Are you looking for love in the military? Well, look no further than MilitaryCupid! This dating site is designed to help connect members of the armed forces with civilians who are interested in them. But how does it measure up? Read on and find out – we’ve got all the details about this unique online matchmaking service right here! What can users expect from their experience on MilitaryCupid? Is it worth signing up for a membership or should they keep searching elsewhere? Let’s take an honest look at what makes this website tick and see if it could be your perfect match!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that will make your heart go “boom,” MilitaryCupid is definitely not the one. I mean, it’s like comparing apples to oranges – they just don’t measure up! The user interface was clunky and outdated; plus there were very few active members. It felt more like an abandoned ghost town than a vibrant online community of singles. All in all, I’d say give this one a pass – it ain’t worth your time or money!

MilitaryCupid in 10 seconds

  • MilitaryCupid is a dating site designed for military personnel and those interested in meeting them.
  • The matching algorithm of MilitaryCupid uses personality tests and other criteria to find compatible matches.
  • MilitaryCupid offers both free and premium subscription options, with different prices for each.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $29.99 per month, or $119.98 for 6 months.
  • MilitaryCupid has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to similar sites on the market, MilitaryCupid’s pricing is competitive.
  • MilitaryCupid takes privacy and security seriously, offering SSL encryption and profile verification.
  • MilitaryCupid allows users to search for matches based on their location, age, and interests.
  • Special features of MilitaryCupid include private messaging, chat rooms, and video profiles.
  • MilitaryCupid also offers a “Spark” feature that helps users break the ice with potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • MilitaryCupid is a great way to meet other military personnel and veterans.
  • It offers an easy-to-use interface that makes it simple to find compatible matches.
  • The site has plenty of features, including private messaging and photo galleries, so you can get to know potential dates better.
  • Limited membership base compared to other dating sites.
  • Lack of communication options for free members.
  • Not enough features available on the mobile app version.
  • Difficulty in finding matches due to a limited search radius option.
  • Difficulties with verifying military status of potential dates/matches.

How we reviewed MilitaryCupid

As an online dating expert, I took a deep dive into MilitaryCupid to review it. My team and I tested both the free and paid versions of this site by sending messages to other users over several days. We sent out a total of 100 messages during our testing period – that’s more than most other review sites! We also looked at the different features offered on MilitaryCupid, such as its messaging system, search filters for finding potential matches quickly, profile creation process etc., so we could get an overall understanding of how well they worked. Additionally, we examined their privacy policy in detail to make sure all user data was secure from third-party access or misuse. Finally, after spending multiple hours using this website ourselves (over 3 days), my team and I put together our findings into one comprehensive report about what makes MilitaryCupid unique compared with similar websites out there today – setting us apart from other reviews who don’t offer such thorough assessments like ours!

Help & Support

Ah, MilitaryCupid. What a letdown! If you’re looking for support on this dating site, good luck – it ain’t gonna happen. I tried to get in touch with them multiple times and all I got was crickets chirping back at me.

I mean sure, they have an FAQ page but it’s about as helpful as a chocolate teapot – the answers are so vague that they don’t really help much anyway. And if you do manage to find something useful there (which is rare), then getting your query answered by one of their “support staff" takes forever; no matter how urgent or important your issue may be! In fact, when I contacted them recently about some technical issues my account had been having? Yeah…still waiting for a response after two weeks now…
It doesn’t seem like anyone over at MilitaryCupid actually cares enough to respond promptly and efficiently which makes using the service kind of pointless since any problems can take ages before being resolved properly (if ever). So unless you want frustration piled onto disappointment served up with side order of hopelessness – steer clear from this particular online dating platform altogether!

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a military-style dating site, then MilitaryCupid may seem like the perfect fit. But looks can be deceiving! The design of this website is seriously lacking in both creativity and usability.

First off, let’s talk about the color scheme – it’s not great. It features an unappealing combination of browns and blues that make it look more like a government document than a fun online dating experience. And if you think upgrading to premium will give you access to better UI improvements…well, don’t hold your breath! It doesn’t get much better when we take into account how user friendly (or unfriendly) MilitaryCupid is either; navigating around this website feels like wading through mud with no end in sight – there are too many menus and submenus making navigation difficult at best…and downright frustrating at worst! Plus all those ads popping up every five seconds? Talk about annoying as heck!!

To top things off, finding potential matches on here isn’t exactly easy either: sure they have their “military singles search engine," but good luck getting any results outta that thing without spending hours trying to figure out its inscrutable algorithms or purchasing one of their pricey subscription plans first – ughhh!!!

All in all I’d say stay away from MilitaryCupid unless you’re really desperate for love – because trust me when I tell ya’, it ain’t worth your time or money!!

Signing up

Registering on MilitaryCupid is a breeze! All you need to do is provide your email address, age and create a password. That’s it – no long forms or complicated questions required. Plus, the whole process only takes about two minutes tops.

The minimum age requirement for registering on MilitaryCupid is 18 years old – so make sure you’re of legal age before signing up! Once that’s out of the way, all there’s left to do now is confirm your account via an activation link sent directly to your inbox (so don’t forget to check those spam folders). And voila – just like that, registration complete in record time! What makes this even better? It won’t cost ya anything; yep folks- signup and use are both free as can be at MilitaryCupid. Now isn’t that sweet?

Speaking from experience here – setting up my profile was super easy too: simply add some photos of yourself (which I highly recommend) along with any other info such as interests or hobbies if desired; then hit save and you’re good ta go! Oh yeah…and don’t forget about writing something catchy in the ‘About Me’ section either…it’ll definitely help get more eyes looking at yours truly 😉

All things considered though–if speed dating were ever invented–registering with Military Cupid would surely qualify for gold medal status every single time around without fail!! So whatcha waiting for?? Get online today & find love faster than ever before 🙂

  • To register on MilitaryCupid, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A password
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your age
  • Your country of residence
  • Your zip code
  • A profile photo

MilitaryCupid features

If you’re looking for a dating site that offers something different, MilitaryCupid is not the place to go. While it claims to be an online military-focused matchmaking service, there are no unique features on this platform – just the same old stuff as other sites.

The free version of MilitaryCupid has limited options and doesn’t offer much in terms of communication or search functions. You can create a profile and upload photos but that’s about it – you won’t be able to send messages unless you upgrade your account with one of their paid plans which range from $12-$30 per month depending on how long your subscription lasts.

The only thing I found remotely interesting was the “Verified Badge” feature where members who have been verified by customer support get special recognition when someone views their profile; however, even this isn’t enough incentive for me (or anyone else) to pay money every month just so they can talk with potential matches!

Another downside is that since most users don’t bother upgrading their accounts after signing up initially, many profiles remain inactive making it difficult if not impossible for people searching through them trying find compatible partners in any given area or region due mainly because those seeking out love will likely never hear back from anyone they message without paying first!

To make matters worse MilitaryCupid also lacks basic safety protocols such as two-factor authentication which could potentially leave user data vulnerable if hacked into by malicious actors intent on stealing personal information like credit card numbers etc… Not cool at all!

All things considered I wouldn’t recommend using MilitaryCupids services over more established platforms such as Match or eHarmony simply because there aren’t really any advantages here compared too what these larger companies already provide plus its way too expensive considering what little value customers actually receive in return besides being able access someones picture before messaging them…which let’s face it isn’t worth shelling out cash each month especially when taking into consideration all aforementioned drawbacks associated with this particular website/service overall….in my opinion anyway 😉

  • Secure verification process to ensure members are in the military
  • Advanced search filters to find compatible matches
  • Ability to connect with other members via chat, email, and video
  • Private messaging system for secure communication
  • Dedicated customer service team to answer questions and provide support


Ah, MilitaryCupid. If you’re looking for a dating site that’ll break the bank, this is it! Sure, they offer free membership but let’s face it – what kind of fun can you have with just a basic account? Not much. You need to pay up if you want to get anywhere on here and unfortunately their prices aren’t competitive at all.

For starters, there are two different types of paid subscriptions: Gold Membership and Platinum Membership. The Gold plan will cost ya $24 per month while the Platinum plan costs an eye-watering $34 per month! Yikes! Now don’t get me wrong – I’m sure these plans come with some great benefits like being able to send messages or view profiles anonymously; however in my opinion those perks don’t justify such high prices when compared to other sites out there offering similar services for cheaper rates.

Bottom line: unless your wallet isn’t feeling too light then maybe give MilitaryCupid a pass because otherwise prepare yourself for sticker shock once you check out its pricing options…

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse profiles, send winks and messages
Gold $29.99/month All free features plus:
– View full profiles
– Send and receive messages
– Get highlighted in search results
Platinum $34.99/month All Gold features plus:
– Rank above other members in searches
– Double your profile space
– VIP profile highlighting

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to MilitaryCupid include, which is a dating site specifically for military personnel and those who are interested in them;, which offers online pen pal services for members of the armed forces; and, another dating site that caters exclusively to military singles looking for love or friendship.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for current and former members of the military
  • Best for people interested in dating someone who is currently or formerly in the military
  • Best for those looking to form meaningful relationships with individuals who share a similar background


1. What payment methods does MilitaryCupid accept?

MilitaryCupid accepts all major credit cards, PayPal and even Bitcoin. It’s pretty ridiculous that a dating site is accepting payment methods like these – it just doesn’t seem right to me. I’m not sure why they would need such an extensive list of payment options for something as simple as online dating!

2. Is MilitaryCupid real?

Yes, MilitaryCupid is real. But it’s definitely not my cup of tea – I’m not a fan of dating sites in general and this one just felt like another generic platform to me. Plus, the fact that it specifically caters to military personnel made me feel uncomfortable.

3. What are MilitaryCupid alternatives?

MilitaryCupid is not the best option out there. There are plenty of other dating sites that don’t involve military personnel, so I’d suggest looking into those instead. It’s definitely worth exploring some alternatives before committing to this one!

4. Can you send messages for free on MilitaryCupid?

No, you can’t send messages for free on MilitaryCupid. You have to pay a subscription fee in order to message other users. It’s really not worth it – there are much better dating sites out there that don’t charge anything!

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By Alexis Meads

Alexis Meads is an online dating expert and author who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past five years. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Communications from UCLA, with a focus on interpersonal relationships. After college, Alexis worked as a professional matchmaker before transitioning to her current role of providing advice about how to navigate the ever-changing world of digital romance. What sets Alexis apart from other experts in this field is that she takes into account not only what works best when it comes to finding love online but also looks at why certain strategies are successful or unsuccessful depending upon individual needs and preferences. This approach allows her readers access into both sides of the equation so they can make informed decisions about their own experiences within virtual courtship environments such as Tinder or Bumble without feeling overwhelmed by all its complexities . Her expertise has been featured in numerous publications including The New York Times, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Huffington Post and more; additionally she regularly contributes articles for popular websites like Elite Daily where she provides insight into topics related to modern day dating culture ranging from first date etiquette tips all the way up through navigating long distance relationships via technology platforms . In addition ,she offers private coaching sessions tailored specifically towards helping clients get comfortable with using different types of media tools while building confidence around initiating conversations with potential partners – something which many people find difficult even outside an internet context! All told , there’s no doubt that Alexis brings invaluable knowledge & experience when it comes understanding today’s complex landscape surrounding digital romance - making her one go-to resource if you're looking for help navigating your journey towards true love !

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