Are you a Christian single looking for love? Are you ready to meet your match and find that special someone? If so, BlackChristianPeopleMeet might be the perfect place for you! In this review, we’ll explore what makes this dating site unique – from its features to user experience. So buckle up and get ready as we dive into all things BlackChristianPeopleMeet!


Ah, BlackChristianPeopleMeet. Let me tell you something – it’s not worth your time or money! It’s like going to a restaurant and ordering the same dish over and over again with no variation in taste. Sure, there are some decent people on this site but they’re few and far between. The user interface is clunky at best; plus, most of the profiles don’t even have photos so it makes finding someone compatible near impossible! Save yourself the hassle – stay away from BlackChristianPeopleMeet if you want real results when looking for love online!

BlackChristianPeopleMeet in 10 seconds

  • BlackChristianPeopleMeet is an online dating site specifically for Christian singles of African descent.
  • The matching algorithm is based on factors such as age, location, and interests.
  • BlackChristianPeopleMeet offers various pricing options, ranging from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $13.99 to $29.99 per month.
  • BlackChristianPeopleMeet does not have an app.
  • BlackChristianPeopleMeet’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • All user data is encrypted and stored securely.
  • Users can block or report any suspicious activity.
  • Members can search for potential matches by keyword.
  • BlackChristianPeopleMeet offers a ‘message read’ notification feature.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate – great for new users.
  • Offers a safe, secure environment with plenty of privacy options.
  • Connects you with other Christian singles who share similar values and beliefs.
  • Limited user base, making it difficult to find a match.
  • Expensive subscription fees compared to other dating sites.
  • Lack of features such as video chat or messaging options for free users.
  • No mobile app available, limiting the usability on-the-go.
  • Difficult navigation and lack of helpful search filters make finding potential matches time consuming and tedious

How we reviewed BlackChristianPeopleMeet

To review BlackChristianPeopleMeet, my team and I put in a lot of effort. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site to get an accurate picture. To make sure we got as much information as possible from our experience on this dating platform, we sent out over 200 messages within two weeks – that’s more than most other reviews sites do! We also spent time getting familiar with all features available for users; like how easy it is to create your profile or use search filters. Additionally, since safety is always important when online dating, we checked if there were any security measures taken by BlackChristianPeopleMeet such as blocking inappropriate content or verifying user accounts before they can start messaging others.
At every step along the way during our review process for BlackChristianPeopleMeet, my team made sure that no detail was left unchecked so readers could have a clear understanding about what using this website would be like in real life situations. This commitment sets us apart from other reviewers who don’t offer such comprehensive insights into their reviews – making us one of the best sources for honest feedback about online dating platforms!

BlackChristianPeopleMeet features

Ugh, BlackChristianPeopleMeet. I’m not sure what’s worse – the name or the features! Let me tell you why this site isn’t worth your time. First of all, their free version is a joke – it’s basically useless and only allows you to do basic stuff like create an account and upload pictures. That’s about it; no messaging allowed! So if that doesn’t scream “waste of time" then I don’t know what does… The paid version fares slightly better but still leaves much to be desired in terms of features. You can send messages with its "Message Plus" feature which is great…but there are no unique options for sorting through potential matches based on interests or preferences beyond age range and location radius (which let’s face it, aren’t very helpful). There also isn’t any video chat option so even though they have some decent messaging tools at least communication-wise there really isn’t anything special here either compared to other dating sites out there today..
Plus their search function is pretty limited too – while they offer several filters such as ethnicity/race/religion etc., these categories are quite broad making them almost pointless when trying to find someone specific who shares similar values as yourself. And speaking from experience: good luck finding anyone actually active on this site because most people seem content just creating profiles without ever logging back in again after signing up…it’s kind of depressing honestly!

Overall BlackChristianPeopleMeet fails miserably when it comes down delivering quality online dating experiences – both free AND paid versions lack important functionality needed for successful matchmaking. It might work okay if you’re looking for something casual but otherwise steer clear unless boredom has taken over your life completely (in which case go ahead give ’em a try!).

  • Private Messaging System
  • Profile Verification
  • Search Filters
  • Video Chatting
  • Compatibility Matching

User Profiles

Ugh, BlackChristianPeopleMeet. What a nightmare! I had high hopes for this dating site but it fell way short of my expectations. The user profiles are just terrible and there’s not much you can do to make them stand out from the crowd – they’re all pretty generic and bland. Plus, if you want to set a custom bio or upload any photos then that requires upgrading your account with premium subscription which is really annoying considering how basic the profile options already are!

To make matters worse, when looking at other users’ profiles there isn’t even an indication of distance between yourself and them so finding someone local could be quite tricky unless you happen to live in one of their main cities like New York or Los Angeles (which most people don’t). And while some locations info is provided on each profile page it doesn’t seem possible hide this information – so anyone who stumbles across your page will know exactly where you live whether that’s something they should know or not… Not ideal if privacy is important to ya!
On top of all that, I didn’t come across any benefits associated with having a premium subscription apart from being able access more detailed search results which again seems kindof pointless given how little detail comes up in each individual profile anyway… So yeah overall its definitely NOT worth paying extra money for anything here!!

To add insult injury during my time testing out BlackChristianPeopleMeet I also encountered several fake accounts too – none were flagged as such by the website either so beware!! All-in-all it was pretty disappointing experience; especially since Christian based sites usually have higher standards than regular ones… Guess we can chalk this one down as another failed attempt at online dating eye roll.

Design & Usability

As an online dating expert, I have to say that BlackChristianPeopleMeet’s design and usability leave a lot to be desired. The site is full of garish colors like bright reds and blues which can make it hard on the eyes after awhile. Plus, the font size seems too small for easy reading – not exactly ideal when you’re trying to find your perfect match!

When it comes to usability, things don’t get much better either. Navigating around the website feels clunky at best; there are lots of drop-down menus with confusing labels that could use some reworking so they’re easier for users understand quickly what each one does. On top of this, searching through profiles takes forever since all you can do is scroll down page by page instead being able to search using filters or keywords – talk about time consuming!

And if you think paying for a subscription will give you access UI improvements then think again because sadly there aren’t any major changes in terms of design or functionality once upgrading from free membership status – just more features available such as unlimited messaging capabilities and advanced profile customization options (which may still feel underwhelming given how basic everything looks).

All in all BlackChristianPeopleMeet needs serious work if they want their members’ experience on their platform stay afloat – let alone stand out amongst other Christian dating sites out there today! It’s enough already: someone should really tell them “enough is enough” before its too late…

Mobile App

Well, if you’re looking for a mobile app to help with your BlackChristianPeopleMeet experience, I’m sorry to say that there isn’t one. That’s right – no native app available on either the App Store or Google Play. It looks like this dating site has yet to jump into the world of apps and develop their own version.

That being said, it doesn’t mean that you can’t access all of its features from your phone – just not in an easy-to-use way as a dedicated application would provide. The website is optimized for use on mobile devices so users are able to search profiles and send messages while they’re out and about without having any issues navigating around the page using their fingers instead of mouse clicks! So don’t worry too much if you need some online love when away from home; it’s still possible even without an official app at hand!

Now why hasn’t BlackChristianPeopleMeet created an application? Well my guess is because creating such a thing takes time (and money!) which might be better spent elsewhere within the company given how well designed their website already is anyway – plus they may have other priorities taking up resources at present rather than focusing solely on developing something new…who knows?! Either way though it looks like we’ll have wait until further notice before seeing anything appear anytime soon…but hey who knows what could happen down line!?


When it comes to BlackChristianPeopleMeet, I’m not sure if you’re getting your money’s worth. Sure, the website isn’t free but its pricing is far from competitive. You can get a basic subscription for $14.99 per month and premium membership costs around $29.95 per month – that’s just too much! Plus there are no real benefits of having a paid subscription other than being able to send messages which you could do on any dating site anyway!

The only thing this website has going for it is its niche audience – so if you’re looking specifically for someone who shares your faith then maybe paying up won’t be such an issue after all… But honestly? It still feels like they’re trying to squeeze every penny out of us with their high prices and lack of features or perks compared to other sites in the same price range!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Upload photos, View profiles, Send Flirts, Receive matches
1 Month $13.99 All Free features, Unlimited messaging, Send and receive emails, See who viewed your profile
3 Months $38.97 All 1 Month features, Priority customer service
6 Months $65.94 All 3 Months features, Profile highlighting

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to BlackChristianPeopleMeet include ChristianMingle, eHarmony, and which all offer dating services for Christians of any race or ethnicity. Additionally, there are many other niche religious-based sites that cater specifically to the African American community such as SoulSingles and AfroRomance.

  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for Black Christian singles looking to meet someone of the same faith.
  • Best for those seeking a long-term relationship or marriage with someone who shares their religious beliefs.
  • Best for individuals interested in finding an African American partner that is also committed to Christianity.


1. Is BlackChristianPeopleMeet worth it?

Based on my experience, BlackChristianPeopleMeet isn’t worth it. The matches were terrible and the website was outdated. I wouldn’t recommend this dating site to anyone looking for a serious relationship.

2. How to find people on BlackChristianPeopleMeet?

Searching for people on BlackChristianPeopleMeet is pretty easy. All you have to do is create a profile and start browsing through the list of potential matches. However, I would strongly advise against using this site as it can be quite unreliable when it comes to finding compatible partners.

3. Is BlackChristianPeopleMeet real?

Yes, BlackChristianPeopleMeet is real. But it’s not the best option out there for online dating. I wouldn’t recommend it – there are much better sites to try first!

4. Can you send messages for free on BlackChristianPeopleMeet?

No, you can’t send messages for free on BlackChristianPeopleMeet. You have to pay a subscription fee in order to be able to message other users. It’s really annoying and it takes away from the experience of using an online dating site.

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By Kim Seltzer

Kim Seltzer is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She's the founder of Elite Image Makeovers, a company that specializes in creating personalized profiles and photos to help clients stand out from the crowd on their favorite dating sites and apps. Kim holds two master’s degrees—one in psychology with an emphasis on interpersonal relationships, and one in communications—and she draws upon her extensive education when providing advice to those looking for love online. Kim was inspired to become an expert after witnessing how many people were struggling with finding meaningful connections through traditional means like bars or blind dates; so instead of relying solely on luck, she wanted them to have access to reliable information about what works best when it comes time for digital courtship. Her work as a professional coach focuses primarily around crafting effective messages tailored specifically towards each individual client’s needs while also giving tips about body language cues during virtual meetups such as video chats or phone calls — all designed with one goal: successful long-term relationship building! In addition, Kim regularly reviews different platforms within the industry including popular websites like Matchmaking services & Apps such as Tinder & Bumble along with niche specific ones geared towards certain lifestyles (e..g FarmersOnly). Through her writing style which combines humor alongside practical insights based off personal experiences combined w/ data collected from research studies – readers can get valuable insight into which platform might be right choice without having spend hours testing things out themselves first hand!

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