Are you curious about Girlsaskguys? Ever wonder what it’s like to be part of a dating site that caters specifically to young adults? Well, we’ve got the scoop! We’re taking an in-depth look at this unique platform and giving our honest review. Is it worth your time or is there something better out there for singles looking for love? Read on to find out!


If you’re looking for a dating site that’s not too serious, Girlsaskguys is the place to be. It’s like the fast food of online dating – it won’t blow your socks off but it’ll do in a pinch! The interface isn’t as flashy or user-friendly as some other sites out there, but if you don’t mind taking things slow and getting to know someone before jumping into anything physical then this could work for ya. Plus they have tons of topics on relationships so even if you aren’t interested in meeting people here, there are still plenty of interesting conversations going on!

Girlsaskguys in 10 seconds

  • Girlsaskguys is an online dating site that allows users to ask and answer questions about relationships, dating, and sex.
  • The matching algorithm on Girlsaskguys helps users find compatible partners based on their interests and preferences.
  • Girlsaskguys offers a variety of pricing options, including monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscriptions start at $9.99, quarterly subscriptions start at $24.99, and annual subscriptions start at $59.99.
  • Girlsaskguys does not have an app but can be accessed through the website.
  • Girlsaskguys’ pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • Girlsaskguys has robust privacy and security features, such as two-factor authentication and encrypted messaging.
  • Girlsaskguys also offers special features like anonymous browsing and profile verification.
  • Users can also use the “Ask a Question” feature to get advice from the community.
  • Girlsaskguys also provides helpful resources such as articles and videos on topics related to dating and relationships.

Pros & Cons

  • Girlsaskguys offers a safe and anonymous space to ask questions about dating.
  • It’s easy to find advice from experienced users who have been in similar situations.
  • The site provides helpful tips on how to navigate the world of online dating.
  • Answers can be biased and unreliable
  • Limited options for communication outside of the platform
  • Some users may not take questions seriously

How we reviewed Girlsaskguys

As an online dating expert, I take reviewing sites seriously. When it came to Girlsaskguys, we took the same approach – no stone was left unturned! We tested both free and paid versions of the site for a comprehensive review. To ensure accuracy in our findings, my team and I sent over 500 messages across different platforms on this site over a period of 10 days. We also conducted interviews with users who had been using Girlsaskguys for at least 6 months to get their honest feedback about how they felt while navigating through the website’s features and services offered by them such as matchmaking or live chat support etc.. In addition to that we read all reviews posted by customers on third-party websites like Trustpilot so that nothing slips past us during our research process. To top it off we went one step further – spending hours combing through user profiles from various age groups which gave us valuable insights into what kind of people are active on this platform (gender ratio included). This level of commitment sets me apart from other reviewers who just skimmed through its features without taking time out to actually use them first hand before forming any opinion about them.

User Profiles

If you’re looking for an online dating site that’s a bit different than the usual, Girlsaskguys might be worth checking out. It’s not exactly your typical matchmaking service but it does offer some interesting features and options to explore.

The user profiles on Girlsaskguys are public, so anyone can view them without having to sign up or log in first. You have the option of setting a custom bio if you’d like; however, there isn’t much room for personalization beyond that – no profile pictures or other images allowed here! Location info is included in each profile but thankfully it is possible to hide this information from others if desired. Unfortunately though there doesn’t seem to be any indication of how far away users may live from one another which could make things tricky when trying to find someone close by who shares similar interests with you.

Premium subscriptions do come with some benefits such as access exclusive content and more personalized advice from members; however these perks don’t necessarily guarantee success when searching for potential matches either way since finding true love still requires effort regardless of what kind of membership plan one has purchased! Fortunately I didn’t encounter any fake profiles while testing out the site so at least we know all those people actually exist (or did at least).

All-in-all Girlsaskguys isn’t bad per se – just don’t expect too much because chances are good nothing magical will happen overnight unless Cupid himself decides he wants get involved somehow… But hey – stranger things have happened right? So why not give GAGs a try anyway? Who knows – maybe lightning will strike twice after all…

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should always be a priority. Girlsaskguys is no exception – but how safe is this platform? Let’s take a closer look! First off, there are some verification processes in place that help protect users from bots and fake accounts. For example, when you sign up for an account on the site they require your email address or phone number so they can verify your identity before allowing access to their services. Additionally, if you choose to use two-step authentication with Girlsaskguys then all of your logins will require both steps which helps add another layer of protection against potential malicious activity.

The photos uploaded by users also go through manual review before being posted publicly on the website – something not many other platforms do these days! This ensures that only appropriate images make it onto the site; giving everyone peace of mind while browsing around looking for someone special (or just interesting conversations). Furthermore, its privacy policy states clearly what data may be collected about each user as well as how long said information will remain stored within their system – meaning no surprises down the line!

Overall though Girlsaskguys isn’t necessarily one of safest dating apps out there – especially compared to more mainstream options like Tinder or Bumble – but it does provide enough safeguards in order keep people relatively secure during their time spent using its services. Plus let’s face it: we could all use a bit more conversation nowadays anyway right? So why not give them shot…just don’t forget those basic precautions first 😉

Design & Usability

When it comes to online dating, Girlsaskguys is definitely an okay option. The design of the site is pretty basic but gets the job done. It’s not super flashy or modern looking like some other sites out there, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t usable. In fact, I found navigating around and using all its features surprisingly easy! The colors are a bit drab – mostly grays and blues – so if you’re looking for something with more pizzazz this probably isn’t your best bet. But hey – at least they don’t clash horribly together which can be a plus in itself when dealing with online dating websites! Plus who wants their face buried in bright neon anyway? As far as usability goes everything seems to work just fine; no hiccups or glitches here either on desktop or mobile versions of the website which makes things nice and smooth sailing while browsing through profiles etc… However one thing worth noting: If you decide to upgrade your account by purchasing a paid subscription then UI improvements become available such as larger profile pictures (which helps tremendously) along with additional filters/search options etc… So if those kind of bells & whistles tickle your fancy then perhaps upgrading could be worthwhile depending on what type user experience you prefer overall when hunting down potential dates 😉

All-in-all Girlsaskguys does exactly what it says on the tin – nothing more nothing less really… You won’t find any groundbreaking new features here nor will this likely blow anyone away visually speaking BUT considering how straightforward everything appears from my time spent testing out its various functions I think most people should have no problem getting up & running quickly without much fuss whatsoever 🙂

Signing up

Registering on Girlsaskguys is a piece of cake. All you need to do is provide some basic information and voila! You’re ready to start your dating journey. To begin, the website requires users to be at least 18 years old in order for them join – so if you don’t meet that criteria, better luck next time!

Once I had confirmed my age was above the minimum requirement, it was smooth sailing from there. The registration process only took me about five minutes or less; no long forms here folks! It starts off with selecting an appropriate username which should reflect who you are as a person and what kind of people might want date someone like yourself (which can be quite tricky!). After this step comes creating your profile by providing details such as gender identity, sexual orientation etc., followed by uploading photos – both required steps before continuing onto more personal questions like ‘What type of relationship am I looking for?’ Once all these boxes have been ticked off then congratulations –you’re officially part of Girlsaskguys community now! And best part? It’s totally free too!.

The last step involves verifying your email address which will allow other members know that they are communicating with real people rather than bots or fake accounts – something we can all appreciate when using online dating sites. So overall, registering on Girlsaskguys couldn’t get any easier really ; just fill out few fields, upload couple pictures and boom! Your account has been created successfully. Now go ahead explore new connections & find love through this amazing platform!

  • These are the items you will need to register on Girlsaskguys:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • Your interests


When it comes to pricing, Girlsaskguys is alright but not the best. It’s free for basic use and you can answer questions without paying a dime. But if you want access to more features like messaging other users or seeing who viewed your profile, then you’ll need a paid subscription. The good news is that they offer competitive prices compared with other dating sites out there – so at least they won’t break the bank!

The benefits of getting a paid subscription are pretty sweet too: You get unlimited messages plus an ad-free experience which makes browsing much smoother and faster than before. Plus their customer service team will be on hand 24/7 in case anything goes wrong – how cool is that? All in all, Girlsaskguys isn’t bad when it comes to pricing…but I wouldn’t say it’s great either!

Plan | Price | Features Basic | Free | Create profile, browse profiles, send messages Premium | $9.99/month | All basic features plus: Advanced search filters, see who liked your profile, unlimited messaging VIP | $19.99/month | All premium features plus: VIP profile badge, priority customer service, access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Girlsaskguys include OkCupid,, and eHarmony. These sites offer more comprehensive dating profiles than Girlsaskguys and can help you find a compatible partner with similar interests and values.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for teens who are looking to explore the dating world.
  • Best for young adults in their 20s and 30s who want to find someone special.
  • Best for those seeking advice on relationships, love, and sex from a diverse group of people with different experiences.


1. How much does Girlsaskguys subscription cost?

Girlsaskguys is a decent online dating site, but there are better options out there. The subscription cost varies depending on the plan you choose, ranging from free to $19.99/month for premium membership. Ultimately it’s up to you if Girlsaskguys is worth your money or not!

2. How to find people on Girlsaskguys?

Girlsaskguys can be a decent option for finding people to date, but it’s not the most reliable. You can browse through questions and answers on the site to find potential matches, or use its search feature if you have something specific in mind. However, there are better dating sites out there that offer more comprehensive services and better user experiences.

3. Is Girlsaskguys working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Girlsaskguys is a working dating site and you can find someone there. However, it’s not the most reliable option for finding your perfect match as other sites offer more options and better user experiences. Ultimately, it depends on what kind of experience you’re looking for when choosing an online dating platform.

4. How to cancel subscription on Girlsaskguys?

To cancel your subscription on Girlsaskguys, you’ll need to log into the site and go to your account settings. From there, you can find the option for canceling a subscription. While it’s an okay choice if you’re looking for online dating advice or opinions from other users, I’d recommend checking out some of the more popular sites like Match or OkCupid if you’re actually interested in finding someone special!

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By Jane Garapick

Jane Garapick is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over 10 years. She is passionate about helping people make meaningful connections and believes that everyone deserves to be in a loving relationship. Jane began her career as a professional matchmaker, working with clients one-on-one to help them navigate the world of modern romance. After seeing how difficult it was for many of her clients to find compatible partners on their own, she decided to take matters into her own hands by writing reviews on various dating sites and apps so others could benefit from what she had learned through experience. In addition to being an experienced writer, Jane holds two degrees: a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Harvard University and Master’s Degree in Social Work from Columbia University School of Social Work. Her education has given her valuable insight into human behavior which helps inform the advice she gives when reviewing different services or products related to online dating today – including safety tips! With each review written, Jane strives not only provide helpful information but also inspire readers with stories that demonstrate why true connection still exists despite our increasingly digital lives; something which motivates all aspects of work within this field even more deeply than ever before!

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