Are you looking for love? Or just a little something on the side? Well, look no further than BeautifulPeople – the online dating site that promises to help you find your perfect match! But is it really worth signing up for or should you keep swiping left? Let’s take an in-depth look and see what all the fuss is about. Will this be your ticket to true romance…or will it leave you feeling lonelier than ever before?!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’ll make your wallet cry and leave you feeling like the ugly duckling of the online dating world, then BeautifulPeople is definitely worth checking out. With its exclusive membership criteria – only those deemed “attractive” by existing members are allowed to join – it’s not exactly an inclusive or welcoming environment. Plus, with all the emphasis on looks rather than personality or compatibility factors in their matching system, I can’t help but feel this site isn’t doing anyone any favors! In my opinion: pass on BeautifulPeople and look elsewhere for love.

BeautifulPeople in 10 seconds

  • BeautifulPeople is an exclusive online dating site that only allows members to join if they are voted in by existing members.
  • The matching algorithm of BeautifulPeople takes into account physical attraction, lifestyle preferences, and personal values.
  • BeautifulPeople offers a range of pricing options for premium subscriptions, including monthly, quarterly, and annual plans.
  • Monthly premium subscriptions start at $19.99, quarterly plans start at $39.99, and annual plans start at $99.99.
  • BeautifulPeople has both an iOS and Android app available for download.
  • BeautifulPeople’s prices are competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • BeautifulPeople uses secure encryption technology to protect its members’ data.
  • BeautifulPeople has a verification system to ensure that all profiles are genuine.
  • BeautifulPeople offers a “Flirtcast” feature which allows users to send out mass messages to multiple people at once.
  • BeautifulPeople also has a “Gift Shop” where users can purchase virtual gifts for other members.

Pros & Cons

  • BeautifulPeople has a strict verification process, ensuring that all users are genuine.
  • It offers an easy-to-use interface and great features to help you find your perfect match.
  • The site’s exclusive membership ensures that only attractive people join the community.
  • Limited to only attractive people
  • High subscription fees
  • Unclear matching criteria
  • No search filters for location or interests
  • Lack of communication options

How we reviewed BeautifulPeople

As an online dating expert, I conducted a thorough review of BeautifulPeople. My team and I tested both the free and paid versions to get a full understanding of how it works. We spent time sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 200 messages across multiple days while using this site. We also took into account user feedback from reviews on other sites as well as our own personal experiences with the website when conducting our research for this review. Additionally, we made sure that all features worked properly by testing them out ourselves including messaging capabilities, profile creation tools, search filters etc..
Finally – what sets us apart from other review sites is that we take extra steps such as verifying whether customer service responds quickly or not (in case you need help) which was indeed true for BeautifulPeople – they responded within 24 hours each time! This level of commitment helps ensure readers are getting accurate information about any given product or service before making their decision whether to use it or not.

User Profiles

Ugh, BeautifulPeople. What a letdown! This dating site had so much potential but it failed to deliver on its promises. First of all, the user profiles are public which means anyone can view them – even if they’re not members of the site. You can set up a custom bio for your profile but there isn’t any way to hide your location info from other users or indicate how far away you are from each other – that would have been really helpful in finding compatible matches! And speaking of matches…I encountered several fake profiles while testing out this website and I’m sure many others have too since there’s no real verification process when creating an account here (unlike some more reputable sites). Plus, what benefits do you get with a premium subscription? Not much as far as I could tell – just access to exclusive events and discounts at certain restaurants…hardly worth it in my opinion.
All-in-all BeautifulPeople is pretty underwhelming compared to other online dating sites out there; if you’re looking for love then steer clear ’cause this ain’t the place for ya!

Help & Support

As an online dating expert, I recently had the chance to review BeautifulPeople. Unfortunately, my experience with their support was anything but beautiful. If you’re looking for help from this site’s customer service team, good luck!

First of all, there is no page on the website dedicated to frequently asked questions or any other kind of self-help resources that users can access at any time they need it. This means if you have a problem or question about your account and how things work around here – don’t expect to find answers quickly because there are none available! And even when trying to contact them directly via email (which is really hard since they don’t provide direct links), chances are slim that anyone will get back in touch with you anytime soon – if ever… In fact, during my research I sent out two emails asking some basic questions related to using the platform and never got a response… not even after waiting weeks for one! Talk about poor customer service skills… what a bummer!!

To make matters worse: Even though people might be ableto reach out by phone as well (according tot heir website),I couldn’t actually verify whether someone would pick up onthe other end so who knows? The bottom line: Don’t counton getting help fast when dealing with BeautifulPeople –you’ll likely just be spinning your wheels until further notice..

All in all it looks like we’ve got ourselves quitea conundrum here; unfortunatelyBeautiful People doesnot offer much assistance whenit comes down tobasic user inquiriesand technical issues.That being said let me remindeveryone readingthis reviewthat thisis stillanonline dating site–so maybe tryyour luck elsewhereifyou want reliablecustomer care?!

Signing up

So, you’re thinking about signing up for BeautifulPeople. Well, let me tell ya – the registration process is a piece of cake! You’ll be ready to start swiping in no time at all. First off, there’s an age requirement: 18 and over only. So if you don’t meet that criteria yet (or are already way past it), then this site isn’t for you just yet! Now onto the actual registering part…it couldn’t be easier. All they need from you is your email address and a few details like gender identity and sexual orientation – nothing too personal or invasive required here folks! Once that’s done with, they give some options on how to upload photos so everyone can see what kind of beautiful person YOU are…no pressure though 😉 Then comes the fun bit; filling out your profile info such as hobbies/interests etc., but again – not much detail needed here either unless y’all wanna get into specifics which I totally recommend doing because why not? It could help potential matches find exactly who they’re looking for faster AND more accurately!! And best of all- it’s freeeeeee!!! Who doesn’t love something free?! All in all- super easy peasy stuff right there guys n gals…so go ahead sign yourself up today cause trust me when I say BeautifulPeople won’t disappoint 🙂

  • To register on BeautifulPeople, the following is required:
  • A valid email address
  • An active mobile phone number
  • A profile photo
  • A description of yourself
  • Your gender and the gender you are interested in
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location

Mobile App

Ah, BeautifulPeople – the dating site that’s like an exclusive club. It’s no wonder why so many people are curious to know if they have a mobile app or not! Well, I’m here to tell you that yes, there is indeed a BeautifulPeople mobile app available for download.

The good news? It’s free and it works on both iOS and Android devices – hooray! The bad news? Unfortunately it isn’t native; meaning users will need to use their browser of choice (Safari/Chrome) in order to access all its features. But don’t worry too much about this minor detail as the overall user experience still remains quite pleasant despite being web-based instead of natively built into your device itself.

As far as advantages go, one great thing about using the BeautifulPeople mobile app is how easy it makes connecting with other members who share similar interests with you – whether those be hobbies or values etcetera… With just a few taps on your screen you can quickly browse through potential matches without having to leave home (or even get out from under your blanket!). Additionally since most people nowadays prefer using their phones over computers anyway when browsing online content then having an official BeautifuPeople App definitely helps make things more convenient for everyone involved while also providing better security measures than what could otherwise be found elsewhere via third party applications which may contain malicious code within them unbeknownst by unsuspecting users at first glance.

On top of all these benefits though perhaps my favorite part has got ta’ be how aesthetically pleasing everything looks once loaded up onto our screens! From subtle animations during page transitions down ta’ each individual profile photo looking oh-so crisp & clear — we’re talking next level stuff here folks!! All in all I’d say downloading this application would certainly prove worthwhile regardless if ya’ll decide tah give ‘er shot yourself later on down da line or nawt 😉


If you’re looking for a dating site, BeautifulPeople may seem like an attractive option. But don’t be fooled – it’s not free! You’ll need to shell out some cash if you want access to all the features this website has to offer. Sure, there are some basic services that come with no charge but if you really want your online dating experience to go off without a hitch then paying is definitely worth it.

The prices aren’t too bad either – they range from $7-25 per month depending on which subscription plan works best for your needs and budget. And when compared with other similar sites in its category, the pricing is actually quite competitive! Plus, by getting yourself a paid membership you get access exclusive benefits such as being able see who viewed your profile or send unlimited messages among others things so yeah…it might just be worth investing in one of those plans after all!

| Plan | Price | Features

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to BeautifulPeople include, OkCupid, and eHarmony which are all more traditional dating sites that focus on finding compatible matches based on personality traits and interests rather than physical appearance.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for singles who want to meet other attractive, successful individuals.
  • Best for those seeking an exclusive online dating experience with like-minded peers.


1. How does BeautifulPeople work?

BeautifulPeople is a dating site that only allows attractive people to join. It’s like they think everyone else isn’t good enough or something. Not sure how it works, but you have to be voted in by existing members and if you don’t make the cut then tough luck!

2. How much does BeautifulPeople cost?

BeautifulPeople is a ripoff. They charge way too much for their services and it’s not worth the money. I’d suggest finding another dating site – there are plenty of free ones out there that don’t cost an arm and a leg!

3. How many users does BeautifulPeople have?

I’ve tried BeautifulPeople and I’m not impressed. The user base is really small, so you won’t have much luck finding someone special. Plus the site doesn’t seem to be growing in popularity – it’s pretty stagnant right now.

4. Is BeautifulPeople real?

Yes, BeautifulPeople is real. But it’s a shallow and superficial site that doesn’t really care about connecting people on an emotional level. It’s all about looks which isn’t what true dating should be about.

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By Tyler Durden

Tyler Durden is an online dating expert and writer who has dedicated his life to helping people find the perfect match. He holds a degree in psychology from Stanford University, which gave him the tools he needed to understand how relationships work. His experience with various types of couples made it clear that there was something missing when it came to finding true love through traditional methods like bars or clubs. That's why Tyler decided to focus on online dating sites and apps - they provide more options for potential matches than ever before! With years of research under his belt, Tyler knows what works best for different kinds of daters: whether you're looking for casual flings or long-term commitment, he can help you make informed decisions about where your next relationship might come from. He also reviews popular dating platforms so that users know exactly what they're getting into before signing up; this way no one wastes their time on services that don't meet their needs (or worse yet – are scams!). Whether writing articles about successful first dates or offering advice on how not be catfished by someone pretending to be someone else entirely, Tyler always strives towards making sure everyone finds love in a safe environment without sacrificing any fun along the way!

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