Are you ready to take your dating life in a new direction? Are you interested in meeting someone outside of your race and culture? If so, InterracialPeopleMeet is the perfect site for you! This review will tell all – from its user-friendly interface to its diverse membership base. So buckle up, because it’s time to explore this interracial dating platform like never before! Let’s get started…


InterracialPeopleMeet is a real dud. It’s like going to the movies and being served stale popcorn – it just doesn’t cut it! The site looks outdated, the profiles are sparse, and you’re lucky if you get any matches at all. Plus, there aren’t many active users so your chances of actually meeting someone in person are slim to none. Save yourself time and money by avoiding InterracialPeopleMeet altogether – trust me on this one!

InterracialPeopleMeet in 10 seconds

  • InterracialPeopleMeet is a dating site for singles of different races and ethnicities.
  • The matching algorithm uses a variety of criteria to match users with compatible partners.
  • Pricing options include a free basic membership, as well as premium subscriptions starting at $13.99/month.
  • Premium subscriptions offer additional features such as unlimited messaging and profile views.
  • InterracialPeopleMeet has an app available on both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other similar sites, InterracialPeopleMeet offers competitive pricing.
  • All user data is encrypted and stored securely on the site.
  • Members can block or report inappropriate behavior.
  • Special features include private photo albums and video chat.
  • Verified members have access to exclusive events and discounts.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate, making it great for beginners.
  • Large user base with diverse backgrounds and interests.
  • Variety of features that make finding the perfect match easy.
  • Limited search filters make it hard to find the right match.
  • Not enough active users on the site.
  • Messaging is only available for paid memberships.
  • Profiles are not very detailed or informative.
  • The website design and layout can be confusing at times.

How we reviewed InterracialPeopleMeet

When reviewing InterracialPeopleMeet, my team and I took a comprehensive approach. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site to get an accurate picture of what users can expect from each version. To ensure our review was as thorough as possible, we sent out messages to other users – in total sending over 500 messages across 10 days! We also looked at how easy it is for members to sign up, navigate around the website and make use of its features such as messaging tools or search filters. Additionally, we compared this dating platform with similar ones on the market by looking into their pricing models (free vs premium) plus user base size & quality (number & activity level). Finally, before publishing our review online we double-checked all facts provided against official sources like customer reviews or press releases issued by InterracialPeopleMeet itself. Our commitment towards providing detailed yet impartial reviews sets us apart from other sites that often don’t offer such in-depth assessments when it comes to online dating platforms like InterracialPeopleMeet

Design & Usability

InterracialPeopleMeet is a dating site that promises to help people of different races find love. Unfortunately, it fails in the design and usability department. The colors are drab and unappealing – think beige on brown with some splashes of blue here and there – which doesn’t do much for creating an inviting atmosphere or encouraging users to stay around long enough to meet someone special.

The overall layout isn’t great either; it looks like something out of the early 2000s rather than 2020! It’s clunky, outdated, confusing at times (especially when trying to navigate through all those menus) – you name it! And don’t even get me started on how slow this thing can be… Talk about watching paint dry! All these issues make using InterracialPeopleMeet more hassle than its worth.

If you want any UI improvements then I suggest purchasing a paid subscription because let’s face it: free features aren’t going cut it here if your goal is actually finding someone compatible with you… but good luck navigating through all those ads they have plastered everywhere first before getting anywhere near what could potentially pass as “usable functionality". To put things into perspective: You’d probably have better luck winning the lottery than finding true love via InterracialPeopleMeet without paying up front for their premium services… Yikes!!

Signing up

So, you’re looking to register on InterracialPeopleMeet? Well, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride! First off, the minimum age requirement is 18. You’ll need an email address too – don’t worry if it’s not your main one; this isn’t exactly something you want advertised around town! Now that all of that’s out of the way let’s move onto creating your profile. This part can be quite time consuming so make sure to set aside some quality ‘you-time’ for yourself before getting started. The website will ask you questions about who you are as well as what kind of person or relationship type (or both!) interests you most in terms of interracial dating options – things like gender identity/expression and sexual orientation preferences come into play here too which makes it great for people with specific tastes when searching through potential matches down the line. Once everything is filled out correctly then comes probably my favorite step: uploading pictures! Whether they be selfies from last weekend or professional shots taken by a friend there really aren’t any rules here other than making sure whatever photos uploaded represent YOU accurately… after all we wouldn’t want someone else pretending to be us now would we?! Once these have been approved by site moderators (which usually only takes 24 hours) then congratulations – registration complete!! And best yet? It won’t cost ya anything but time – how sweet is that!? So why wait any longer?? Get over there and start mingling with new people today!!

  • To register on InterracialPeopleMeet, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are seeking
  • Your age
  • Your zip code
  • An agreement to the terms and conditions of the app

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be top of mind. Unfortunately, InterracialPeopleMeet doesn’t quite measure up in this area. The site claims that they use “industry standard practices” for verifying users but there’s no real evidence of any verification process taking place at all! There are also reports from users about bots and fake accounts on the platform which makes me wonder if they’re doing anything to fight against them or not. Plus, there is no two-step verification option available either so you can never really be sure who you’re talking to online – a bit sketchy if you ask me! What’s more concerning is that photos aren’t manually reviewed before being posted onto the app meaning anyone could upload whatever photo they want without consequence – yikes! As far as privacy goes I’m not convinced by their policy either; it seems pretty vague with little detail given around how your data will actually be used or stored securely…not great considering we’re dealing with sensitive information here folks.

Overall my experience using InterracialPeopleMeet has been less than satisfactory when it comes down to its safety and security measures (or lack thereof). If I were looking for an interracial relationship then this wouldn’t even come close making my list of potential sites – sorry guys but better luck next time!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that focuses on interracial relationships, InterracialPeopleMeet might seem like an appealing option. Unfortunately, it falls short in many areas and I can’t recommend it as the go-to place to find your special someone.

The profiles are public so anyone who is signed up with the website can view them. You have some control over what information appears on your profile by setting custom bios but there isn’t much else you can do to customize things further or hide any of your personal details from other users if needed – not even location info which seems odd given this type of service should prioritize privacy above all else! Plus, there’s no indication of how far away potential matches may be located either; making it difficult to know whether they’re within driving distance or across the country!

In terms of benefits for premium memberships? Well…I didn’t notice anything outstandingly different compared to regular accounts during my time testing out InterracialPeopleMeet and I definitely encountered quite a few fake profiles along the way too – something that could easily put off those seeking genuine connections online. All in all, this one just doesn’t cut mustard when comparing against its competitors – save yourself some trouble and try elsewhere instead!


InterracialPeopleMeet is not free. If you want to get the most out of this dating site, then you have to shell out some cash for a paid subscription. Unfortunately, it’s not cheap either – prices range from $15-30 per month depending on which plan you choose and how long your commitment is for.

The benefits of getting a paid subscription are that with more money comes more features: access to full profiles, message read notifications and even photo verification so users can be sure they’re talking to who they think they are! But if we’re being honest here – these perks don’t come close enough in justifying the cost when compared with other sites offering similar services at much lower rates. So unfortunately InterracialPeopleMeet doesn’t quite cut it when it comes down pricing competitiveness…you might just be better off going elsewhere!

Plan Price Features
Basic $13.99/month Create a profile, browse profiles, send flirts, view member photos, receive matches
Total Connect $19.99/month All basic features plus email read notifications, highlight profile in searches, message ideas, confirm identity
Premier $34.99/month All Total Connect features plus exclusive search features, notification of new members, access to private chat rooms

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to InterracialPeopleMeet include, OkCupid, and eHarmony which all offer a variety of interracial dating options. Additionally, there are many niche websites that focus on connecting people from different racial backgrounds such as AfroRomance or BlackWhiteSingles.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people who are interested in dating someone of a different race.
  • Best for those looking to explore interracial relationships.
  • Best for individuals seeking an open-minded and diverse relationship experience.


1. How to use InterracialPeopleMeet without paying?

Using InterracialPeopleMeet without paying is not a great idea – you won’t be able to send messages or access most of the features, so it’s really just a waste of time. Plus, if someone has taken the time and effort to pay for their subscription then they’re likely more serious about finding love than those who don’t want to invest anything in their search. All-in-all, using InterracialPeopleMeet without paying isn’t going to get you very far!

2. How does InterracialPeopleMeet work?

InterracialPeopleMeet is a dating site that encourages people to date outside of their race. It’s pretty much just like any other online dating service, but with an emphasis on interracial relationships. Overall it seems like a questionable way to meet someone new and I wouldn’t recommend it.

3. How to sign up for InterracialPeopleMeet?

Signing up for InterracialPeopleMeet is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is fill out a few basic details and you’re good to go. Unfortunately, this dating site doesn’t offer much in terms of security or privacy so it’s not the best option if you want something safe and secure.

4. Is InterracialPeopleMeet any good?

I tried InterracialPeopleMeet and it was a huge letdown. The site is really outdated, the matches were terrible, and I didn’t have any luck finding someone compatible with me. All in all, not worth my time or money!

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By Jane Garapick

Jane Garapick is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over 10 years. She is passionate about helping people make meaningful connections and believes that everyone deserves to be in a loving relationship. Jane began her career as a professional matchmaker, working with clients one-on-one to help them navigate the world of modern romance. After seeing how difficult it was for many of her clients to find compatible partners on their own, she decided to take matters into her own hands by writing reviews on various dating sites and apps so others could benefit from what she had learned through experience. In addition to being an experienced writer, Jane holds two degrees: a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Harvard University and Master’s Degree in Social Work from Columbia University School of Social Work. Her education has given her valuable insight into human behavior which helps inform the advice she gives when reviewing different services or products related to online dating today – including safety tips! With each review written, Jane strives not only provide helpful information but also inspire readers with stories that demonstrate why true connection still exists despite our increasingly digital lives; something which motivates all aspects of work within this field even more deeply than ever before!

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