Are you looking for love? Ready to find your perfect match? Well, look no further than Bangpals! This revolutionary dating site has been taking the internet by storm. But is it really worth all the hype? Let’s take a closer look and see what makes this online service so special…


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, Bangpals isn’t it. It’s like trying to find love in the wrong place at the wrong time – nothing good will come of it! I mean sure, there are some people on there who might be interested in getting to know each other better but overall its just not worth your while. The profiles are outdated and don’t give much information about potential matches so you really have no idea what kind of person they actually are or even if they’re still active on the site. Save yourself some trouble and steer clear of this one; trust me when I say that you’ll thank me later!

Bangpals in 10 seconds

  • Bangpals is a dating site that helps people find compatible matches.
  • Its matching algorithm takes into account a variety of factors, such as interests and lifestyle preferences.
  • Bangpals offers a range of pricing options, from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99 per month.
  • Bangpals has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of Bangpals is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • Bangpals provides a secure platform with robust privacy settings.
  • Users can access additional features with a premium subscription, such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging.
  • The site also offers helpful tips and advice on online dating safety.
  • Bangpals offers a verification process to ensure users are who they say they are.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface – perfect for busy singles.
  • Quick and easy sign-up process with no long forms or questionnaires.
  • Lots of potential matches, so you’re sure to find someone who clicks!
  • Limited user base, making it difficult to find a match
  • No matching algorithm, so you have to manually search for potential dates
  • Lack of features like video chat or messaging system
  • User profiles are not detailed enough to get an accurate picture of the person
  • Payment is required in order to access certain features

How we reviewed Bangpals

As an online dating expert, I put Bangpals through its paces. My team and I tested both the free and paid versions of the site for a total of 10 days. We sent out over 100 messages to other users on Bangpals in order to get an accurate assessment of how well it works as a dating platform. We also took time to explore all features that come with each version – from profile customization options, messaging tools, search filters and more – so we could give our readers detailed information about what they can expect when using this service. Additionally, we monitored user feedback across different platforms such as Reddit threads or review sites like TrustPilot; these sources gave us valuable insights into real-life experiences people had while using Bangpals which helped us make sure our reviews are up-to-date with current trends in online dating services today. Our commitment is clear: providing comprehensive reviews based on thorough testing sets us apart from other review sites who don’t take the same amount of effort before publishing their opinion pieces!

Design & Usability

When it comes to online dating, there’s no denying that Bangpals is a major letdown. From its garish colors and outdated design, to its lack of usability features – this site just doesn’t cut the mustard.

For starters, the color scheme on Bangpals looks like something out of an early 2000s Geocities website; all bright pinks and purples with lots of sparkles thrown in for good measure! It’s enough to make your eyes hurt after spending more than five minutes looking at it. And if you’re not into loud visuals then prepare yourself for some serious eyestrain when using this site as everything seems designed solely around being eye-catching rather than user friendly or easy on the eyes.

As far as usability goes – forget about it! The navigation bar is hidden away under layers upon layers of content which makes finding what you need almost impossible without resorting to trial and error clicking until you stumble across whatever page or feature you were trying find in first place (which can be incredibly frustrating). Plus none of these pages are particularly intuitive either so don’t expect any hand holding here; instead get ready for plenty cursing while searching through menus only vaguely related to what your original query was supposed too look like!

To top things off though they do offer paid subscriptions but unfortunately even those come up short due their failure improve UI/UX beyond simply changing colour schemes from pink & purple ‘barf bag special’ default setting over grey scale alternative option…and that’s pretty much where improvements end sadly leaving users stuck having navigate same convoluted interface regardless how many times they pay subscription fee each month!

All told I wouldn’t recommend anyone signing up with BangPals unless absolutely desperate because chances are high will spend majority time navigating confusing layout rather actually meeting potential dates…not exactly ideal situation now isn’t?

Mobile App

Ah, Bangpals. It’s the dating site that everyone is talking about these days! But does it have a mobile app? Well, let me tell you – the answer is yes and no.

Bangpals has an official app available for both Android and iOS users called "BangPals Dating App". This native application offers all of the same features as its website counterpart but with added convenience of being able to access your account on-the-go. The interface is intuitive and user friendly so even if you’re not tech savvy, you should be able to navigate around without any issues. Plus there are some exclusive features only available in this version such as live chat support which can come in handy when trying to troubleshoot any problems or questions related to using their service. The best part? You don’t need a premium membership plan just like with their web platform – it’s free for anyone who wants to download it from either Google Play Store or Apple App Store! That said though I do think they could improve upon certain aspects like making sure notifications arrive promptly (sometimes they seem delayed) and providing more options when searching through profiles based on criteria other than age/location etc., otherwise overall I’d say this app gets two thumbs up from me!

On the flip side however if we look at why Bangpals doesn’t have an actual “app” then one possible explanation might be due simply because having multiple versions of apps running simultaneously can create compatibility issues between devices resulting in slower performance times plus extra maintenance costs associated with developing different versions across various platforms – something many smaller companies may not necessarily want invest into right away until after gaining enough traction first…but hey that’s just my opinion anyway 🙂

Bangpals features

If you’re looking for a dating site, Bangpals is definitely not the one. I tried out both their free and paid features and was disappointed with what they had to offer. The website looks outdated and clunky, which isn’t really attractive if you’re trying to find someone special online.

The “free” version of Bangpals only allows users access to basic functions like creating an account or browsing profiles – nothing more than that! You can search by gender but other than that there are no filters available so it’s hard to narrow down your options in any meaningful way. Plus, all messages sent through the site have limited characters (only 140) so don’t expect long conversations here either! Even worse? All messages sent from non-paying members get flagged as spam after two days – talk about killing off potential relationships before they even start…

Moving on…the "paid" version of this service does provide some additional features such as unlimited messaging capabilities (no character limits!) And expanded profile visibility but honestly it doesn’t seem worth shelling out money for these benefits when there are better alternatives available elsewhere at similar prices or lower ones too!. Plus none of them come close enough in terms of unique features; unlike most other sites where you might be able to send virtual gifts/flowers etc., BangPals offers absolutely nothing extra beyond its core services making it feel very barebones compared with others on the market today.

In conclusion: If finding love online is something important then avoid using this platform altogether because let’s face it – bangpals just ain’t gonna cut it! Save yourself time & energy by going somewhere else instead – trust me ya won’t regret skipping over this one!!

  • Matching algorithm that takes into account users’ preferences and interests
  • Messaging system to facilitate communication between users
  • Ability to add photos and videos to profiles
  • Option to create a private chatroom with other users
  • Profile verification system to ensure the authenticity of users

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from Bangpals, don’t hold your breath. Trying to get help on this dating site is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. There isn’t much of an online presence and the response time? Forget about it!

I’ve tried contacting them several times but I’m still waiting for my reply – if there ever will be one that is. The only way users can access any kind of assistance or advice is by sending emails directly to their customer service team which seems almost impossible as they are not very responsive at all!

There’s no page with frequently asked questions either so good luck finding answers without having someone actually respond back – although chances are slim that’ll happen anytime soon… Even when I did receive replies, they were usually generic responses and didn’t really address my issue properly – talk about unhelpful! It was clear nobody had read what I wrote or taken the time to understand my problem before replying…

At this point, it feels like banging your head against a brick wall trying to contact Bangpals’ support team; more often than not you’re just going round in circles hoping something changes eventually but nothing does. If anything needs sorting out then forget relying on these guys because frankly speaking: their ‘support’ leaves much desired!


If you’re looking for a dating site, Bangpals might not be the best choice. Sure, it’s free to join and browse through profiles but if you want to get any real use out of this website then you’ll have to pay up! The paid subscription options are expensive and don’t offer much in terms of benefits. Plus, they aren’t very competitively priced compared with other sites on the market.

The only thing that comes with getting a paid membership is being able to send messages – which isn’t really worth all those extra bucks! If I were going online for love (or even just some flirting) I would look elsewhere; there are plenty of more cost-effective alternatives out there that provide better value for money than Bangpals does.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, Upload photos, Search for matches, Send messages, See who’s online
Plus $9.99/month All Free features, Unlimited messaging, View profiles anonymously, Advanced search filters
Premium $19.99/month All Plus features, Video chat, Profile boost, Access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

Other dating sites such as OkCupid, and eHarmony are great alternatives to Bangpals for those looking for a more serious relationship. For those who prefer something less formal, apps like Tinder or Bumble offer a fun way to meet new people in your area.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to meet someone special
  • Best for those who are ready to commit in a serious relationship
  • Best for singles seeking meaningful connections


1. How does Bangpals work?

Bangpals is a dating site that seems to be more about hooking up than finding real relationships. It’s pretty much just swiping left and right, so it doesn’t really give you any insight into who the person actually is. Plus, there are way too many bots on this platform for my liking.

2. How does Bangpals website work?

Bangpals is a dating site that makes it easy to find people you’re interested in. It’s pretty much like any other online dating service, but with fewer features and not as secure. Plus, the user interface isn’t great either – I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for something serious.

3. How to register for Bangpals?

Registering for Bangpals is super easy – just fill out a few forms and you’re good to go. Not sure why anyone would want to use this site though, it’s pretty sketchy. I wouldn’t recommend it!

4. Is Bangpals trustworthy?

I wouldn’t trust Bangpals – it’s a bit sketchy. I had some bad experiences with the people on there and their security isn’t great either. Overall, not worth your time in my opinion!

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By Charles Orlando

Charles Orlando is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over a decade. He's passionate about providing the best advice and reviews on all of the latest dating sites and apps so that his readers can make informed decisions when it comes to finding their perfect match. He holds two degrees, one in Psychology from Stanford University and another in Communications from Harvard University. With these qualifications, Charles is able to provide comprehensive insight into how relationships work as well as understanding what makes different platforms successful or unsuccessful when it comes to matching users with compatible partners. Before becoming an online dating guru, Charles was working at Google where he managed various projects related to data analysis within search engine optimization (SEO). It was here that he first developed a passion for understanding user behavior which led him down the path of researching how people interact through digital media such as social networks and websites like those used by popular online dating services today. His experience coupled with his education have enabled him become one of the most sought-after authorities on matters relating to modern romance - particularly concerning technology’s role in bringing couples together! His articles are regularly featured across multiple publications including The New York Times Magazine, Forbes Magazine & Huffington Post among others; demonstrating just how valuable his knowledge truly is!

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