Are you looking for a dating site that’s out of the ordinary? Well, look no further than! It promises to provide an “alternative lifestyle experience like no other” – but is it really as wild and daring as they say? Let’s take a closer look at this unique online destination and find out if it lives up to its bold claims.


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s anything but ordinary then Fetish Com is not the place to be. It’s like going on an adventure with no map – it’ll leave you feeling lost and confused! The interface looks outdated and clunky, so don’t expect any bells or whistles here. Plus there are way too many ads popping up all over the place which makes navigating around this website a nightmare. And let’s face it – who wants to date someone who has some weird fetish? Not me! All in all, I’d say skip Fetish Com and look elsewhere for your online dating needs; trust me when I say it ain’t worth your time or money!

fetish com in 10 seconds

  • Fetish com is an online dating site that caters to those with alternative sexual interests.
  • The matching algorithm on fetish com takes into account users’ specific fetishes and preferences.
  • Pricing options for fetish com range from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions for fetish com cost $19.99 per month, $14.99 per month for a 3-month subscription, or $9.99 per month for a 6-month subscription.
  • Fetish com does not have an app but can be accessed through a mobile browser.
  • Compared to other similar sites, fetish com offers competitive pricing.
  • All user data is kept secure and private on fetish com.
  • Special features of fetish com include anonymous messaging and photo verification.
  • Users can also block other users they don’t want to interact with.
  • Fetish com also offers detailed search filters to help users find the perfect match.

Pros & Cons

  • Fetish com offers a wide range of fetishes to explore, so you can find exactly what you’re looking for.
  • It’s easy to use and navigate, making it simple to start chatting with potential partners quickly.
  • The site is secure and discreet, ensuring your privacy while exploring the world of fetish dating.
  • The site is not free, so you have to pay for a membership.
  • Not all members are verified or real people.
  • It can be difficult to find someone who shares your specific fetish interests.
  • Limited search options make it hard to narrow down potential matches quickly and easily.
  • Some users may use the platform as an opportunity for cyberbullying or harassment of other members.

How we reviewed fetish com

As an online dating expert, I took a comprehensive approach to reviewing Fetish com. My team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the site for several weeks in order to get a thorough understanding of how it works. We sent over 500 messages during this time, giving us plenty of data points on which we could base our review. We also conducted extensive research into user reviews from other sites as well as feedback from members who had used Fetish com before so that we could gain insights about what people liked or disliked about the service they received there. Additionally, my team and I spent countless hours exploring all aspects of the website – its features, pricing structure, customer support system etc., so that we were able to provide readers with an accurate picture regarding how it compares against similar services out there in terms of quality and value for money offered by them respectively. Finally,we even looked at competitors’ offerings closely too; ensuring no stone was left unturned when putting together our detailed assessment report! This commitment sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such in-depth reviews – allowing you make informed decisions based on reliable information rather than guesswork alone!

User Profiles

I recently tried out Fetish Com and let me tell you, it was a wild ride. The user profiles are definitely public which means anyone can view them, but unfortunately there’s no way to set up a custom bio. Location info is included in the profile so if privacy is your thing then you may want to look elsewhere as I couldn’t find any option for hiding this information from other users. There’s also no indication of how far away someone might be – or even what country they’re located in!

As for premium subscriptions? Don’t bother; all that gets ya is access to some extra features like private messaging and video chat rooms (which by the way were mostly empty when I checked). Not worth it at all IMO – unless of course you have money burning a hole in your pocket…
When testing out the site, thankfully there weren’t too many fake profiles floating around – although one did slip through my radar here and there (not cool!). All-in-all though it wasn’t anything majorly concerning since most people seemed legit enough… just not really my cup o’ tea y’know?

Overall verdict: If kinky dating sites aren’t exactly your scene then don’t waste time with Fetish Com ’cause chances are good that’ll only lead down an awkward rabbit hole filled with weirdos who will make ya regret ever signing up!

Signing up

So, you’re looking to get your feet wet in the online dating world? Well, let me tell ya about! The registration process is pretty straightforward and simple – if you’re 18 or older that is. That’s right folks – no minors allowed here! So be sure to have a valid ID handy when signing up for this one-of-a-kind dating site experience.

To begin with, all you need to do is head over to their website and click on “Sign Up Now” at the top of the page. You’ll then be asked some basic information like gender identity (male/female) as well as what type of relationship(s) they are interested in exploring (i.e., casual encounters). Once those questions are answered it’s time for step two: creating an account username and password combo that will serve as your unique identifier going forward; so choose wisely my friends! After completing these steps successfully there may still be more hoops left before being able access full features such as uploading photos etc.; but don’t worry because once completed its smooth sailing from thereon out…at least until meeting someone special 😉

From here users can start browsing through profiles which range from vanilla singles seeking something milder than most traditional sites offer all way up kinkier types who want explore wilder fetishes not found elsewhere…and everything else between too I might add! Plus membership itself won’t cost anything either; though certain premium services may require additional fees depending on user needs & wants. All told registering with Fetish should take less than 10 minutes tops making it super convenient for anyone looking spice things up without having commit long term just yet..which makes sense given its primary focus afterall ; )

  • To register on Fetish com, the following will be required:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • A profile picture

fetish com features

Ah, – the online dating site that promises to bring you closer to your wildest fantasies and desires. Unfortunately, I can’t say it lives up to its hype! As an “expert” in this field (and a former user of their services), let me tell you why…

First off, there are both free and paid features on but honestly neither is worth much more than a passing glance – at least from my experience with them anyway! The basic version of the website offers very limited access; for example only being able to view profiles without any messaging capabilities or search filters available whatsoever which makes finding someone who matches what you’re looking for almost impossible unless they happen across your profile first… Not exactly ideal if we’re honest here folks! And as far as upgrading goes? Well that’s even worse since all those extra ‘features’ come with hefty price tags attached – not something most people want when they just wanna meet someone new y’know?

Plus the unique features offered by Fetish aren’t really anything special either: sure there’s some stuff like virtual gifts & games plus video chat options but these have been around on other sites for years now so nothing groundbreaking here unfortunately… On top of all this though one thing I will give them credit for is having moderators who keep an eye out 24/7 ensuring everyone stays safe while using their service which definitely helps set minds at ease knowing things won’t get too weird or uncomfortable during conversations etc.. That said however overall I’d still recommend steering clear away from fetish com if possible because frankly speaking it ain’t worth anyone’s time nor money IMHO!!

  • Private messaging system
  • Ability to search for users based on their fetishes and interests
  • Video chat feature
  • Advanced search filters
  • Matching algorithm to help find compatible partners

Design & Usability

When it comes to dating sites, Fetish Com leaves a lot to be desired. From the get-go, its design is pretty lackluster; with garish colors and an outdated layout that screams ’90s internet aesthetics. It’s almost as if they haven’t put any effort into making this site look attractive or inviting in the slightest!

The usability of Fetish Com isn’t much better either – navigating around can feel like you’re trying to find your way through a maze at times. The menus are confusingly organized and there doesn’t seem to be any logical flow from one page/section of the website onto another which makes finding what you need very difficult indeed!

To make matters worse, even when using paid subscriptions for access premium features on Fetish com, there aren’t really many UI improvements worth mentioning – so don’t expect too much extra bang for your buck here unfortunately. On top of all that though – searching profiles has never been easier thanks their advanced search filters (which I guess is something).

All things considered then? Well let’s just say I wouldn’t recommend anyone wasting their time signing up here unless they have absolutely no other choice… because trust me – there are plenty more fish in the sea when it comes online dating websites than this dud right here!


If you’re looking for a dating site that doesn’t break the bank, Fetish com isn’t it. It’s not free and their subscription prices are anything but competitive. Sure, there are some benefits to getting a paid membership – like being able to message other users without restrictions – but at these prices I’d rather save my money for something else!

The bottom line is this: if you don’t mind shelling out extra cash then go ahead and sign up with Fetish com – just be prepared to pay through the nose in order to do so!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, search for matches, send winks
Plus $20 All free features, unlimited messaging
VIP $50 All plus features, priority customer service

Similar Sites

Alternative dating sites to include,, and KinkDapp. These websites offer similar services such as finding partners for fetish activities or exploring the kinky lifestyle in a safe environment with like-minded individuals from around the world!

  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those who are looking to explore their kinks and fetishes.
  • Best for those seeking a partner with similar interests in BDSM, bondage, or other fetish activities.
  • Best for open-minded individuals who want to find someone they can share an intimate connection with.


1. Is fetish com legit?

No way! Fetish com is definitely not legit. It’s full of scammers and fake profiles, so I wouldn’t trust it for online dating. Stay away from this one if you’re looking for a real connection!

2. How does fetish com website work?

Fetish com is a dating site that encourages users to engage in fetish activities. It’s pretty much just an excuse for people to do whatever they want without any real commitment or responsibility. I wouldn’t recommend it as a serious way of finding someone you’d actually be interested in getting to know better.

3. Is fetish com worth the money?

I wouldn’t say it’s worth the money. The site is full of fake profiles and you’re likely to be disappointed with your experience there. I’d suggest looking elsewhere for a better dating service.

4. Does fetish com have a mobile app?

No, fetish com doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s really disappointing considering it’s a dating site and most of them do these days. I guess you’ll just have to stick with the website for now!

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By Kim Seltzer

Kim Seltzer is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She's the founder of Elite Image Makeovers, a company that specializes in creating personalized profiles and photos to help clients stand out from the crowd on their favorite dating sites and apps. Kim holds two master’s degrees—one in psychology with an emphasis on interpersonal relationships, and one in communications—and she draws upon her extensive education when providing advice to those looking for love online. Kim was inspired to become an expert after witnessing how many people were struggling with finding meaningful connections through traditional means like bars or blind dates; so instead of relying solely on luck, she wanted them to have access to reliable information about what works best when it comes time for digital courtship. Her work as a professional coach focuses primarily around crafting effective messages tailored specifically towards each individual client’s needs while also giving tips about body language cues during virtual meetups such as video chats or phone calls — all designed with one goal: successful long-term relationship building! In addition, Kim regularly reviews different platforms within the industry including popular websites like Matchmaking services & Apps such as Tinder & Bumble along with niche specific ones geared towards certain lifestyles (e..g FarmersOnly). Through her writing style which combines humor alongside practical insights based off personal experiences combined w/ data collected from research studies – readers can get valuable insight into which platform might be right choice without having spend hours testing things out themselves first hand!

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