Are you ready to take your dating life up a notch? If so, C-Date might be the perfect match for you! But is it really worth all the hype? We’ve taken an in-depth look at this popular online dating site and have everything you need to know about whether or not it lives up to its reputation. So buckle up – let’s dive into our review of C-Date!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s not the cream of the crop but still gets the job done, C-Date is your spot. It’s no matchmaker extraordinaire or cupid on steroids – it’s just an okay choice to get some casual dates in. The interface isn’t too flashy and there are definitely better sites out there when it comes to features and usability, but hey – beggars can’t be choosers! All in all, I’d say C-Date is like a trusty old pair of jeans: nothing fancy or special about them…but they do their job!

C-Date in 10 seconds

  • C-Date is a dating site that helps people find matches based on their preferences.
  • Its sophisticated matching algorithm ensures users are matched with compatible partners.
  • C-Date offers different pricing options, including monthly, quarterly and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly premium subscriptions start at $19.90, quarterly subscriptions at $39.90 and annual subscriptions at $119.90.
  • C-Date also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other similar sites, C-Date’s prices are relatively affordable.
  • C-Date takes user privacy and security seriously, offering SSL encryption and manual verification of profiles.
  • The site also features anonymous browsing and photo protection.
  • C-Date has a unique “Faces” feature which allows users to quickly rate potential matches.
  • The site also provides users with detailed advice and tips on how to stay safe while online dating.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate – great for those new to online dating.
  • Lots of potential matches in my area.
  • Quick sign-up process, so I could start meeting people right away!
  • Limited search filters make it hard to find a match.
  • Many inactive profiles can be found on the site.
  • Communication options are limited for free members.

How we reviewed C-Date

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of C-Date. We tested both the free and paid versions for accuracy, usability, features available to users etc. To get a real feel of how it works we sent out over 100 messages across different user profiles in the span of 10 days – this gave us insight into response rates from other members as well as our own experiences with messaging on C-Date. We also took time to explore all its features such as matchmaking algorithm used by the site; safety measures taken against fake accounts or bots; customer service support offered by them etc., so that we could give you an unbiased opinion about what kind of experience you can expect when using their services.
Our commitment towards giving honest reviews sets us apart from other sites who don’t offer such in depth analysis while reviewing any product or service like this one!

Signing up

Registering on C-Date is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is head over to the website and click “Sign Up” at the top of your screen. You’ll be asked for some basic information like your gender, date of birth (you must be 18 or older), email address, location and a few other details about yourself. Once that’s done, all you have to do is create a username and password – easy peasy!

The next step in registering with C-Date involves setting up an account profile page where potential matches can get an idea of who they might meet online. Here you will fill out some more detailed info such as what kind of relationship are looking for (long term/short term) along with any physical attributes or interests that may help attract compatible partners – think hobbies, favorite books etc.. Don’t forget: it’s important not only include truthful information but also make sure it reflects positively on yourself so people know why they should choose YOU!

After completing this section there will likely be one final checkbox asking if users agree to their terms & conditions before submitting everything into cyberspace – tick away folks!

Finally after confirming via email link sent from C-date itself registration process has been completed successfully; now just sit back relax while awaiting those dreamy dates…well almost anyway since we still haven’t finished signing up yet…now comes time when user needs pay subscription fee depending upon length chosen which could range anywhere between 1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months plan options available though free trial option exists too however bear in mind features restricted under same compared full membership plans plus no access granted towards premium services offered by site either thus making them best choice overall especially considering bang received buck wise …so go ahead signup today start meeting new exciting singles near soon enough!

  • These are the requirements to register on C-Date:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Gender and age
  • Your location
  • An agreement to the terms and conditions
  • Optionally, a profile photo

Mobile App

Ah, C-Date. It’s the dating site that has everyone talking – and now it even has an app! Yes, you heard right: this adult dating service is available on your phone or tablet too. The mobile version of C-Date offers all the same features as its desktop counterpart but with added convenience; so if you’re looking for a casual encounter while out and about then this could be just what you need.

The app itself is pretty straightforward to use – simply download it from either Google Play Store or Apple App Store (depending on which device type you have) and sign in using your existing account details. From there, everything should look familiar – browse through potential matches at any time of day without having to sit down at a computer first! Plus, since it’s natively designed for phones/tablets rather than being ‘ported over’ from another platform like some other apps are guilty of doing these days – things run nice & smoothly throughout usage… no annoying laggyness here!

As far as drawbacks go though… well let’s face facts: nothing can ever truly replace meeting someone in person when seeking romance etc., plus I guess we also shouldn’t forget that most people who choose online dating services tend to prefer their anonymity more than anything else… something which obviously isn’t quite possible when using an app where one must reveal their location data via GPS coordinates whenever they log into said application..? So yeah sure whilst convenient enough for those wanting quick hookups ‘on the go’, maybe not ideal overall if privacy/discretion happens to be top priority instead?

On balance though considering how much easier (& faster!) such platforms make finding dates nowadays compared with yesteryear (no more relying solely upon luck & chance!), personally speaking I’d say downloading C-Dates’ mobile offering would definitely still prove worthwhile regardless…. oh & did I mention best part yet?? That yep indeedy – unlike many other similar applications out there currently cough Tinder cough, actually accessing this one won’t cost ya nada!! A freebie win by anyone’s standards methinks 🙂

Design & Usability

When it comes to online dating, C-Date is like the middle of the road. It’s not bad but there are definitely better options out there. In terms of design and usability, C-Date has a lot going for it – mostly in its favor. The colors used on the site are bright and cheerful without being overwhelming or garish; they give off an inviting vibe that makes you want to explore further into what this site has to offer.

The layout is easy enough to navigate through with no major hiccups along the way which helps make using this website all around pleasant experience overall – at least when compared against other sites in its category! With regards to functionality, everything works as expected so users don’t have any issues finding their way around or understanding how things work on here (which can be a huge plus!). Plus if you upgrade your subscription then UI improvements become available too – something that may help those who find themselves getting lost easily within websites!

All in all though I’d say that while C-Date isn’t exactly setting any records for excellence when it comes down online dating services, it does provide just about everything one could need from such a service: convenience & ease of use combined with good looks & decent performance…all rolled up into one neat package! So if you’re looking for something quick ‘n’ simple yet still reliable enough then maybe consider giving them a try? You might just end up pleasantly surprised by what they have cooking under their hood 😉

C-Date features

If you’re looking for a casual dating site, C-Date might be worth checking out. It’s not the best option on the market, but it has some decent features that make it an okay choice.

The free version of C-Date is pretty basic and doesn’t offer much in terms of functionality or options to customize your profile. You can create a profile with photos and fill out information about yourself like age, gender, location etc., but there isn’t much else you can do without upgrading to one of their paid plans. The good news is that they have several different subscription levels so if you want more access than just creating a basic profile then there are plenty of options available at varying price points depending on what kind of features and benefits you’re after from using this service.

One unique feature offered by C-Date which sets them apart from other sites is their “Matchmaker Tool". This tool allows users to input certain criteria such as age range preferences when searching for potential matches – making finding someone who meets all your requirements easier than ever before! Additionally, members also have access to chat rooms where they can connect with others in real time – great for those who prefer face-to-face interaction over messaging back and forth online!

All things considered though; while I think C Date does provide some useful tools & services (particularly if upgraded), overall I wouldn’t say its necessarily my go–to dating site recommendation due mainly because many competitors offer better value packages/options compared against what’s currently being provided here…so shop around first before committing long term!

  • Verified profiles
  • Discreet and anonymous service
  • Advanced search filters
  • Live chat support
  • Secure payment system


So, you’re looking to join C-Date? Well, here’s the lowdown on their pricing. The good news is that it isn’t totally out of this world – but there are definitely better deals around.

The website itself is free to use; however if you want access to all its features then a paid subscription might be your best bet. This will give you full access and allow for more options when searching for potential matches – plus unlimited messaging! Prices range from $19-$39 depending on how long your membership lasts (the longer the period of time, the cheaper per month). That said though these prices aren’t particularly competitive compared with other dating sites so bear that in mind before signing up!

Overall I would say C-Date has an okay pricing system – not great but not terrible either. If budget isn’t an issue then go ahead and take advantage of what they have to offer by getting a paid subscription – just don’t expect too much bang for your buck!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to C-Date include, eHarmony, OkCupid and Plenty of Fish. These sites offer a variety of features that can help you find someone special in your area or around the world.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to explore casual dating.
  • Best for those who are interested in discreet encounters and no strings attached relationships.
  • Best for individuals seeking a partner with similar interests, values, and beliefs.


1. How can I know that the profiles on C-Date are real?

C-Date is a decent dating site, but it’s not the best. The profiles are real people who have signed up to use the service, however I would recommend using other sites that offer more security features and better user experience. It’s important to do your research before signing up for any online dating service so you can be sure of what you’re getting into.

2. Does C-Date have a mobile app?

Yes, C-Date does have a mobile app. It’s not the best out there but it gets the job done if you’re looking for casual dating on your phone. However, I’d recommend checking out other apps as well to find one that suits your needs better.

3. What are C-Date alternatives?

C-Date is a decent option for online dating, but there are better alternatives out there. If you’re looking to meet someone special, I’d recommend checking out sites like eHarmony or Match which have more comprehensive matching algorithms and larger user bases. Ultimately it’s up to personal preference though – so why not give C-Date a try?

4. How to cancel subscription on C-Date?

Cancelling a subscription on C-Date is pretty straightforward. You just need to go into your account settings and follow the instructions there. It’s not the most user friendly site out there, but it gets the job done if you’re looking for something casual or short term. If you want more options I’d suggest checking out some other dating sites too!

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By Mike Masters

Mike Masters is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. He began his career as a relationship coach, but quickly realized that the most effective way to help people was by giving them access to reliable and accurate reviews of different dating sites and apps. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Harvard University before completing his Master’s Degree in Human Relations at Stanford University. Mike then went on to become certified as a Professional Dating Coach through The International Association of Coaches (IAC). His credentials have enabled him to be featured in many publications such as Cosmopolitan Magazine, Men’s Health Magazine, Business Insider UK and more! After working with hundreds of clients one-on-one he decided it was time make sure everyone had access not only quality advice but also honest reviews about the best online dating services available today - thus why he created “The Online Dating Guru." Here you can find unbiased opinions about all types of websites related to finding your perfect match including mobile applications like Tinder or Bumble. With years spent studying human behavior combined with extensive research into what makes successful relationships work; Mike Masters offers up valuable insight when reviewing various platforms which allows readers get an idea if they are making the right choice when choosing their next potential partner(s) via digital means. It is this passion for helping others coupled with knowledge gained from experience that drives him forward each day while providing much needed assistance within this ever growing industry

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