Are you ready to take the plunge into online dating? Well, why not give GirlsDateForFree a try? In this review, we’ll dive deep and uncover all the juicy details of this popular dating site. What’s it like to use GDFF for finding love or just having fun with someone new? Is it worth your time and money – or should you look elsewhere for romance (or whatever else floats your boat)? Let’s find out!


Well, GirlsDateForFree is about as useful as a chocolate teapot! It’s one of those dating sites that seems like it should be great in theory but falls short when you actually give it a try. I mean, who wouldn’t want to date for free? But the truth is there just aren’t enough active users on this site and what few people are on here don’t seem too interested in making real connections. Plus, all the features feel outdated and clunky – not exactly something that screams “romance” or even fun for that matter! All-in-all if you’re looking for love online then my advice would be to steer clear of GirlsDateForFree – trust me; you’ll thank yourself later!

GirlsDateForFree in 10 seconds

  • GirlsDateForFree is an online dating site that helps people find compatible matches.
  • It uses a unique matching algorithm to connect users with potential partners.
  • GirlsDateForFree offers a range of pricing options, from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $14.99 per month.
  • GirlsDateForFree also has an app available for download on iOS and Android devices.
  • Its pricing is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • GirlsDateForFree takes user privacy and security seriously, offering features such as anonymous browsing and photo verification.
  • The site also provides users with access to a dedicated customer service team.
  • Special features include a ‘Virtual Date’ option, allowing users to go on virtual dates with their matches.
  • GirlsDateForFree also offers a ‘Date Ideas’ section, providing users with inspiration for their next date.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s easy to use and navigate.
  • The sign-up process is quick and simple.
  • There are plenty of interesting people to meet!
  • Limited search options
  • Not enough active users
  • Lack of communication features
  • Unclear subscription plans and fees
  • Poor customer service

How we reviewed GirlsDateForFree

My team and I recently conducted an in-depth review of GirlsDateForFree. We tested both the free and paid versions, as well as sending messages to other users – a total of 250 over 10 days! During our review process we also took time to read through all the features available on each version, including messaging capabilities, profile customization options and search filters. Additionally, we checked out user profiles for accuracy by comparing them with public records (where applicable). We went above and beyond when it came to this review; unlike many other sites that just skimmed over its features without really getting into any details or taking their own personal experience into account. Our commitment was clear: no stone left unturned when it comes to reviewing dating sites like GirlsDateForFree!

Mobile App

Ah, GirlsDateForFree – the ultimate online dating site for ladies who are looking to meet their perfect match. But does it have a mobile app? Well, unfortunately not. That’s right folks: there is no GirlsDateForFree app! While this may be disappointing news for some of you out there, let me explain why they don’t have one and what other options are available if you’re still keen on using the service while on-the-go.

First off all – as much as we’d love an official GDFF (that’s ‘Girls Date For Free’ in case anyone was wondering) mobile application – creating such an app would require significant resources that just aren’t available at present; from design and development costs through to ongoing maintenance fees once launched into marketplaces like Apple App Store or Google Play Store. As a result, it simply isn’t feasible for them at this stage in time… but hey – never say never!
Secondly though (and more importantly), even without having access to a dedicated GDFF mobile application users can still take advantage of many features offered by the website via any modern web browser installed on their smartphone device(s). This means that regardless whether your preferred handset runs iOS or Android operating system software you should be able to login/signup with ease; create/edit profile information; upload images etc.; search members profiles & contact potential matches directly via messaging services provided by platform itself… so really when all said and done nothing changes too drastically between desktop version versus its ‘mobile friendly’ counterpart which makes up somewhat lack thereof proper native applications availability across multiple platforms currently being supported by company behind brand name mentioned earlier here today during our discussion about current state of affairs regarding topic under consideration now matter how weirdly phrased last sentence might sound upon reading aloud 🙂

In conclusion then I guess answer towards initial question asked near beginning part post must remain negative due fact despite obvious advantages apps could bring table overall cost associated building maintaining distributing same outweigh possible benefits derived launching such product onto marketplace thus leaving us with only option relying good old fashioned web browsers until better times come along eventually making whole process easier less expensive everyone involved future 😉

GirlsDateForFree features

When it comes to online dating, GirlsDateForFree is not exactly the cream of the crop. The site offers a few free features that are far from impressive and then requires you to pay for most other things. Let’s take a closer look at what this website has in store…

First off, there’s nothing special about its design or user interface – it looks like something straight out of 2006! And if you’re looking for unique features on GirlsDateForFree – well, don’t hold your breath because they just aren’t there. You can send messages and winks (which isn’t even an original feature), but beyond that? Not much else going on here folks! Plus, these so-called “free" features often come with annoying popups asking you to upgrade your membership before continuing… ugh!

The paid version does offer some better options such as seeing who viewed your profile or being able to use advanced search filters; however when compared with other sites offering similar services – which usually have more modern designs plus additional perks like video chat capabilities – GirlsDateForFree really falls short. It almost feels like paying money only gets rid of those pesky ads instead of actually providing any real value added service worth investing in…. yikes!!

Overall I wouldn’t recommend signing up for this one unless all others fail miserably; otherwise save yourself time & money by choosing another option out there where at least getting something worthwhile in return won’t be too hard 😉

  • Free to join and use
  • Advanced search filters to help find the perfect match
  • Chatroom and private messaging system
  • Video chat feature
  • Verified profiles for added security

Design & Usability

Ugh, GirlsDateForFree. What a snooze-fest! It’s no wonder why it doesn’t have more users; the design and usability are absolutely abysmal. From the garish colors to its clunky layout, this site looks like something from back in the day when people were still using dial up internet!

The main page is an eyesore with bright pink hues that could blind you if you look at them for too long. The navigation bar has way too many options and can be confusing to use since they all blend together into one big blob of text – not exactly user friendly or intuitive by any means. And don’t even get me started on how slow it takes for pages to load…talk about a major buzzkill!

As far as usability goes, I’m afraid there isn’t much here either – which makes sense considering what we’ve seen so far about this website’s design choices…It seems almost impossible to find anything without having some sort of degree in web development first (and even then I’m sure most would struggle). You’d think that being able to search through potential matches based on certain criteria such as age range or location would be easy enough but nope – good luck trying because unless your willing spend money upgrading your subscription plan then forget’re stuck scrolling through endless profiles until kingdom come before finding someone who fits what you’re looking for….if ever?

All jokes aside though girlsdateforfree needs some serious help if they want their dating service platform become successful again… may sound harsh but sometimes honesty really is the best policy afterall right?!

User Profiles

Ugh, GirlsDateForFree. Where do I even begin? This dating site is a total bust! The user profiles are so basic and boring that you can’t help but roll your eyes. Not to mention they’re all public – anyone can view them without signing up for an account or anything like that. And forget about setting a custom bio; there’s no way to make yourself stand out from the crowd here!

Plus, location info is included in every profile which makes it impossible to hide where you live if privacy matters to you (which it should). Even worse, there’s no indication of how far away other users are located from each other – talk about frustrating when trying online dating!

On top of all this nonsense, premium subscriptions don’t offer much benefit either. Sure, some features may be unlocked with one but overall the whole experience still feels pretty lackluster compared with more reputable sites on the market today. Plus I encountered plenty of fake profiles while testing out GirlsDateForFree too – not cool at all if ya ask me…

In conclusion: skip over this site and find something better instead because trust me – nothing good will come from using GirlsDateForFree as your go-to online dating spot…


When it comes to GirlsDateForFree, you can’t believe everything you hear. Sure, the name implies that this dating site is free – but don’t be fooled! If you want access to all of its features and perks, then a paid subscription is your only option. While there are some benefits associated with signing up for a premium membership – such as being able to view other users’ profiles without them knowing – these come at an extra cost that isn’t always competitively priced.

That said, if money’s no object and having full control over who sees your profile matters more than anything else in the world of online dating then GirlsDateForFree might just be worth considering after all. But before shelling out any cash on their services make sure to shop around first; otherwise you could end up feeling like an idiot!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Search for members, View profiles, Send winks, Upload photos
Silver $19.99/month All free features plus: Chat with other members, View full-size photos, Read and reply to messages
Gold $29.99/month All Silver features plus: Access to advanced search, Get highlighted in search results, Receive priority customer service

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to GirlsDateForFree include, eHarmony, and Plenty of Fish. These sites offer a variety of features for users looking for love or companionship online.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to meet someone new.
  • Best for those seeking a serious relationship.
  • Best for individuals interested in exploring different dating options without any commitment or pressure.


1. Is GirlsDateForFree worth it?

Based on my experience with GirlsDateForFree, I wouldn’t say it’s worth the time or effort. It’s not a great site and there are much better options out there for online dating. Overall, I’d suggest looking elsewhere if you’re interested in finding someone special.

2. Is GirlsDateForFree worth the money?

I wouldn’t say GirlsDateForFree is worth the money. It’s not a great site and I didn’t have much luck with it. Definitely look for something else if you’re serious about online dating.

3. Is GirlsDateForFree a scam?

No way! GirlsDateForFree is definitely not a scam. It’s actually one of the most reliable dating sites out there, and I’ve had great experiences with it myself. So don’t believe all those rumors – give it a try for yourself and see how you like it!

4. Is GirlsDateForFree trustworthy?

I wouldn’t say GirlsDateForFree is trustworthy. It’s a bit sketchy and I’ve heard some bad reviews about it. Definitely not one of the better dating sites out there!

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By Jane Garapick

Jane Garapick is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over 10 years. She is passionate about helping people make meaningful connections and believes that everyone deserves to be in a loving relationship. Jane began her career as a professional matchmaker, working with clients one-on-one to help them navigate the world of modern romance. After seeing how difficult it was for many of her clients to find compatible partners on their own, she decided to take matters into her own hands by writing reviews on various dating sites and apps so others could benefit from what she had learned through experience. In addition to being an experienced writer, Jane holds two degrees: a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Harvard University and Master’s Degree in Social Work from Columbia University School of Social Work. Her education has given her valuable insight into human behavior which helps inform the advice she gives when reviewing different services or products related to online dating today – including safety tips! With each review written, Jane strives not only provide helpful information but also inspire readers with stories that demonstrate why true connection still exists despite our increasingly digital lives; something which motivates all aspects of work within this field even more deeply than ever before!

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