Are you looking for love? Ready to take the plunge and try online dating? Then LoveAndSeek might be just what you need! But is it really worth your time and effort, or should you keep searching elsewhere? Read on to find out if this site can help bring that special someone into your life.


LoveAndSeek is a dating site that’s not worth your time or money. It’s like trying to find a needle in the haystack – it just ain’t gonna happen! The user interface looks outdated and there are way too many fake profiles. Plus, you can barely get any matches no matter how hard you try. Save yourself the trouble and look elsewhere for love – this one’s definitely not worth it!

LoveAndSeek in 10 seconds

  • LoveAndSeek is a dating site that helps people find potential partners.
  • LoveAndSeek uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible matches.
  • LoveAndSeek offers several pricing options, including monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscriptions cost $14.99, quarterly subscriptions cost $29.97, and annual subscriptions cost $59.94.
  • LoveAndSeek has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • LoveAndSeek’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • LoveAndSeek takes user privacy and security seriously, using SSL encryption to protect data.
  • LoveAndSeek allows users to search for potential matches by age, location, interests, and more.
  • LoveAndSeek also offers a “Date Night” feature, which provides users with ideas for fun date activities.
  • LoveAndSeek provides users with access to a live customer service team to answer any questions or concerns.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface with intuitive navigation.
  • Comprehensive search options for finding the perfect match.
  • Secure messaging system ensures privacy and safety of users.
  • It’s not free – you have to pay for a subscription.
  • Limited search options make it hard to find the right match.
  • The site is slow and can be glitchy at times.
  • There are too many fake profiles on LoveAndSeek.
  • Customer service isn’t great, so getting help with any issues can take time.

How we reviewed LoveAndSeek

To review LoveAndSeek, my team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the site. We spent several days sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 200 messages! To ensure a comprehensive review, we also took time to explore each feature on the website. This included testing out their search filters, messaging system as well as looking into their privacy settings for added security. We also looked at user feedback from social media platforms such as Twitter & Facebook to get an idea of what people thought about this dating site before making our final verdict. What sets us apart from other reviews sites is that we take extra steps like these when reviewing products so that you can be sure you’re getting accurate information about your potential date spots!

Signing up

If you’re looking for a dating site that’s easy to register with, LoveAndSeek is definitely worth checking out. The process is straightforward and takes no time at all! First off, the minimum age requirement for registration on LoveAndSeek is 18 years old. This means that anyone under this age will not be able to join in on the fun – so make sure you meet this criteria before signing up! Once your eligibility has been confirmed, it’s time to get started. The first step of registering with LoveAndSeek involves creating an account by entering some basic information such as your name and email address. You’ll also need to create a password which should be kept secure at all times since it provides access into your personal profile page later down the line (so don’t go sharing it around!). After submitting these details successfully, you’ll receive an activation link via email which needs clicking before continuing further – talk about having security measures in place! Once activated however; things start moving along quickly from here onwards as there are only two more steps left until completion: setting up a profile photo & writing something about yourself within 150 characters or less (which can always be edited afterwards). And voila – just like that you’ve finished registering with LoveAndSeek without any fuss whatsoever…and best of all? It’s free too!! So why wait any longer? Go ahead and give them a try today if online dating tickles your fancy…you won’t regret it 😉

  • These are the requirements to register on LoveAndSeek:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile photo
  • An age of 18 or older
  • A gender and orientation preference
  • A username and password
  • A description of yourself
  • Answers to a series of questions about your interests, lifestyle, and values

LoveAndSeek features

If you’re looking for a dating site that promises the moon and stars, LoveAndSeek is not it. While they offer both free and paid features, there isn’t much to get excited about either way. The basic search function is so limited that you might as well be playing blind man’s bluff when trying to find someone who meets your criteria. Even if you do manage to stumble across an interesting profile, don’t expect any bells or whistles – no chat rooms or video messaging here!

The few unique features on LoveAndSeek are nothing special either; their “Connections” feature allows users to add other members as friends (or "connections") but this seems like more of a gimmick than anything else since all communication must still take place via private messages in order for two people meet up offline. And speaking of meeting up offline – forget about it! There are no location-based services available which means finding potential dates near your area can be difficult at best…unless maybe if you live in one of the larger cities where there may actually be enough singles using the service? Who knows?! Ugh…I’m starting sound like my grandmother now with her old-fashioned matchmaking advice: ‘just put yourself out there’ she’d say.. sigh If only things were really that simple these days!

Overall I would have give LoveAndSeek 1 star out 5 stars because even though they claim ‘love starts here’ its hard see how anyone could fall head over heels with such lackluster options compared what other sites offer today. All I can say is good luck finding love through them –you’ll need it!.

  • Free membership
  • Detailed profile creation
  • Search filters to find matches based on location, age, interests, and more
  • Private messaging system
  • Photo galleries for members to share pictures

Mobile App

Ah, LoveAndSeek! The dating site that promises to help you find your perfect match. But does it have a mobile app? Well, the answer is yes and no. Yes, there’s an official LoveAndSeek app but unfortunately it’s not native – so if you’re looking for something tailored specifically to iOS or Android users then this isn’t the one for you. However if all-in-one compatibility is what floats your boat then read on…

The non-native LoveAndSeek app can be downloaded free of charge from either Google Play Store or Apple App Store (depending on which device type you use). It offers most of the same features as its desktop counterpart with some extra bells and whistles thrown in such as notifications when someone has sent a message etc., plus push notifications whenever new matches are found nearby – very handy indeed! On top of that there’s also GPS tracking so users can easily locate each other should they decide to meet up in person; great stuff I’m sure we’d all agree!

Unfortunately though like many apps these days it comes with quite a few drawbacks too; namely slow loading times due to poor optimization along with frequent crashes/freezes during use…not ideal by any means especially when trying hard make first impressions count online. Another issue worth mentioning here is data security since even though user information appears safe enough at present time who knows how secure things will remain over longer periods? All good questions indeed…

So overall while having access via an actual mobile application might sound appealing initially bear in mind that sometimes less really IS more where software design goes – particularly given current trends towards simpler yet faster experiences across multiple platforms regardless whether those be web based or otherwise…just food for thought y’know?! In conclusion therefore although officially available right now my advice would still err towards waiting until future updates arrive before taking advantage of whatever benefits may come included therein….

Security & Safety

LoveAndSeek is a dating app that claims to be all about safety and security, but don’t let the marketing fool you. While it does have some features in place to help protect users from bots and fake accounts, there’s still room for improvement when it comes to verifying user identities. There isn’t any two-step verification process available on LoveAndSeek which means anyone can create an account without having their identity verified or confirmed by the platform itself. Photos are also not manually reviewed before they’re posted so this could lead to potential scammers being able to upload images of someone else as their own profile picture with no way of knowing if those photos are actually real or not. The privacy policy on LoveAndSeek is pretty basic – nothing out of the ordinary here either – but I would’ve liked more information regarding how my data will be used once shared with them instead of just a blanket statement saying ‘we may use your data’. All in all, while I appreciate what Loveandseek has done in termsof providing some levelsofsecurity for its users; however, untilthey improvetheirverificationprocessesI wouldn’t recommend usingthisappifyouwanttofeelcompletelysafeandsureaboutwhoyou’retalkingto online!


LoveAndSeek is a dating site, but it doesn’t come cheap. If you’re looking for love on the internet, then this isn’t your best bet. While they do offer some free features, if you want to get serious about finding someone special then you’ll need to pay up! The paid subscription prices are far from competitive and don’t even give access to all of their services – talk about adding insult to injury!

The benefits of getting a paid subscription include being able to send messages without limits and having access to more detailed search options that can help narrow down potential matches. But honestly these perks just aren’t worth what LoveAndSeek charges – yikes! All in all I wouldn’t recommend shelling out money for this online dating service unless there’s no other option available.

Plan Price Features
Basic $0.00 Create a profile, Search for matches, Send winks, View profiles
Premium $19.99/month All Basic features, View photos, Send messages, Receive messages, See who’s viewed your profile
Premium Plus $29.99/month All Premium features, Connect with Instant Messenger, Highlighted profile in search results

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that are similar to LoveAndSeek include ChristianMingle, eHarmony, and All of these websites offer a safe and secure environment for singles looking for love or companionship online.

  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Plenty of Fish

Best for

  • Best for those looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for people who are interested in Christian dating.
  • Best for singles over 50 years old seeking companionship and love.


1. How does LoveAndSeek work?

LoveAndSeek is a total waste of time. It’s just like any other dating site, you create a profile and search for potential matches – but the selection isn’t great. Plus it costs money to use most features so I wouldn’t recommend it at all!

2. What is LoveAndSeek?

LoveAndSeek is a dating site that seems to be full of scammers and bots. It’s hard to find any real people on there, so it’s not worth the time or effort. Avoid LoveAndSeek if you’re looking for something genuine!

3. How long does it take to have my profile approved on LoveAndSeek?

It usually takes way too long to get my profile approved on LoveAndSeek. I’m always waiting around for days before it’s finally done, which is really annoying. It’s a total drag and makes me not want to use the site at all!

4. What are LoveAndSeek alternatives?

I’ve tried LoveAndSeek and it’s not great. There are much better alternatives out there like eHarmony or if you’re looking for a more reliable dating site experience. Stay away from LoveAndSeek!

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By Jane Garapick

Jane Garapick is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over 10 years. She is passionate about helping people make meaningful connections and believes that everyone deserves to be in a loving relationship. Jane began her career as a professional matchmaker, working with clients one-on-one to help them navigate the world of modern romance. After seeing how difficult it was for many of her clients to find compatible partners on their own, she decided to take matters into her own hands by writing reviews on various dating sites and apps so others could benefit from what she had learned through experience. In addition to being an experienced writer, Jane holds two degrees: a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Harvard University and Master’s Degree in Social Work from Columbia University School of Social Work. Her education has given her valuable insight into human behavior which helps inform the advice she gives when reviewing different services or products related to online dating today – including safety tips! With each review written, Jane strives not only provide helpful information but also inspire readers with stories that demonstrate why true connection still exists despite our increasingly digital lives; something which motivates all aspects of work within this field even more deeply than ever before!

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