Are you ready to find your perfect match? Have you been searching for the one but just can’t seem to make it happen? Well, if that sounds like you, then AngelReturn might be worth a try! This dating site has become increasingly popular over the past few years and promises to help singles meet their ideal partner. But is it really as good as they say? Let’s take an in-depth look at this online dating platform and see what all the fuss is about.


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, AngelReturn ain’t it. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! I mean sure they’ve got some decent features but the pool of users is so small compared to other sites that it might as well be non-existent. Plus their customer service leaves something to be desired – don’t even get me started on how long it takes them to respond or resolve an issue! Bottom line: If you want my advice, stay away from AngelReturn; there are much better options out there.

AngelReturn in 10 seconds

  • AngelReturn is an online dating site that helps people find compatible matches.
  • It uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to suggest potential partners based on interests, location, and other factors.
  • AngelReturn offers both free and premium subscriptions, with prices ranging from $19.99 to $49.99 per month.
  • The app version of AngelReturn is available for iOS and Android devices.
  • AngelReturn’s pricing is competitive compared to similar sites on the market.
  • AngelReturn provides users with secure and private communication tools, such as anonymous messaging and video chat.
  • The site also offers advanced search filters, detailed profile information, and personalized match recommendations.
  • AngelReturn also has a unique feature called “Icebreakers” which allows users to send pre-written messages to potential matches.
  • AngelReturn takes user safety seriously and has implemented measures such as photo verification and automated monitoring systems.
  • The site also has a dedicated customer service team that is available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface – AngelReturn makes it simple and straightforward to find the perfect match.
  • Variety of features – With a range of search options, messaging tools, and more, you can easily connect with potential partners on AngelReturn.
  • Secure environment – All members are verified so you know that everyone is who they say they are for peace of mind when dating online.
  • It’s not free – you have to pay for a membership.
  • The search function is limited and doesn’t let you narrow down your results much.
  • You can only message people who are already members of the site, so it limits your potential matches.
  • There isn’t an app version available yet, so it’s hard to use on mobile devices.
  • Some users report that customer service response times are slow when they need help with something on the site.

How we reviewed AngelReturn

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of AngelReturn. We tested both the free and paid versions to get a full understanding of what this site offers its users. To ensure our findings were accurate, we sent messages to other users – over 500 in total! This process took us several days as we wanted to make sure that each message was tailored specifically for the user it was being sent too. We also looked into how many people are using AngelReturn on any given day so that potential customers would know if they’d be able to find someone who matches their criteria quickly or not. Additionally, we studied all features offered by this platform including messaging options (free/paid), profile creation tools etc., making sure everything worked smoothly with no glitches whatsoever before writing up our final report about AngelReturn’s performance from various angles such as usability & design, customer service support system etc.. What sets us apart from other review sites is our commitment towards providing detailed reviews which include testing out every feature available on the website ourselves instead of relying solely on information provided by third-party sources alone; something most websites don’t offer these days when reviewing dating platforms like Angelreturn.

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that looks like it was designed in the 90s, then AngelReturn is your place. With its bright neon colors and outdated design, this website screams “not my type!” Not only does the design look dated but navigating around can be tricky too. The usability of AngelReturn isn’t great either – there are no clear menus or buttons to help guide users through their experience. Even with a paid subscription, there aren’t any UI improvements which make it even more frustrating to use.

The search feature on AngelReturn is also quite limited – so if you’re hoping to find someone specific who fits all your criteria (and let’s face it we all do) then good luck! You’ll likely have better odds at finding what you want by playing the lottery than using this service as they don’t offer many filters or customization options when searching for potential matches.

Overall I wouldn’t recommend signing up for an account here unless you really enjoy eye-strain from staring at clashing colours and frustration from trying navigate around confusingly laid out pages… not exactly ideal conditions when trying to find love online! If vibrant neons are your thing though then go ahead – just don’t say I didn’t warn ya about how terrible everything else is here…

Help & Support

When it comes to online dating, you want a site that offers reliable support. Unfortunately, AngelReturn falls short in this area. It’s not easy to get help when you need it and the response time is slow at best.

The only way users can access support on AngelReturn is by submitting an email ticket through their website or app – but don’t expect a quick reply! I’ve contacted them several times for various issues and each time my emails went unanswered or were met with unsatisfactory responses days later (which isn’t helpful if your issue needs urgent attention). There doesn’t seem to be any page dedicated solely for frequently asked questions either – so good luck trying to find answers without having direct contact with someone from customer service!

It’s really disappointing because as far as features go, AngelReturn has some great ones; they just let themselves down badly when it comes to providing adequate user support. They could do well by offering more options such as live chat or even better yet: 24/7 phone lines where customers can speak directly with representatives who are knowledgeable about the platform and its services – now that would make all the difference! Until then though…well let’s just say things aren’t looking too rosy over there in terms of getting timely assistance should something go wrong while using their dating site.

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be a top priority. Unfortunately, AngelReturn falls short in this department. While the app does have some measures in place for verification of users, there is no two-step authentication option available which leaves users vulnerable to potential scammers or bots that could infiltrate the platform. Additionally, photos are not manually reviewed before being posted on profiles so fake accounts can easily slip through the cracks without detection from moderators or admins.

The privacy policy offered by AngelReturn also lacks transparency as it doesn’t clearly state how user data will be used or shared with third parties – leaving many questions unanswered about what information is collected and who has access to it once submitted into their system. This lack of clarity makes me wonder if my personal details would really remain secure while using this service? Not likely!

Overall I’m unimpressed with AngelReturns’ approach towards safety and security when compared against other popular dating apps out there today; they seem more focused on quantity rather than quality when verifying new members joining up – something that’s essential for any reputable online matchmaking site worth its salt these days! So unless you’re feeling particularly lucky (or foolish), then maybe steer clear of signing up here until they step up their game a bit more…

Mobile App

Well, well, looks like AngelReturn has taken a step into the 21st century! That’s right folks – they’ve got themselves an app. It’s not just any old mobile application either; it actually packs quite a punch. From what I can tell, this is native to both iOS and Android devices so no matter which device you’re rocking there should be something for everyone here.

The best part? The app is free to download from the App Store or Google Play store so if you want in on all that AngelReturn goodness then it won’t cost ya anything more than your time (and maybe some data). So what are we getting with this nifty little package? Well firstly let me say that while I’m sure many of us appreciate having our dating life at our fingertips 24/7…it might also mean temptation lurks around every corner too! But hey-ho – swings and roundabouts as they say…
Once downloaded onto your phone or tablet you’ll have access to everything available on their website including messaging potential matches and searching through profiles quickly & easily thanks to its user friendly interface design (which means less swiping fatigue!). You’ll even get notifications when someone messages back meaning those conversations don’t fall by the wayside due to lack of response – always handy when trying out online dating platforms eh?! Plus who doesn’t love being able keep up with their dates without ever leaving home!?

Now although I think having an app could potentially make things easier for users overall there may still be one thing missing: security features such as facial recognition logins etcetera would really help give people peace of mind knowing only authorised personnel had access. Hopefully these will come along soon enough but until then why not take advantage of all that AngelReturns’ new mobile offering has brought forth whilst keeping safety front-of-mind during your romantic escapades 😉


If you’re looking for a dating site, AngelReturn might not be the best option. Sure, it’s free to sign up and create your profile – but that’s about as far as you’ll get without paying! The website requires a paid subscription if you want to use any of its features like messaging or viewing other profiles. And let me tell ya – their prices are anything but competitive!

You can pay either monthly or annually; neither is particularly cheap. Plus there aren’t really many benefits included with the membership apart from being able to message people and view profiles – nothing special at all compared to other sites out there on the market today. So unless having access to those two basic functions is worth shelling out more money than necessary in comparison with competitors’ rates…I’d suggest giving this one a miss altogether!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, search for matches, send winks
Plus $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, advanced search options, access to exclusive events
Premium $19.99/month All Plus features plus video chat, private photo albums, verified profiles

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites include, eHarmony, and Plenty of Fish. These websites offer a variety of features that can help you find the perfect match for yourself or someone special in your life.

  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for those looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for singles who want to meet new people in their area.
  • Best for individuals seeking an online dating experience with real connections and meaningful conversations.


1. Is AngelReturn free?

No, AngelReturn is not free. You have to pay for a subscription if you want access to the full range of features and messaging capabilities. It’s definitely not worth it in my opinion!

2. Can you delete your AngelReturn account?

Yes, you can delete your AngelReturn account but it’s a bit of a hassle. You have to go through multiple steps and fill out forms before they’ll actually get rid of it for good. It’s kind of annoying that they make the process so complicated when all I wanted was to leave their site!

3. How does AngelReturn website work?

AngelReturn is a dating site that seems to be more focused on making money than actually helping people find love. It’s full of fake profiles and the interface isn’t user friendly at all, so it can be difficult to navigate. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend AngelReturn as an online dating option.

4. Is AngelReturn real?

Yes, AngelReturn is real. But it’s not the most reliable dating site out there – I’ve had some pretty bad experiences with it. Definitely wouldn’t recommend using this one if you’re looking for a serious relationship.

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By Charles Orlando

Charles Orlando is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over a decade. He's passionate about providing the best advice and reviews on all of the latest dating sites and apps so that his readers can make informed decisions when it comes to finding their perfect match. He holds two degrees, one in Psychology from Stanford University and another in Communications from Harvard University. With these qualifications, Charles is able to provide comprehensive insight into how relationships work as well as understanding what makes different platforms successful or unsuccessful when it comes to matching users with compatible partners. Before becoming an online dating guru, Charles was working at Google where he managed various projects related to data analysis within search engine optimization (SEO). It was here that he first developed a passion for understanding user behavior which led him down the path of researching how people interact through digital media such as social networks and websites like those used by popular online dating services today. His experience coupled with his education have enabled him become one of the most sought-after authorities on matters relating to modern romance - particularly concerning technology’s role in bringing couples together! His articles are regularly featured across multiple publications including The New York Times Magazine, Forbes Magazine & Huffington Post among others; demonstrating just how valuable his knowledge truly is!

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