicate with other members
  • Verified member profiles to ensure authenticity
  • Access to OutPersonals’ blog and magazine for advice and tips on dating


OutPersonals is an online dating site, but don’t be fooled into thinking it’s free. Sure, you can sign up and create a profile for no cost at all – but if you want to actually use the website in any meaningful way then you’re going to have to shell out some cash. The prices aren’t competitive either; they are downright expensive!

For example, if you want access to basic features like sending messages or seeing who has viewed your profile then get ready for sticker shock – $20 per month! And that doesn’t even include advanced features such as video chat or unlimited messaging. If those things sound important enough that shelling out another $10-$15 bucks per month seems worth it…well good luck with your wallet because OutPersonals isn’t giving away anything here! The only real benefit of paying is getting more visibility on the site which may increase your chances of finding someone special…but honestly? That kind of money could buy a lot more dates elsewhere so I’d say skip this one unless there’s something about OutPersonals specifically that catches your eye (which I doubt).

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to OutPersonals include OkCupid,, and Plenty of Fish – all popular dating sites that offer a variety of features for finding compatible partners.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people looking to explore their sexuality.
  • Best for singles who are open-minded and want to meet someone with similar interests.
  • Best for those seeking a long-term relationship or casual dating experience.


1. How to use OutPersonals without paying?

Using OutPersonals without paying is not recommended. You won’t be able to access all the features and it’s likely you won’t find what you’re looking for. It’s best to pay for a subscription if you want to get the most out of this dating site.

2. How to sign up for OutPersonals?

Signing up for OutPersonals is easy – just fill out a few basic details and you’re good to go. It’s really not the best dating site, though; there are much better options out there if you want something more reliable. I wouldn’t recommend it personally.

3. How much does OutPersonals subscription cost?

OutPersonals subscription costs way too much! It’s ridiculous how expensive it is for a dating site. Definitely not worth the money in my opinion.

4. Is OutPersonals worth the money?

Absolutely not! OutPersonals is a complete waste of money. It’s full of fake profiles and there are no real people to be found on the site. Save your cash for something else – this dating site isn’t worth it.

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By Charles Orlando

Charles Orlando is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over a decade. He's passionate about providing the best advice and reviews on all of the latest dating sites and apps so that his readers can make informed decisions when it comes to finding their perfect match. He holds two degrees, one in Psychology from Stanford University and another in Communications from Harvard University. With these qualifications, Charles is able to provide comprehensive insight into how relationships work as well as understanding what makes different platforms successful or unsuccessful when it comes to matching users with compatible partners. Before becoming an online dating guru, Charles was working at Google where he managed various projects related to data analysis within search engine optimization (SEO). It was here that he first developed a passion for understanding user behavior which led him down the path of researching how people interact through digital media such as social networks and websites like those used by popular online dating services today. His experience coupled with his education have enabled him become one of the most sought-after authorities on matters relating to modern romance - particularly concerning technology’s role in bringing couples together! His articles are regularly featured across multiple publications including The New York Times Magazine, Forbes Magazine & Huffington Post among others; demonstrating just how valuable his knowledge truly is!

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