Are you looking for love in Hong Kong? If so, then HongKongCupid might be the perfect match! But before you dive into this dating site head first, let’s take a closer look at what it has to offer. What makes it different from other sites? How user-friendly is it? Is there anything that could make your experience better or worse than expected? Read on to find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money – HongKongCupid ain’t it! It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You might get lucky but the odds are against ya. The profiles seem outdated and there aren’t many active users so good luck finding someone who is actually interested in getting to know you better. Plus, the features on this site leave much to be desired – they just don’t cut it compared with other sites out there these days. Save yourself some frustration and steer clear of HongKongCupid!

HongKongCupid in 10 seconds

  • HongKongCupid is a dating site specifically designed for people living in or interested in the Hong Kong area.
  • The matching algorithm of HongKongCupid is based on personal preferences and interests, allowing users to find more compatible matches.
  • HongKongCupid offers different pricing options, ranging from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99 per month, with discounts available for longer-term plans.
  • HongKongCupid has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other similar sites, HongKongCupid is competitively priced.
  • HongKongCupid takes privacy and security seriously, with all user data stored securely.
  • Special features of HongKongCupid include video chat, instant messaging, and virtual gifts.
  • HongKongCupid also offers verified profiles, allowing users to be sure they are talking to real people.
  • Users can also browse anonymously, giving them greater control over who sees their profile.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface with intuitive navigation.
  • Large user base of singles in Hong Kong.
  • Comprehensive search options for finding the perfect match.
  • Limited membership base.
  • Lack of features compared to other dating sites.
  • Messaging system is not user-friendly.
  • Not many active users in the chatroom feature.
  • Matching algorithm isn’t very accurate or reliable.

How we reviewed HongKongCupid

My team and I took a thorough approach when reviewing HongKongCupid. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, spending days using it to get an accurate picture of its features. In total, we sent over 100 messages to other users in order to gain insight into how well they responded. We also looked at user profiles in detail – from photos uploaded by members through their interests and preferences listed on their profile page – so that we could provide our readers with comprehensive information about what kind of people use this dating site. Additionally, we checked out success stories shared by couples who had met each other through HongKongCupid as well as read reviews posted online for further feedback on the service provided here.
Finally, my team went above-and-beyond: testing all payment options available including credit cards & PayPal; checking if customer support was helpful or not; seeing if any special offers were available; looking at security measures taken by website administrators etc., ensuring no stone is left unturned during our review process! This commitment sets us apart from many other review sites which don’t offer such detailed insights into services like these – making sure you have all your questions answered before signing up for anything!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a Hong Kong dating site, look no further than HongKongCupid. Unfortunately, I can’t say that it was love at first sight. The user profiles are public and anyone with an account on the website can view them; however, there is no option to set up a custom bio or even hide your location info if you don’t want others to know where you live. This makes me feel like my privacy isn’t respected enough by this platform which isn’t ideal when we’re talking about online dating sites!

The distance between users doesn’t seem to be indicated anywhere either so unless two people happen to live in the same area of town they won’t have any idea how far away from each other they actually are – not exactly conducive for finding true love! Plus if one person has a premium subscription then there seems little benefit as their profile will still appear alongside those who haven’t paid anything – hardly encouraging more people into upgrading their accounts really…

On top of all that I encountered quite a few fake profiles while testing out the site too – always something nobody wants when searching through potential dates right? It’s just another reason why using HongKongCupid wasn‘t exactly my cup of tea… To sum it up: If your heart desires someone from HK then sure give this place shot but otherwise maybe try somewhere else instead because trust me – chances are better elsewhere!

Help & Support

When it comes to customer support, HongKongCupid is a total letdown. Trying to get help from them can be like pulling teeth – you’ll probably never hear back or the response will be unsatisfactory at best. It doesn’t matter if you have an issue with your account or just want some advice on how to make the most of their dating service; don’t expect any assistance anytime soon!

The only way users can access support is by submitting a form through their website and hoping for the best. There’s no page dedicated to frequently asked questions (FAQs) so forget about getting quick answers that way either. Even when I did submit my query, there was no response – not even an automated one saying they had received my message and were looking into it! And this happened twice in two weeks which tells me they’re not too keen on helping out customers who need assistance…

If someone needs urgent help then HongKongCupid isn’t going to cut it as far as customer service goes – unless waiting days for a reply counts as ‘urgent’. That said, if all you need are basic tips related directly with using their services then maybe try searching online first before contacting them because chances are good that won’t get much of anything anyway!

All things considered, I wouldn’t recommend anyone rely on HongKongCupid’s customer support team since its non-existent at best…or worse yet unhelpful once contacted.. So save yourself time and frustration by finding solutions elsewhere instead of relying solely upon this site for answers.

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, HongKongCupid leaves a lot to be desired. From the lack of verification for users, to its fight against bots and fake accounts – or rather complete lack thereof – this dating app is far from secure.

For starters, there’s no two-step verification process available on HongKongCupid which means anyone can create an account without having their identity verified in any way. This makes it easier for scammers and catfishers who are out looking for unsuspecting victims online. And speaking of scammers: I’m not sure if you could call what they do here "fighting" them off because all I’ve seen so far is automated messages asking me if my profile was real or not after being active on the site for some time already! It seems like a halfhearted attempt at best…

On top of that, photos don’t seem to get manually reviewed either as most profiles have more than one picture with questionable content (eek!). As someone who values privacy above all else when using dating apps such as these ones, reading through their Privacy Policy left me feeling uneasy about how much information they collect about us users – including our IP address! Yikes! All in all? Not exactly reassuring…

To make matters worse even further; customer service isn’t particularly helpful either since emails tend go unanswered while live chat support only works during certain hours each day (which may vary depending where you’re located). So yeah…it looks like we’re pretty much stuck with whatever issues arise along the way until then unfortunately 🙁

All things considered though? If your priority when using online dating sites is safety first – then perhaps look elsewhere instead ’cause trust me;Hong Kong Cupid ain’t gonna cut it by any stretch of imagination…

Design & Usability

HongKongCupid is a dating site that could use some serious design and usability help. The colors are drab, the layout is outdated, and it’s not very user-friendly at all. It looks like something from the early 2000s!

The navigation menu isn’t intuitive either; you have to really dig around to find what you’re looking for. And forget about using any of their advanced features – they don’t even exist! Even if you do manage to stumble upon them somehow, they aren’t easy or straightforward enough for most people to understand how they work.

To make matters worse, there’s no mobile app version available so users can only access HongKongCupid on desktop computers – talk about inconvenient! What kind of 2020 dating site doesn’t offer an app? Plus I haven’t seen anything in terms of UI improvements when upgrading your account with a paid subscription… which makes me wonder why anyone would bother paying money in the first place? You’d think that spending more would get you better service but unfortunately this isn’t true here…it seems like just another way for them take advantage of unsuspecting singles who want love online without getting much back in return except frustration and disappointment.

All things considered Hong Kong Cupid has got its work cut out if it wants be taken seriously as a modern day dating website – because right now it definitely ain’t cutting mustard!


If you’re looking for a dating site in Hong Kong, look no further than HongKongCupid. Unfortunately, it’s not free – you’ll have to shell out some cash if you want to take advantage of all the features they offer. The pricing isn’t competitive either; while other sites may give discounts or promotional offers from time-to-time, there doesn’t seem to be any such thing with this one.

For those who are willing to pay up though, getting a paid subscription does come with its benefits – like being able access more profiles and having better chances at finding your perfect match! You can also get unlimited messaging privileges as well as advanced search options that will help narrow down your choices even further. So if money is no object then go ahead and sign up for their premium package!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse other profiles, send interest to members
Gold $29 All free features plus: message other members, live chat, video chat
VIP $59 All gold features plus: anonymous browsing, advanced search options

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to HongKongCupid include OkCupid, Tinder, and Bumble. These dating sites offer a variety of features that can help you find potential matches in the city of Hong Kong.

  • OkCupid
  • eHarmony
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people looking to meet singles in Hong Kong
  • Best for individuals who are new to the city and want to make friends
  • Best for those seeking a long-term relationship or marriage


1. Is HongKongCupid legit?

Yes, HongKongCupid is legit but it’s not the best dating site out there. The profiles are pretty sparse and don’t give you much information about potential matches. Plus, I’ve heard some sketchy stories from people who have used this service before.

2. Is HongKongCupid a scam?

No, HongKongCupid is not a scam. However, it’s definitely not the best dating site out there and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for serious relationships. There are much better options available if you’re willing to look around.

3. How long does it take to have my profile approved on HongKongCupid?

It usually takes forever to get my profile approved on HongKongCupid. It’s really annoying having to wait so long just for a dating site! I wish they’d speed up the process, it’s ridiculous.

4. What are HongKongCupid alternatives?

HongKongCupid is not the best dating site out there. There are plenty of other options like Tinder, Bumble and OK Cupid that offer better features and more active users. I wouldn’t recommend HongKongCupid as an alternative to anyone looking for a serious relationship or even casual dating.

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By Kim Seltzer

Kim Seltzer is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She's the founder of Elite Image Makeovers, a company that specializes in creating personalized profiles and photos to help clients stand out from the crowd on their favorite dating sites and apps. Kim holds two master’s degrees—one in psychology with an emphasis on interpersonal relationships, and one in communications—and she draws upon her extensive education when providing advice to those looking for love online. Kim was inspired to become an expert after witnessing how many people were struggling with finding meaningful connections through traditional means like bars or blind dates; so instead of relying solely on luck, she wanted them to have access to reliable information about what works best when it comes time for digital courtship. Her work as a professional coach focuses primarily around crafting effective messages tailored specifically towards each individual client’s needs while also giving tips about body language cues during virtual meetups such as video chats or phone calls — all designed with one goal: successful long-term relationship building! In addition, Kim regularly reviews different platforms within the industry including popular websites like Matchmaking services & Apps such as Tinder & Bumble along with niche specific ones geared towards certain lifestyles (e..g FarmersOnly). Through her writing style which combines humor alongside practical insights based off personal experiences combined w/ data collected from research studies – readers can get valuable insight into which platform might be right choice without having spend hours testing things out themselves first hand!

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