Are you looking for love? Or just a fling? Either way, Flirtnextdoor is the dating site to check out! But don’t take our word for it – let’s dive into this review and see what all the fuss is about. What makes Flirtnextdoor different from other sites on the market? How user-friendly is it really? Is there anything that could make your experience better or worse than expected?! Let’s find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, Flirtnextdoor ain’t it. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack – good luck! From the get-go I was disappointed with this one. The profiles are sparsely filled out and there aren’t many users so chances of finding someone compatible is slim to none. Plus, they don’t have any unique features or anything special going on; just another run-of-the mill dating site without much sparkle or pizzazz. All in all: skip it!

Flirtnextdoor in 10 seconds

  • Flirtnextdoor is a dating site that uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users.
  • The matching algorithm considers user interests, location, and other factors to find compatible matches.
  • Flirtnextdoor offers three different pricing options: Basic, Premium, and Elite.
  • Basic is free, Premium costs $19.99/month, and Elite costs $29.99/month.
  • Flirtnextdoor has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Flirtnextdoor’s pricing is competitive with similar sites on the market.
  • Flirtnextdoor offers enhanced privacy and security features such as two-factor authentication and secure messaging.
  • Flirtnextdoor also offers special features like virtual gifts and video chat.
  • Flirtnextdoor allows users to search for potential matches by age, gender, and location.
  • Flirtnextdoor also provides users with tips and advice on how to make the most of their online dating experience.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface – Flirtnextdoor makes it easy for anyone to find a match.
  • Great selection of potential matches – There’s something for everyone on Flirtnextdoor!
  • Secure and safe environment – You can trust that your data is secure with the site’s robust security measures.
  • Limited search filters make it hard to find compatible matches.
  • No mobile app available, so you can only access the site from a desktop computer or laptop.
  • Many inactive users on the platform who don’t respond to messages.
  • Not enough safety features for protecting user privacy and data security.
  • Expensive subscription plans compared to other dating sites of similar quality.

How we reviewed Flirtnextdoor

As an online dating expert, I and my team put Flirtnextdoor through its paces to give our readers the most comprehensive review possible. We tested both free and paid versions of the site, taking time to send messages to other users – over 100 in total across a period of 10 days. We also looked at how easy it was for us as reviewers to create profiles on the site, including uploading photos and filling out all relevant information accurately. After that we explored what features were available with each version (free or paid) such as messaging capabilities; ability search for matches by location; access profile visitors list etc., ensuring no stone was left unturned! Finally we took into account user reviews from other sources before giving our own verdict based on first-hand experience using this service – something which sets us apart from many other review sites who don’t offer such detailed insights into their services!

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that offers safety and security, Flirtnextdoor is not the one. While it may look like your typical online dating platform on the surface, there are some major red flags when it comes to its protection features.

For starters, Flirtnextdoor doesn’t have any verification process in place for users so anyone can join without having to prove their identity or even provide an email address – which makes it easy prey for bots and fake accounts. And while they do claim to fight against these types of profiles with algorithms and manual reviews of photos – let’s just say I wouldn’t bet my life savings on them doing a good job at keeping out scammers! Plus, there’s no two-step authentication option available either so if someone gets access to your account (which could be pretty easily done), then all bets are off as far as protecting yourself goes. Ugh…talk about feeling totally exposed! Not only that but their privacy policy isn’t exactly reassuring either since they reserve the right share personal information with third parties such as advertisers – yikes!! So basically what we’ve got here is an unverified user base combined with weak security measures making this app anything BUT safe or secure – definitely something you want steer clear from if possible!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with good customer support, Flirtnextdoor is not the one. When it comes to getting help from their team, they don’t really have your back. I’ve tried contacting them several times and all I got was crickets chirping in response – or worse yet, an automated reply that didn’t even answer my question!

Their website doesn’t offer much either; there’s no page of frequently asked questions (FAQs) so users can get quick answers without having to wait around forever for someone on the other end of the line. Even if you do manage to find contact information somewhere deep within their pages – good luck trying to reach anyone who will actually respond in a timely manner! I waited days before finally giving up hope and moving on with my life… erm… search for love elsewhere? Yeah let’s go with that instead haha! It just goes to show how little effort they put into making sure customers are satisfied when using their service.

All jokes aside though, this isn’t something people should take lightly as finding someone special shouldn’t be such a hassle-filled process full of unanswered emails and dead ends every step of the way. If Flirtnextdoor wants more success stories coming out from its platform then they need better customer support ASAP because right now it looks like nobody cares about helping singles find true love online anymore – which would be pretty sad if you ask me

Signing up

If you’re looking for love, Flirtnextdoor might be the place to find it. It’s a dating site that makes registering easy and straightforward – so let me take you through the process! First off, anyone over 18 can sign up on Flirtnextdoor; there’s no minimum age requirement beyond that. And don’t worry about your wallet either – registration is free of charge! You’ll just need an email address and some basic information like gender identity and sexual orientation before getting started. Once you’ve entered those details in their appropriate fields, they’ll ask if you’d like to add more personal info such as hobbies or interests (optional). This will help them match potential partners with similar likes/dislikes better down the line – but again this step isn’t required right away if it doesn’t feel comfortable yet. Next comes creating a username: pick something unique enough so others won’t confuse yours with someone else’s profile page…but not too crazy because people still have to remember who YOU are when messaging each other later on 😉 Then type in your password twice for security purposes (just make sure it has at least 8 characters!) After all these steps are complete, click “Create Account" and voila! Your account should now be set up properly 🙂 Now all that remains is uploading photos of yourself…and maybe even writing a short bio about what kind of person would make your perfect match? Don’t forget though – once everything looks good-to-go hit "Save Profile" one last time before starting out on this journey called online dating!!

  • To register on Flirtnextdoor, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • A profile picture
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your location

Flirtnextdoor features

Ugh, Flirtnextdoor. What a disappointment! It’s supposed to be an online dating site but it doesn’t really have anything special going for it. The free features are pretty basic and there isn’t much that stands out from other sites like it. You can create a profile, search through potential matches, send messages and add people as friends – all the usual stuff you’d expect on any other dating website.

The paid version of Flirtnextdoor is even worse than the free one; they offer some additional perks such as unlimited messaging or access to exclusive content but nothing particularly unique or interesting enough to make me want to shell out my hard-earned cash for them! Plus their subscription prices are way too high compared with similar services so I wouldn’t recommend anyone signing up unless they’re desperate (which let’s face it – we’ve all been at least once!).

Speaking of desperation…that seems like what this site was built on: false promises about finding true love in no time flat if you just sign up and pay your dues (or rather overpay). There aren’t any real matchmaking algorithms here either which makes me wonder how many successful relationships actually come from using this service? Probably not very many because who wants something generic when looking for romance?! Not me that’s for sure! And don’t get me started on their customer support…it leaves A LOT TO BE DESIRED!!

So yeah overall I’m giving Flirtnextdoor two thumbs down – avoid at ALL costs!! Unless you’re feeling extra brave then by all means give ‘er a go but prepare yourself mentally beforehand because chances are things won’t turn out quite how you hoped/expected them too 😉

  • Location-based matchmaking
  • Secure messaging system
  • Profile verification process
  • Advanced search filters
  • Anonymous chat rooms


Ah, Flirtnextdoor. This dating site may be a decent option for some, but it’s definitely not the best bang for your buck when it comes to pricing.

For starters, this website isn’t free – you’ll have to pay up if you want access to its features and services. The prices aren’t exactly competitive either; they’re pretty steep compared with other sites on the market! Plus, there are no real benefits that come with getting a paid subscription – just more options than what’s available in their basic plan (which is still quite limited). So all-in-all I wouldn’t recommend Flirtnextdoor unless you really need those extra bells and whistles that only come with paying up front. If budgeting is an issue then maybe look elsewhere because these fees can add up quickly!

Plan Price Features
Basic $19.99/month Create profile, Upload photos, View profiles, Send messages, Receive messages, Matching algorithm
Premium $29.99/month All basic features plus: See who viewed your profile, Send unlimited messages, Advanced matching algorithm
VIP $49.99/month All premium features plus: Priority customer service, Access to exclusive events, VIP profile badge

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that may be worth exploring include OkCupid,, eHarmony and Plenty of Fish. These are all popular options for those looking to find love online.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to explore the dating scene.
  • Best for those seeking meaningful relationships and connections.
  • Best for people who want to meet new people in their area or beyond.


1. Is Flirtnextdoor safe?

Flirtnextdoor is definitely not safe. It’s full of scammers and fake profiles, so I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a real relationship. Stay away from this one!

2. How long does it take to have my profile approved on Flirtnextdoor?

It takes way too long to get your profile approved on Flirtnextdoor. It feels like it’s taking forever! I’m not sure why they make you wait so long, but it’s really annoying.

3. How many users does Flirtnextdoor have?

Flirtnextdoor doesn’t seem to have a lot of users, it’s pretty quiet. It definitely isn’t as popular as some other dating sites out there. Not sure how many people are actually using the site – not very impressive!

4. Is Flirtnextdoor real?

Absolutely not! Flirtnextdoor is a scam. It’s nothing more than an online dating site that will take your money and give you nothing in return. Stay away from it!

By Admin

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