Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Are you a single lesbian who’s been searching high and low for that special someone, but to no avail? Well, have we got news for you! LesbieDates might just be your knight in shining armor. Let’s take a closer look at this dating site – is it worth checking out or should it stay off your radar?


LesbieDates is a total dud. It’s like trying to find love in the desert – you just won’t get anywhere! The site looks outdated and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was even still active. After all, who would bother with such an ancient looking platform? Not me that’s for sure! Plus, there were so few members on LesbieDates that it felt like I was talking to myself when using the chat feature – not exactly what one hopes for when searching for their perfect match online. Save your time and money; this dating site isn’t worth either of them!

LesbieDates in 10 seconds

  • LesbieDates is a dating site for lesbian, bisexual and queer women.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible matches.
  • LesbieDates offers three pricing options: Basic, Plus and Premium.
  • The Premium subscription costs $19.99 per month, $39.99 for 3 months or $69.99 for 6 months.
  • LesbieDates does not have an app but can be accessed through its website.
  • The pricing of LesbieDates is competitive with similar sites on the market.
  • LesbieDates provides secure and private online dating services.
  • Users can also use the “Icebreaker” feature to start conversations.
  • LesbieDates has a “Verified Member” system to ensure user safety.
  • LesbieDates also offers a “Safe Mode” to hide from unwanted attention.

Pros & Cons

  • LesbieDates is a safe and secure platform for lesbian singles to find their perfect match.
  • It’s easy to use, with intuitive features that make it simple to navigate the site.
  • The customer service team are friendly and helpful in answering any questions you may have.
  • Limited user base in some areas.
  • Not many features to help you find a match quickly.
  • Some profiles appear to be inactive or fake.
  • Messaging is only available for premium members.
  • The website design could use an update and more modern look & feel.

How we reviewed LesbieDates

As an online dating expert, I and my team went through a rigorous process to review LesbieDates. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 100 messages within two weeks. This gave us a comprehensive overview of how easy it was for us to connect with people on this platform. We also looked into user profiles, ensuring that they were detailed enough so as not to be misleading or false information about someone’s identity or interests; something which is especially important when using any kind of dating service! Additionally, we checked out all features available on both versions – from messaging options like private chat rooms & video calls (which are only available with premium subscription) down to search filters & profile customization settings – making sure that each feature worked correctly without any glitches.
Finally, our commitment towards providing thorough reviews sets us apart from other sites who don’t take such steps before giving their opinion about a product/service: during our testing period we made sure no stone was left unturned while assessing LesbieDates’ performance across various aspects including usability, security measures taken by them etc., thus allowing readers get an accurate understanding regarding its overall quality and reliability as well as if it’s worth investing time in this particular website or not!

Help & Support

When it comes to LesbieDates, the support is far from satisfactory. Don’t expect any help if you have a problem with this dating site – they don’t really seem to care about their users’ needs and concerns.

The response time for customer service inquiries on LesbieDates is abysmal at best; I’ve contacted them several times over the past few months and never received an answer or even acknowledgement of my message! Even when I did get a reply, it was so vague that it didn’t actually address my issue in any meaningful way. It’s like talking into thin air – nothing ever happens after that initial contact! It doesn’t look like there are many options available either: no phone number listed anywhere on their website (which makes sense since they’re an online-only platform), nor do they offer live chat services which would be much more convenient than having to wait days just for someone to respond via email. There isn’t even a page with frequently asked questions where people can find answers quickly without needing assistance from staff members… talk about not pulling your weight!

To make matters worse, the team behind LesbieDates seems completely uninterested in helping out its customers; emails go unanswered and queries remain unresolved indefinitely – what kind of business model is this?! The whole experience has been incredibly frustrating as well as discouraging given how long we had waited before finally giving up hope of getting our issues resolved by anyone associated with this company whatsoever…and all because nobody bothered responding back promptly enough or offering useful advice/solutions during our conversations (if you could call them that).

All things considered, trying to access support through Lesbiedate’s channels feels like banging your head against a brick wall – futile effort yielding zero results! If you need help navigating around this site then good luck finding someone who will listen let alone provide helpful guidance…you’ll probably end up waiting forever while hoping against hope something eventually changes but sadly chances are slim at best 🙁

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, LesbieDates leaves a lot to be desired. It’s hard not to feel like you’re taking your life in your hands when using this dating app. There is no verification process for users so there’s really no way of knowing who you are talking with or if they even exist! And don’t get me started on the bots and fake accounts that plague the site – I’m sure their algorithm isn’t doing much good against them either since there doesn’t seem to be any two-step verification option available.

The photos aren’t manually reviewed either, which means anyone can upload whatever images they want without having them checked first – yikes! That could mean anything from catfishing profiles all the way up through more nefarious activities such as sending explicit content or worse yet trying entrapment schemes by law enforcement agencies (which have been known happen). On top of that, their privacy policy seems pretty lax too; basically giving themselves free reign over what information gets shared with third parties without explicitly saying how it will be used. Not cool at all…

All in all? If safety and security are important considerations for you then LesbieDates might not be right choice when looking for an online dating experience. You’d probably do better sticking with one of its competitors instead where user verifications actually exist along side other features designed specifically towards protecting users’ data while also helping weed out potential scammers/bots etc..

LesbieDates features

If you’re looking for a lesbian dating site, LesbieDates might seem like an attractive option. But trust me when I say that it doesn’t live up to the hype. It’s got some serious drawbacks and shortcomings – so much so that I’d advise against signing up unless you’re desperate!

Let’s start with the free features: they are extremely limited and basic. You can create your profile, upload photos, browse other profiles…and not much else! There is no search feature whatsoever; instead of being able to look for potential matches based on criteria such as age or location, all users are presented in one big list which makes finding someone specific almost impossible. And if there was any doubt about how seriously this site takes its members’ safety – forget about it – there isn’t even an email verification process before joining!

As far as paid features go…well don’t get too excited because there aren’t many either (which should tell you something). The only thing available is “premium membership" which allows access to additional content but nothing groundbreakingly unique or exciting here folks!. To be honest what little extra content does exist feels more like filler than anything actually useful; from my experience most people just end up cancelling their subscription after realizing they’ve been duped into paying for something totally useless..

All in all LesbieDates fails miserably at providing a quality online dating service – whether free or paid-for options are concerned. Sure,it has nice graphics and looks pretty enough,but ultimately its lack of decent features means that it falls short compared with similar sites out there. So while this may be suitable if you’re absolutely desperate…I would definitely recommend giving LesbieDates a miss!

  • A safe and secure platform for lesbian, bisexual, and queer women to connect
  • Advanced search filters to find compatible matches
  • Private messaging system for users to communicate securely
  • Matching algorithm that suggests potential matches based on user preferences
  • Ability to create a detailed profile with photos and information about interests and lifestyle

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site, LesbieDates is definitely not the one. The user profiles are pretty basic and lack any real depth or detail that would make them stand out from other sites. To start with, all of the profiles on LesbieDates are public which means anyone can view them – even if they aren’t registered users! There’s no way to set a custom bio either so there isn’t much room for creativity when it comes to describing yourself. Location info is included in each profile but unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be an option to hide this information; meaning your exact location could potentially be seen by others who come across your profile page.

What’s more, I couldn’t find any indication of how far away another user was located from me – making it hard (if not impossible)to know if someone was within my vicinity or halfway around the world! And while premium subscriptions do offer some benefits such as access exclusive features like advanced search filters and unlimited messaging options – these don’t really add up considering what little value you get out of using this site in general anyway… especially since most people probably won’t want their money going towards something that doesn’t provide anything useful back!

To top things off I also encountered quite a few fake profiles during my time testing out LesbieDates which just made matters worse because now instead of wasting time scrolling through legitimate ones – I had waste even more energy trying figure out whether certain accounts were actually legit or not… talk about frustrating!! All-in-all though? This website ain’t worth yer salt matey – unless ye wanna end up wastin’ precious hours o’ yer life tryna sift through dull ‘n dreary ol’ online dating pages then best steer clear o’ thar waters ’cause trust me: Ye’ll regret ever settin sail down thar path otherwise!!


If you’re looking for a dating site, LesbieDates is not the one. Sure, it looks like it’s free to join but don’t be fooled – they’ll hit you with hidden fees once you sign up! You have to pay if you want access to any of their features and even then the prices are way too high. For example, if I wanted full access for just three months I’d be paying almost as much as an annual subscription on other sites – talk about highway robbery! And forget about trying out their premium services; those come at a hefty price tag that’s sure to leave your wallet feeling light. Bottom line: If cost matters more than quality when choosing a dating site then go ahead and give LesbieDates a try but otherwise steer clear because there are better options out there without breaking the bank.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, Search for matches, Send winks
Plus $29 All free features, Unlimited messaging
VIP $59 All plus features, Priority customer support

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to LesbieDates include OkCupid, HER, and PinkCupid. These sites are specifically designed for lesbian singles looking for meaningful relationships or casual dating experiences.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for Lesbian, Bisexual and Queer women looking to meet other like-minded individuals.
  • Best for those seeking meaningful relationships with someone who shares their values and beliefs.
  • Best for people interested in exploring the LGBTQ+ community or making new friends online.


1. Is LesbieDates safe?

Yes, LesbieDates is a dating site but it doesn’t feel very safe. There’s no verification process and I’m not sure how secure the platform is. It just feels like anyone could be on there without any accountability or responsibility for their actions.

2. Is LesbieDates a scam?

No way! LesbieDates is definitely not a scam. It’s an awesome dating site that I’ve personally used and had great success with. So don’t believe the naysayers, it’s totally legit!

3. How much does LesbieDates cost?

LesbieDates is way too expensive for what it offers. The subscription fees are ridiculous and there’s no guarantee that you’ll find someone compatible. I wouldn’t recommend this dating site to anyone looking for a good value.

4. How to find people on LesbieDates?

Finding people on LesbieDates is pretty easy – all you have to do is sign up and start browsing. It’s not the most reliable way of finding someone though, since it seems like a lot of profiles are fake or inactive. I wouldn’t recommend using this site if you’re looking for something serious.

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By Tyler Durden

Tyler Durden is an online dating expert and writer who has dedicated his life to helping people find the perfect match. He holds a degree in psychology from Stanford University, which gave him the tools he needed to understand how relationships work. His experience with various types of couples made it clear that there was something missing when it came to finding true love through traditional methods like bars or clubs. That's why Tyler decided to focus on online dating sites and apps - they provide more options for potential matches than ever before! With years of research under his belt, Tyler knows what works best for different kinds of daters: whether you're looking for casual flings or long-term commitment, he can help you make informed decisions about where your next relationship might come from. He also reviews popular dating platforms so that users know exactly what they're getting into before signing up; this way no one wastes their time on services that don't meet their needs (or worse yet – are scams!). Whether writing articles about successful first dates or offering advice on how not be catfished by someone pretending to be someone else entirely, Tyler always strives towards making sure everyone finds love in a safe environment without sacrificing any fun along the way!

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