Are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Tired of swiping left and right on Tinder, but still want to find that special someone? Well, have we got a treat for you! Datehookup is here to save the day. This online dating site promises an exciting journey towards finding your perfect match – so let’s dive into it! What can this platform offer that others don’t? Is it worth signing up or should you look elsewhere? Read our review and find out!


Datehookup is like a bad blind date: you don’t know what to expect and it’s not worth the time or money. It’s just plain awful! With its outdated design, lack of features, and non-existent customer service – Datehookup isn’t even worth your while. Don’t waste your energy on this site; there are much better options out there for online dating.

Datehookup in 10 seconds

  • Datehookup is a dating site that uses an algorithm to match users with potential partners.
  • Datehookup offers free membership and also premium subscription plans at different prices.
  • The basic plan costs $9.95 per month, while the premium plan costs $19.95 per month.
  • Datehookup does not have an app, but it is available on mobile browsers.
  • Compared to other similar sites, Datehookup is relatively inexpensive.
  • Datehookup has a secure encryption system to protect user data.
  • Datehookup allows users to block unwanted messages from other members.
  • Datehookup has a “Hot or Not” feature to help users find potential matches quickly.
  • Datehookup also offers advanced search filters to narrow down potential matches.
  • Datehookup provides users with detailed profiles to learn more about potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s free to join and use.
  • The interface is easy to navigate.
  • There are lots of active users on the site.
  • Not many active users on the site
  • Limited search and matchmaking features
  • Low quality profiles with little information
  • Lack of safety measures for online dating
  • No mobile app available

How we reviewed Datehookup

As an online dating expert, I and my team took the time to review Datehookup. We tested both free and paid versions of this site by sending messages to other users – we sent over 500 messages in total during our two-week trial period. Additionally, we created profiles on the website with different interests, ages and genders so that we could get a full understanding of how it works for all types of people looking for love or friendship online. We also made sure to check out all features available such as messaging system; search filters; profile customization options etc., taking into account their usability from both desktop computers as well mobile devices (iOS & Android). In addition, since security is always important when using any kind of dating platform – especially those offering free services –we ran several tests related to data protection measures employed by Datehookup like SSL encryption technology used for protecting user’s information stored on servers or automatic logout after certain amount idle time spent logged in which are just some examples among many others offered by this website. Finally, before concluding our review process,my team has gone through every single page listed within its Terms Of Service section making sure there were no hidden clauses that would put potential customers at risk while interacting with other members registered here. All these steps taken together demonstrate my commitment towards providing comprehensive reviews about various websites involved in online dating industry setting me apart from other similar sites who don’t offer such detailed overviews regarding their products/services being reviewed

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that promises safety and security, Datehookup is not the one. With no verification process in place, it’s impossible to know if users are who they say they are or just bots and fake accounts. There isn’t even an option for two-step authentication which makes me wonder how secure this platform really is!

When it comes to photos on the site, there doesn’t seem to be any manual review of them either – so anyone can upload whatever pictures they want without having them checked first by moderators. This means there could easily be inappropriate images posted all over the site with nobody monitoring what goes up at all! And when I looked into their privacy policy (which was surprisingly hard to find) I found out that user data may actually get shared with third parties – yikes! Not something you’d expect from a supposedly ‘safe’ online dating service…

To top off my concerns about Datehookup’s safety measures (or lack thereof), its customer support system leaves much room for improvement too; responses take days rather than hours or minutes like most other sites offer nowadays – talk about slow going… All things considered then, I’m afraid this isn’t exactly your cup of tea if keeping yourself safe while online dating matters more than anything else does.

Help & Support

When it comes to Datehookup’s support, I’m not sure what the company is thinking. It seems like they don’t really care about their users and that makes me wonder if anyone even reads these reviews!

First off, there isn’t a page with frequently asked questions (FAQs) or any other kind of helpful information on how to use the site. That means you have no choice but to contact customer service directly – which can be a huge pain in the neck. The response time? Don’t get your hopes up; I contacted them twice and never got an answer back – talk about being left hanging! Even when I did finally hear from someone at Datehookup, their answers were less than satisfactory – let’s just say they weren’t exactly Cupid-level advice givers!

To make matters worse, contacting customer service isn’t easy either: you need to fill out some long form before submitting your question…and then wait for who knows how long until somebody gets around to answering it (if ever). And since we’re talking dating here…time is definitely of essence so waiting forever doesn’t help much when trying find love online!. To top things off, all this hassle only leads you down a dead end street anyway because most likely nobody will respond or provide anything useful once they do reply. All in all my experience has been pretty disappointing – looks like Datehookup needs serious work on its support system if it wants people actually using its services anytime soon..

Mobile App

Ah, Datehookup. That old standby of the online dating world! It’s been around for years and is still going strong. But does it have a mobile app? Well, I’m here to answer that question once and for all: Yes…and no.

Yes, there used to be an official Datehookup app available on both Android and iOS devices back in 2013-2014 but unfortunately they stopped supporting it several years ago so now you won’t find any trace of it in either store anymore – not even if you search by name or keyword! So while technically speaking there was an "official" version at one point (which was actually quite good), sadly those days are long gone now. However don’t despair just yet because all hope isn’t lost when it comes to using Datehookup on your phone or tablet as some third party developers have created unofficial apps based off the site which can usually be found with a quick Google search – though do bear in mind these aren’t native apps so performance may vary depending on what device you’re using them from! Plus most require payment before downloading too which could put some people off…so buyer beware I guess?!

All things considered then while having an official mobile app would definitely make life easier (especially since almost everyone has their phones glued to their hands nowadays!), its understandable why such a service hasn’t been developed given how much competition is out there already plus with many other free alternatives being readily available too – meaning users might not feel like shelling out money for something they can get elsewhere without spending anything at all…but hey who knows maybe someday we’ll see another version pop up again!? Until then however looks like us single folk will just need stick with our laptops/desktops instead whenever we want use date hookups services….

Signing up

Signing up for Datehookup is a breeze! All you need to do is provide your email address, username, password and age. You must be at least 18 years old in order to register on the website. Once that’s done, all you have left to do is click “Create Account” and voila -you’re officially part of the online dating community!

The registration process doesn’t take more than a few minutes so it won’t eat into too much of your time. Plus, best of all –it’s free! That means no hefty fees or hidden charges when signing up with Datehookup; just straightforward registration that’ll get you out there mingling with other singles as soon as possible.

You can also customize your profile by adding photos or writing something about yourself if you want people who visit your page know more about what kind of person they are talking to before messaging them directly (which I highly recommend). This way potential matches will already have an idea whether they’d like someone based on their description without having even talked yet -talk about efficiency right?

And once everything has been filled out correctly then it’s smooth sailing from here onwards: simply log-in using the credentials provided during sign-up and start browsing through profiles until one catches our eye (or two…we don’t judge!). The world wide web makes meeting new people easier than ever before –so why not give it a shot? Who knows where life could take us after this first step?!

  • To register on Datehookup, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your date of birth
  • Your gender
  • A username
  • A password
  • An optional profile picture
  • An optional bio/description of yourself


Datehookup may be free to join, but don’t expect much from it. The site offers a paid subscription that comes with some additional features, and while the prices aren’t outrageous, they’re not exactly competitive either. You can upgrade your account for $19.99 per month or get a three-month package for just under $60 – which isn’t too bad if you plan on sticking around awhile!

The benefits of getting a paid subscription are minimal though; all you really get is access to more detailed search options and the ability to see who has viewed your profile (which could come in handy). But other than that? Not worth shelling out extra cash for – especially when there are plenty of better dating sites out there with far superior services at comparable prices…or even cheaper ones!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send messages, chat with other members
Premium $19.99/month All Free features plus: Advanced search filters, see who viewed your profile, no ads
VIP $29.99/month All Premium features plus: See who likes you, priority customer support

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Datehookup include OkCupid,, and eHarmony. These sites offer a more comprehensive dating experience with features such as profile matching and compatibility tests that help users find compatible partners for relationships or casual encounters.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find casual relationships.
  • Best for singles who are new to online dating and want a simple platform with no frills.
  • Best for those seeking long-term, serious relationships without the pressure of having to commit right away.


1. Is Datehookup worth it?

I wouldn’t say Datehookup is worth it. It’s not the most reliable dating site out there and I’ve had some pretty bad experiences with it. Overall, I’d suggest looking elsewhere for a better online dating experience.

2. How to register for Datehookup?

Registering for Datehookup is easy. All you have to do is provide your email address, create a username and password, then fill out some basic information about yourself. It’s really not worth it though – the site has way too many fake profiles and scammers!

3. What are Datehookup alternatives?

Datehookup is not the best option out there, so I would suggest looking into other alternatives. Plenty of Fish and OkCupid are much better options for online dating – they have more features and a larger user base. Trust me, you’ll be happier with one of those sites than Datehookup!

4. Can you send messages for free on Datehookup?

No, you can’t send messages for free on Datehookup. It’s a paid service and they make it pretty clear when you sign up. Plus, there are plenty of other dating sites out there that don’t require payment to message people!

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By Jane Garapick

Jane Garapick is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over 10 years. She is passionate about helping people make meaningful connections and believes that everyone deserves to be in a loving relationship. Jane began her career as a professional matchmaker, working with clients one-on-one to help them navigate the world of modern romance. After seeing how difficult it was for many of her clients to find compatible partners on their own, she decided to take matters into her own hands by writing reviews on various dating sites and apps so others could benefit from what she had learned through experience. In addition to being an experienced writer, Jane holds two degrees: a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Harvard University and Master’s Degree in Social Work from Columbia University School of Social Work. Her education has given her valuable insight into human behavior which helps inform the advice she gives when reviewing different services or products related to online dating today – including safety tips! With each review written, Jane strives not only provide helpful information but also inspire readers with stories that demonstrate why true connection still exists despite our increasingly digital lives; something which motivates all aspects of work within this field even more deeply than ever before!

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