Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Tired of swiping left and right with no luck? Well, why not try something new and give KoreanCupid a shot! This online dating site is dedicated to helping singles from Korea find their perfect match. So, what can you expect when signing up for this unique service? Read on to find out more about my experience using KoreanCupid – it might just be your ticket to true love!


Ah, KoreanCupid. It’s like a bad blind date – you know it won’t end well but you still go through with it anyway! Let me tell ya, if I had to give this dating site one star out of five stars, that would be too generous. The whole experience was just so-so at best and the matches were far from ideal. Plus, their customer service is abysmal; they don’t even respond to emails or messages in a timely manner! All in all: save your time and money – KoreanCupid isn’t worth either of them!

KoreanCupid in 10 seconds

  • KoreanCupid is a dating site that helps Korean singles find their perfect match.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to pair users with compatible partners.
  • Pricing options include free and premium subscriptions, ranging from $29.99 – $49.99 per month.
  • KoreanCupid also offers an app for both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of KoreanCupid is comparable to other dating sites on the market.
  • KoreanCupid takes user privacy and security seriously, offering various features to protect its members.
  • Users can verify their identity through a photo or video verification process.
  • KoreanCupid offers a unique feature called “CupidTags” which allows users to tag themselves with keywords that describe their interests and personality.
  • The site also has a “block list” feature which allows users to block any unwanted contacts.
  • KoreanCupid also offers a “report abuse” feature which allows users to report any suspicious activity.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate, even for beginners.
  • Large user base of Korean singles looking for relationships.
  • Offers a variety of communication options like instant messaging and video chat.
  • Limited user base outside of Korea
  • Some profiles are not genuine or inactive
  • Messaging is only available to paying members
  • No video chat feature for users
  • Search filters can be limited and basic

How we reviewed KoreanCupid

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a thorough approach to reviewing KoreanCupid. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site for several days by sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 200 messages! To ensure that our review was comprehensive, we also looked into various features such as profile creation, search filters available on each version of the site, messaging options (both text-based chat & video calls), customer service response time etc. We then compared all these aspects with those offered by other popular dating sites so that readers could get a better understanding about how KoreanCupid stands out from its competitors. Finally, we reached out to real people who had used this website before and asked them questions regarding their experiences using it – ranging from overall satisfaction levels to success stories they may have encountered while being part of this community. This commitment sets us apart from other review sites which often do not provide such detailed reviews or insights into user experience when testing websites like KoreanCupid – allowing us deliver honest feedback backed up with evidence collected during our tests!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for love on KoreanCupid, don’t hold your breath. This online dating site is a total bust! The user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone, so there’s no privacy here. Plus, the profile customization options are limited – you can’t even set a custom bio! On top of that, location info in the profiles isn’t optional either; it’s required information which means users have to disclose their exact whereabouts if they want to use this service. So much for keeping things private…

What about finding someone close by? Unfortunately not – there doesn’t seem to be any indication of distance between users or anything like that built into the platform at all. That makes it pretty hard (not impossible) but still difficult nonetheless – especially since most people probably wouldn’t want potential dates knowing exactly where they live anyway…

So what do premium subscribers get out of using KoreanCupid? Not much really – aside from being able to send messages without limits and see who has liked them first (which honestly just sounds like an excuse used as bait). But when I was testing out this website I didn’t come across many genuine accounts anyway – mostly fake ones trying desperately hard sell me something else entirely instead… yikes!

All in all my experience with KoreanCupid wasn’t great; after signing up I felt more frustrated than hopeful because none of its features were actually useful or beneficial towards helping me find true love. If you’re thinking about joining then think again: save yourself some time and money ’cause trust me when I say this place ain’t worth your while

Mobile App

Well, if you’re looking for a dating site with an app, KoreanCupid isn’t the one. Unfortunately there’s no mobile app available for this platform – and that might be because it just hasn’t been developed yet! It could also be due to the fact that KoreanCupid is part of Cupid Media network which offers over 30 other niche-based international sites like JapanCupid or ThaiLoveLinks. This means they may have chosen to focus their efforts on developing those apps first before tackling something as big as creating a new one from scratch.

That being said, even without an official mobile application users can still access all features of the website through its optimized version on any device including smartphones and tablets by simply visiting in your browser – so don’t worry about missing out! You’ll get all the same benefits: searching profiles based on criteria such as age/location/interests; browsing photos; sending messages etc., but with more convenience since you won’t need to open up your laptop every time you want to check who sent what message or browse some profiles while waiting at Starbucks (which I totally do not recommend).

Plus using browsers instead of native applications allows developers greater flexibility when introducing changes and updates meaning things stay fresh longer than ever before… No more downloading annoying updates every few weeks only for them not work properly anyway (we’ve all been there!). So although having a dedicated application would make life easier overall I think we should give credit where credit is due – kudos guys!

Signing up

Ready to take the plunge into online dating? Well, if you’re looking for a Korean partner, then look no further than KoreanCupid. It’s an awesome site that offers all kinds of features and functions – but before you can get started on your quest for love (or just some fun!), there are a few steps involved in registering.

The first thing is setting up your account; this requires basic information like age (you must be at least 18 years old), gender and location. Once that’s done, it’s time to add some photos! You don’t have to go crazy here – one or two good ones will do the trick – but make sure they’re clear enough so potential matches can see what you look like without squinting too hard! After uploading them successfully, now comes filling out your profile with more details about yourself: interests/hobbies; lifestyle habits such as smoking/drinking preferences etc.; education level etc., basically anything else someone might want to know about who they could potentially match with on the website.

Next step is verifying your identity by email address which should only take seconds since it’ll send an automated message straight away containing instructions on how best proceed from thereon in – easy peasy lemon squeezy! And lastly once everything has been filled out correctly according to their guidelines, click ‘Submit’ button and voila! Your registration process has been completed.

All-in-all signing up isn’t complicated nor does it require any special skills or knowledge whatsoever…so why not give it a shot? Best part is its free so even if things don’t work out exactly as planned at least money wasn’t wasted along way. So come join thousands others already using this service find perfect date today!

  • In order to register on KoreanCupid, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • Your ethnicity

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from KoreanCupid, don’t hold your breath. This dating site has a less than stellar reputation when it comes to customer service. I contacted them a couple of times and never got any response or if I did, the answer was unsatisfactory at best.

KoreanCupid doesn’t have an FAQ page either so there’s no way to find answers on your own without reaching out directly – which is usually fruitless in this case since they rarely respond back anyway! The only thing that could be considered helpful is their email address but even then you’re not guaranteed to get help with anything as the response time can take days (or weeks). And let me tell ya, waiting around isn’t exactly ideal when trying to solve issues related to online dating!

I mean come on – what kind of business model are they running here? You’d think that providing good customer service would be one of their top priorities given how competitive the industry is nowadays… yet somehow KoreanCupid seems content with leaving its users hanging in limbo whenever something goes wrong. It’s really disappointing and makes me wonder why anyone would bother signing up for such poor quality services in the first place!

Bottom line: If you need assistance while using KoreanCupid expect nothing more than radio silence from their end; chances are slim-to-none that someone will actually reply back anytime soon… if ever at all! Save yourself some frustration by avoiding this site altogether unless you want headaches galore down the road – trust me, it ain’t worth it


If you’re looking for a Korean dating site, then look no further than KoreanCupid. But be warned: it ain’t free! That’s right – if you want to take advantage of all the features this website has to offer, then you’ll have to pay up. Sure, there are some basic functions that don’t require any money but they’re pretty limited and won’t get your far in terms of finding someone special.

The good news is that the paid subscription isn’t too expensive; however, whether or not it’s competitively priced depends on what other sites charge for similar services. In comparison with its competitors though I’d say the prices aren’t bad at all – especially when considering how much value comes along with them! You can access exclusive features like advanced search options and message filters which will help make sure only people who meet your criteria show up in your inbox – now THAT’S worth paying for! Plus many more perks come along with being a premium member so even if things start off slow at least there are plenty of benefits down the line as well. All-in-all while we may not love having to shell out cash just use an online dating service (I mean c’mon!) we do appreciate that KoreanCupid offers decent pricing plans so our wallets don’t suffer too badly either way

Plan Price Features
Standard $24.98/month Create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send messages, use live chat, access to advanced matching algorithms
Gold $29.98/month All features of Standard plan plus: video and voice messaging, anonymous browsing, no ads, highlight profile in searches
Platinum $34.98/month All features of Gold plan plus: rank above other members, exclusive search features, double profile space, VIP profile highlighting

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to KoreanCupid include OkCupid, Tinder, and Bumble. These sites offer a variety of features for those looking to meet someone from Korea or elsewhere in the world.

  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking to meet Korean singles
  • Best for those seeking a long-term relationship with someone of Korean descent
  • Best for anyone interested in exploring the culture and customs of Korea


1. Is KoreanCupid legit?

Yes, KoreanCupid is legit but it’s definitely not the best dating site out there. The matches are often hit or miss and I’ve had a few bad experiences with people on the platform. It can be quite frustrating at times so you should proceed with caution if you’re considering joining this one!

2. Is KoreanCupid worth it?

I wouldn’t recommend KoreanCupid – it’s not worth the time or money. The matches are pretty hit and miss, so you’re likely to end up disappointed. Plus, there have been some issues with scammers on the site which isn’t ideal when you’re looking for a genuine connection.

3. What is KoreanCupid?

KoreanCupid is a dating site that encourages people to pursue relationships with Korean singles. It’s not the best way to meet someone, and it can be dangerous if you’re not careful. I wouldn’t recommend using this service for online dating.

4. How does KoreanCupid website work?

KoreanCupid is a dating site that’s just trying to get people together, but it doesn’t really work. It’s hard to find anyone you’re interested in and the whole thing feels like a waste of time. Plus, it seems like most of the profiles are fake anyway!

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By Jane Garapick

Jane Garapick is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over 10 years. She is passionate about helping people make meaningful connections and believes that everyone deserves to be in a loving relationship. Jane began her career as a professional matchmaker, working with clients one-on-one to help them navigate the world of modern romance. After seeing how difficult it was for many of her clients to find compatible partners on their own, she decided to take matters into her own hands by writing reviews on various dating sites and apps so others could benefit from what she had learned through experience. In addition to being an experienced writer, Jane holds two degrees: a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Harvard University and Master’s Degree in Social Work from Columbia University School of Social Work. Her education has given her valuable insight into human behavior which helps inform the advice she gives when reviewing different services or products related to online dating today – including safety tips! With each review written, Jane strives not only provide helpful information but also inspire readers with stories that demonstrate why true connection still exists despite our increasingly digital lives; something which motivates all aspects of work within this field even more deeply than ever before!

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