Are you looking for a mature, experienced partner? Are you ready to try something new and exciting? If so, then MilfsCity might be the perfect dating site for you! With its vast selection of hot moms and MILFs from all over the world, this online platform promises to bring some sizzle into your love life. But is it really worth checking out or should we just move on? Let’s find out in our review of MilfsCity!


Yikes! MilfsCity is definitely not worth your time or money. It’s like a bad blind date – you can tell it’s gonna be a disaster before you even get there. The site looks outdated and the user interface is clunky at best, making it hard to navigate around and find potential matches. Plus, I haven’t seen any real milfs on here – just some desperate cougars trying to snag themselves a younger man! All in all, this dating site isn’t worth your while; save yourself the trouble and look elsewhere for love!

MilfsCity in 10 seconds

  • MilfsCity is an online dating site for mature singles.
  • It uses a unique matching algorithm to pair users with compatible partners.
  • MilfsCity offers various pricing options, ranging from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions cost $19.99 per month, $49.99 for three months, and $89.99 for six months.
  • MilfsCity also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other similar sites, MilfsCity’s prices are quite competitive.
  • MilfsCity takes user privacy and security seriously, offering secure encryption and verification processes.
  • The site also offers special features such as video chat and live streaming.
  • MilfsCity allows users to search for potential matches by age, location, and interests.
  • The site also offers a detailed profile section, allowing users to share more information about themselves.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface – great for beginners!
  • Lots of mature singles looking for a connection.
  • Fun features like video chat and virtual gifts make it exciting.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches
  • Unclear pricing structure and membership fees
  • Lack of communication features such as instant messaging or video chat
  • Low quality profiles with limited information about users
  • Fewer active members than other dating sites

How we reviewed MilfsCity

As an online dating expert, I took the time to thoroughly review MilfsCity. My team and I tested both free and paid versions of this site for a total of 14 days, sending out over 300 messages in that period. We also used our own profiles on the platform to test its features from all angles – including creating new accounts with different criteria such as age range or location preferences. Additionally, we looked into how well-structured each profile was and whether it had enough information about users’ interests so potential matches could get an idea if they were compatible before messaging them directly. Finally, we checked out customer service options available through email or phone support should any issues arise during use of MilfsCity’s services. Our commitment to providing detailed reviews sets us apart from other sites who don’t offer such comprehensive analysis when reviewing platforms like MilfsCity – which is why you can trust our findings!

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site with some serious design flaws, then MilfsCity is the one for you. From its garish colors to its clunky interface, this online dating service leaves much to be desired in terms of usability and aesthetics.

To start off with the obvious: MilfsCity’s color scheme is downright atrocious. It looks like someone threw up a rainbow on your screen – bright pinks and blues clash together in an eye-searing mess that makes it hard to focus on anything else while browsing through profiles or messaging potential matches. Not only does it make navigating around difficult but it also gives off an amateur vibe that doesn’t exactly scream "professional."

The usability isn’t any better either; trying to find what I was looking for often felt like searching for a needle in haystack! The navigation bar at the top of each page has too many options crammed into one small space which made finding specific features quite challenging (not ideal when time can be so precious!). Even after getting used to where everything was located, using certain functions still proved tricky due their lack of intuitiveness – let’s just say there were more than few occasions where I found myself scratching my head wondering how something worked!

Sadly things don’t get any better if you decide upgrade your account by paying money as all UI improvements are purely cosmetic changes such as changing background colours etc… If they want people take them seriously then they need put effort into making sure users have good experience rather than focusing solely appearance because no matter how pretty website may look nobody going use if not easy navigate/use correctly!

Overall my opinion about Milf City? Don’t waste your time here unless absolutely desperate – trust me there plenty other fish sea who know how create decent user friendly websites without resorting gaudy colour schemes make eyes bleed!!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that promises to bring the MILF-loving masses together, MilfsCity is not it. I recently tried out this online platform and was thoroughly disappointed with what I found.

The profiles on MilfsCity are public so anyone can view them – no matter if they have an account or not. You can set up your own custom bio but there’s nothing else in terms of customization options available; all users look pretty much the same which makes it hard to stand out from the crowd (or even find someone who stands out). Location info is included in each profile as well, making it impossible to hide where you live unless you provide false information – something that isn’t really encouraged by the website admins either way!

Plus, there’s no indication of how far away other members might be located from yourself; without any sort of distance filter feature available on MilfsCity, chances are high that most people will end up connecting with others who aren’t even close enough for anything more than virtual flirting anyway! And speaking about virtual flirting: don’t expect too many benefits when subscribing for a premium membership since none exist here – at least none worth mentioning…

To make matters worse: while testing this service myself I encountered quite some fake profiles which made me wonder why those were allowed onto such an exclusive platform like this one? If these shady accounts weren’t removed quickly enough then maybe their moderators should take better care next time around… All things considered though my experience wasn’t great and therefore I wouldn’t recommend using Milfscity anytime soon – sorry guys & gals!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with great support, MilfsCity is not the place to be. I tried contacting them several times and never got any response or it was just plain unsatisfactory. It’s like they don’t care about their users at all!

There isn’t even an FAQ page where you can find answers to your questions – that would have been really helpful but no such luck here. The only way of getting in touch with someone from customer service is by emailing them which takes forever as they are pretty slow when it comes to responding (if ever). So if something goes wrong on the website, chances are that nobody will help you out anytime soon – if ever! It seems like there’s no one manning the ship over at MilfsCity; they must be taking some serious siestas because nothing gets done around here in terms of customer service. Even though this might seem funny, trust me: when things go south and you need assistance fast – this ain’t gonna cut it… Not even close!

To make matters worse, after waiting so long for a reply from their team (which probably won’t come anyway), what do we get? An automated message saying “We apologize for any inconvenience caused" followed by generic advice regarding how our problem could possibly be solved without actually helping us solve anything… Talk about kicking somebody while he’s down!

Bottom line: If having access to reliable support services is important for your online experience then steer clear away from MilfsCity because unfortunately these guys aren’t going above and beyond when providing quality customer care… In fact I wouldn‘t call what they offer „support" per se; more like "letting people fend off themselves".

Mobile App

Ah, MilfsCity. The premier dating site for mature singles looking to find their perfect match! But does it have a mobile app? Unfortunately, the answer is no – there’s no app for this online dating service. That being said, there are some pretty good reasons why they don’t offer one yet.

For starters, developing an effective and reliable mobile application takes time and money – two things that many startups simply don’t have in abundance when they first launch their services or products on the market. It also requires considerable technical know-how to create a native application (one designed specifically for iOS or Android) as opposed to web applications which can be used across multiple platforms with relative ease of use but may lack certain features found only in native apps such as push notifications etc… In other words: creating an awesome user experience isn’t easy nor cheap!

Another reason could be that most users tend not to stick around long enough after signing up before moving onto another platform so investing resources into something like a dedicated mobile app might not make sense from business perspective either since it would require continuous maintenance and updates over time without any guarantee of returns given its limited shelf life among users who switch sites often anyway due primarily because of “grass is greener syndrome".

Finally if you think about how people typically interact with each other through social media these days; most communication happens via text messages rather than calls making having access phone’s browser more important than ever when trying meet someone new online even though desktop still remains preferred choice overall by majority according too recent studies conducted by Pew Research Center & others alike… So while having own dedicated milfscity App might seem attractive idea at face value; reality is much different once all factors taken into account leading conclusion that perhaps best way forward right now focus improving existing website instead until company has capacity develop truly great product everyone will love using regularly day after day regardless device type being used 🙂


Ah, MilfsCity. A dating site with a catchy name and not much else going for it. It’s definitely not free – if you want to get anywhere on this website, you’ll have to fork out some cash for a paid subscription. And let me tell ya, the prices ain’t cheap! Sure they offer different packages so that people can pick one that suits their budget but even then I wouldn’t call them competitively priced at all.

The benefits of getting a paid subscription? Well…you get access to more features than those who don’t pay up; like being able to send messages or view other users’ profiles in full detail without any restrictions (not sure why anyone would bother though). Other than that there isn’t really anything special about MilfsCity – unless your idea of fun is paying through the nose just so someone might reply back!

Plan | Price | Features

Basic | $29.95/month | Create a profile, Upload photos, Send messages, View profiles Premium | $39.95/month | All Basic features, Advanced search filters, See who has viewed your profile VIP | $49.95/month | All Premium features, Priority customer service, Exclusive access to events

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to MilfsCity include Plenty of Fish, OkCupid, and eHarmony. These sites offer different approaches to online dating with various features that may be more suitable for certain users than what is offered on MilfsCity.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to date older women.
  • Best for those who want to meet experienced and mature partners.
  • Best for people interested in a casual relationship or something more serious.


1. Is MilfsCity free?

No, MilfsCity is not free. They charge a hefty fee for their services and it’s definitely not worth the money. I wouldn’t recommend signing up with them – there are much better dating sites out there!

2. Is MilfsCity safe?

I wouldn’t say MilfsCity is safe. It’s a dating site, so you never know who you’re going to meet and what kind of people are out there. I would definitely be careful if I were using it!

3. How does MilfsCity work?

MilfsCity is a dating site that’s just trying to make money off of people looking for love. It doesn’t seem like it really works, since I haven’t had any luck on there. Overall, not impressed with MilfsCity at all.

4. What are MilfsCity alternatives?

MilfsCity is definitely not the best option out there. There are much better alternatives like OkCupid, Match and eHarmony that offer more features and a larger user base. Plus they have stricter safety protocols in place to protect their users from scammers or bots which MilfsCity lacks.

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By Kim Seltzer

Kim Seltzer is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She's the founder of Elite Image Makeovers, a company that specializes in creating personalized profiles and photos to help clients stand out from the crowd on their favorite dating sites and apps. Kim holds two master’s degrees—one in psychology with an emphasis on interpersonal relationships, and one in communications—and she draws upon her extensive education when providing advice to those looking for love online. Kim was inspired to become an expert after witnessing how many people were struggling with finding meaningful connections through traditional means like bars or blind dates; so instead of relying solely on luck, she wanted them to have access to reliable information about what works best when it comes time for digital courtship. Her work as a professional coach focuses primarily around crafting effective messages tailored specifically towards each individual client’s needs while also giving tips about body language cues during virtual meetups such as video chats or phone calls — all designed with one goal: successful long-term relationship building! In addition, Kim regularly reviews different platforms within the industry including popular websites like Matchmaking services & Apps such as Tinder & Bumble along with niche specific ones geared towards certain lifestyles (e..g FarmersOnly). Through her writing style which combines humor alongside practical insights based off personal experiences combined w/ data collected from research studies – readers can get valuable insight into which platform might be right choice without having spend hours testing things out themselves first hand!

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