Are you a Brony looking for love? Well, look no further! BronyMate is the dating site that promises to bring together single My Little Pony fans from all over. But does it deliver on its promise? Read our review of this unique dating platform and find out if it’s worth your time – or just another flop in the world of online romance!


Well, I’ve tried my fair share of dating sites and apps over the years – some good, some bad. But BronyMate? It’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot! Don’t waste your time or money on this one folks; it ain’t worth it. From what I can tell there are hardly any active users so you’re unlikely to find anyone anyway. Plus who wants to date someone with an obsession for My Little Pony?! Talk about cringe-worthy… All in all, if you want success in online dating then steer clear of BronyMate!

BronyMate in 10 seconds

  • BronyMate is a dating site specifically designed for fans of the show My Little Pony.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible matches.
  • BronyMate offers both free and premium subscription options.
  • The premium subscription costs $14.99 per month, $29.99 for three months, or $59.99 for six months.
  • BronyMate does not have an app available at this time.
  • The pricing is comparable to other dating sites on the market.
  • BronyMate takes privacy and security seriously, using SSL encryption and verification processes.
  • Users can also opt-in to a two-factor authentication system for added security.
  • BronyMate has special features such as profile badges and “BronyMate TV” which allows users to watch videos together.
  • BronyMate also offers live chat support and a dedicated customer service team.

Pros & Cons

  • BronyMate is great for finding like-minded bronies who share your interests.
  • The site has a wide variety of users, so you’re sure to find someone special.
  • It’s easy to use and navigate, making it simple to get started on the dating scene!
  • Not enough active users.
  • Limited profile customization options.
  • Lack of safety features like two-factor authentication or photo verification.
  • No mobile app available yet for on-the-go dating convenience.
  • Searching through profiles can be time consuming due to the lack of advanced filters and sorting tools

How we reviewed BronyMate

As an online dating expert, I and my team put BronyMate through the wringer. We tested both free and paid versions of the site to get a full picture of what it had to offer. To make sure we got as accurate a review as possible, we sent messages back-and-forth with other users – over 100 in total! That took us about 5 days worth of messaging before we felt like our research was complete. We also looked at user reviews on other sites for additional insight into how people were using BronyMate in real life scenarios (not just during our testing). Plus, since this is a dating site after all, safety was paramount; so naturally that’s something else that came under scrutiny when reviewing this service. Finally – and perhaps most importantly – commitment set us apart from many other review sites out there who don’t go quite so deep into their assessments: every single feature available on the website was explored thoroughly by myself or one member of my team before writing up any conclusions about its usability or effectiveness for finding love online!

Help & Support

When it comes to BronyMate’s support, I’m not impressed. If you’re looking for a dating site that offers reliable customer service, this isn’t the one. I’ve tried contacting their team multiple times and have yet to receive any kind of response – let alone an adequate one! Even if they do get back to me eventually (which is rare), the answers are usually generic or unhelpful at best. It seems like there’s no real effort put into resolving issues quickly or efficiently – which can be incredibly frustrating when all you want is some guidance on how to use the platform properly!

What makes matters worse is that there doesn’t seem to be much in terms of self-service options either; no FAQ page with commonly asked questions and answers nor any other type of resource material available online so users can find help themselves without having wait days for a reply from someone who may not even understand your problem fully anyway… Talk about being left high and dry!

To top it off, trying contact them through email takes forever as well since they don’t respond within 24 hours most times – if ever – leaving people feeling completely helpless when something goes wrong while using BronyMate. That really puts a damper on what should otherwise be an enjoyable experience finding love online…or whatever else floats your boat these days…

All things considered then, my advice would definitely NOT include signing up with BronyMate unless you feel comfortable waiting around indefinitely just hoping somebody will answer your queries sooner rather than later (if at all). With such lackluster support services provided by this dating website though? Good luck getting anywhere fast…

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that will make your eyes bleed, then BronyMate is the one for you! The colors and design of this website are so garish they could put even the most dedicated My Little Pony fan to shame. From its bright pink background to its rainbow-colored font choices, it’s like someone vomited up a Lisa Frank folder all over your computer screen.

The usability isn’t much better either; there are too many buttons on each page which makes navigating around difficult and confusing. Even if you manage to find what you’re looking for (which can be quite an ordeal!), chances are good that clicking something else by mistake will send everything into chaos again. Plus, any UI improvements available with paid subscriptions aren’t worth their weight in salt – or bits as it were – since nothing about them actually improves navigation or functionality anyway!

Overall, BronyMate fails miserably when it comes to both design and usability – not exactly great news if online dating is already hard enough without having such an awful interface getting in the way! So unless eye strain is something you enjoy experiencing every time you log onto this site…you might want to look elsewhere instead of wasting your time here at BronyMate

BronyMate features

Ah, BronyMate. The dating site that promises to help you find your special someone who loves My Little Pony as much as you do. Sounds great in theory, but I’m here to tell ya – it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows!

First off, let’s talk about the free features of this site. You can create a profile with some basic information like age and location (but not even an avatar pic!). And then…that’s pretty much it for the free stuff! No messaging or anything else unless you upgrade your account which leads me into my next point: their paid membership options are outrageous!! It starts at $19/month up to $49/month depending on how long of a subscription period you want – yikes!! That kind of money could be better spent elsewhere if ya ask me…

Now onto what they actually offer once those hefty fees have been taken care of; there is no real “matching system” so don’t expect any scientific algorithms helping out here! Instead users just browse through other profiles looking for potential matches themselves – kinda old school if ya know what I mean? There is also something called ‘Brony Connections’ where members can join groups based on shared interests like music or sports etc., but honestly these seem more geared towards making friends than finding dates since people aren’t really using them actively anyway…so again not very helpful when trying to find love.

As far as unique features go..welllll….I’m sorry folks but there isn’t really anything new under the sun here either :/. All-in-all BronyMate seems more focused on getting its users hooked up with pricey subscriptions rather than providing useful services that will actually help singles meet each other in meaningful ways — bummer right?! If only we had something better….

  • Matchmaking algorithm to help users find their perfect match
  • Secure messaging system for private conversations
  • Comprehensive profile page with ability to add photos and videos
  • Real-time chat feature to connect with other users
  • Advanced search filters to narrow down potential matches

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that caters to Bronies, then look no further than BronyMate. But be warned: this website is far from perfect! The user profiles are public, so anyone can view them – and let me tell ya, they ain’t great. You don’t get the option of setting up a custom bio or hiding your location info either; it’s all out there in plain sight for everyone to see. Not only that but I didn’t spot any indication of how close other users were located-wise either – which makes finding someone nearby pretty darn difficult!

The benefits offered by premium subscriptions weren’t particularly impressive either; nothing special was on offer here compared with some other sites out there on the market today (and believe me when I say those ones have got way more going for ’em!). As if things couldn’t get worse…I also encountered quite a few fake profiles while testing it out too – yikes! It really wasn’t my cup o’ tea at all…so steer clear unless you want an absolute nightmare trying to find someone who shares your love of My Little Pony characters 😉


If you’re looking for a dating site that’s not gonna break the bank, BronyMate is definitely NOT it. While there are some free features on this website, most of the good stuff requires a paid subscription. And let me tell ya – those prices ain’t cheap! Sure, they may be competitive with other sites out there but if you want to get any real use out of BronyMate then prepare to shell out some serious cash.

The upside? You do get access to lots of cool features like unlimited messaging and video chat capabilities when you sign up for one their plans – so at least your money isn’t going completely down the drain! But still…if I were in charge here I would have gone with something more affordable than what we got now; because as it stands right now only people who can afford luxury will be able to take advantage of all these great perks.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Search for matches, Send winks
Plus $19 All free features, Unlimited messaging, Video chat
Pro $49 All plus features, Priority customer support, Advanced search filters

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to BronyMate include My Little Pony Singles, a dating site specifically for fans of the show; Equestria Dating, which is designed for people who are looking to find friends or romantic partners within the MLP fandom; and, an online matchmaking service that helps connect brony singles around the world.

  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to meet someone with similar interests in the Brony fandom.
  • Best for those seeking a long-term relationship or friendship within the Brony community.
  • Best for individuals interested in exploring and discovering new aspects of their identity through meeting like-minded others on BronyMate.


1. Can you delete your BronyMate account?

Yes, you can delete your BronyMate account but it’s a real hassle. It took me forever to figure out how and the process was really annoying. I wouldn’t recommend using this site if you’re looking for an easy way to end things.

2. Does BronyMate have a mobile app?

No, BronyMate doesn’t have a mobile app. It’s really disappointing that they don’t offer this feature since most dating sites do. Not having an app makes it harder to stay connected with potential matches on the go.

3. Is BronyMate real?

Yes, BronyMate is real – but it’s not something I’d recommend. It seems like a weird niche dating site and the people on there seem really strange. Definitely not my cup of tea!

4. How can I contact BronyMate?

I wouldn’t recommend BronyMate. It’s a dating site that I tried and it was pretty bad – the way you contact people is really clunky and awkward. Plus, there are better options out there if you’re looking for an online dating experience.

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By Charles Orlando

Charles Orlando is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over a decade. He's passionate about providing the best advice and reviews on all of the latest dating sites and apps so that his readers can make informed decisions when it comes to finding their perfect match. He holds two degrees, one in Psychology from Stanford University and another in Communications from Harvard University. With these qualifications, Charles is able to provide comprehensive insight into how relationships work as well as understanding what makes different platforms successful or unsuccessful when it comes to matching users with compatible partners. Before becoming an online dating guru, Charles was working at Google where he managed various projects related to data analysis within search engine optimization (SEO). It was here that he first developed a passion for understanding user behavior which led him down the path of researching how people interact through digital media such as social networks and websites like those used by popular online dating services today. His experience coupled with his education have enabled him become one of the most sought-after authorities on matters relating to modern romance - particularly concerning technology’s role in bringing couples together! His articles are regularly featured across multiple publications including The New York Times Magazine, Forbes Magazine & Huffington Post among others; demonstrating just how valuable his knowledge truly is!

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