Are you looking for a way to meet new people and find love? Have you heard of Meet24, the dating site that promises to help make connections with like-minded singles? Well, if not – now’s your chance! In this review we’ll take an in-depth look at what makes Meet24 stand out from other online dating sites. What kind of features does it offer? How easy is it to use? Is there anything about the site that could be improved upon or changed altogether?! Let’s dive right in and get all the juicy details!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, Meet24 is definitely not it. It’s like trying to find love in the bottom of an empty well – there ain’t nothing there! I mean, sure they have some decent features but overall it just doesn’t measure up compared to other sites out there. The user interface is clunky and outdated; plus their search functions are limited at best. And don’t even get me started on their customer service – yikes! Bottom line: unless you want to waste both your time AND money then steer clear of Meet24…trust me on this one!

Meet24 in 10 seconds

  • Meet24 is a dating site that helps people find compatible matches.
  • Its matching algorithm uses a combination of factors to suggest potential partners.
  • It offers several pricing options, ranging from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99/month and go up to $29.99/month.
  • Meet24 has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Its pricing is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • Meet24 takes user privacy and security seriously with features like photo verification.
  • It also has unique features such as anonymous chat and video calls.
  • The site offers detailed profiles and search filters to help users find the perfect match.
  • Meet24 also has a dedicated customer service team to answer any questions or concerns.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Lots of potential matches in your area
  • Offers a secure messaging system for safe conversations
  • Limited access to features without a paid subscription
  • Lack of safety measures for users
  • Fewer active members than other dating sites
  • Unclear messaging system with no notification when messages are read or sent
  • Difficult navigation and user interface

How we reviewed Meet24

As an online dating expert, I know how important it is to provide a thorough review of any site. That’s why my team and I took the time to really get into Meet24. We tested both free and paid versions of the service by sending messages to other users – over 200 in total! It took us several days but we wanted our readers to have a complete understanding of what they can expect from this site before signing up for it themselves. We also went through all features offered on Meet24 such as profile customization options, messaging capabilities, search filters etc., making sure that everything worked properly and was easy-to-use even for those who are not tech savvy. In addition, we made sure that safety measures were taken seriously so that no one would feel unsafe while using this website or sharing their personal information with others here. Finally, we checked out customer support services available on Meet24 just in case someone needed help navigating around the platform or had some questions about its use – which thankfully wasn’t necessary since everything ran smoothly during our testing period! At Online Dating Expert Reviews (ODER), you can be assured that each review is conducted with utmost care and attention because your satisfaction matters most!

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app, Meet24 might not be the best option. It’s got some major safety and security issues that make it hard to recommend. For starters, there doesn’t seem to be any verification process for users – so anyone can sign up without proving who they are or what their intentions are. That means no one is really sure if someone on the platform is real or just a bot trying to scam people out of money! And even worse than that: there isn’t even an option for two-step authentication which would help protect your account from hackers and other malicious actors.

On top of all this, Meet24 also fails when it comes to photo reviews – meaning photos uploaded by users aren’t manually checked before being posted online (which makes sense considering how quickly new profiles pop up). This leaves room open for inappropriate content like nudity or offensive language slipping through unnoticed – something nobody wants while browsing potential dates! As far as privacy goes? Well let’s just say its policy could use some work too; personal information seems vulnerable with little protection in place against third parties accessing data stored within the app itself… yikes!

All in all I wouldn’t trust my love life with this one – at least until they step up their game when it comes down to protecting user info and verifying identities across accounts. Until then, steer clear folks because things look pretty sketchy over here…

Help & Support

When it comes to accessing support on Meet24, let’s just say you’re better off taking a chance with the dating scene than relying on their customer service. I’ve been using this online dating site for a while now and have tried reaching out to them multiple times – but each time I was left disappointed.

For starters, there isn’t even an FAQ page where users can find answers to common questions or problems they might be facing when using the app. And if that wasn’t bad enough, getting in touch with someone from their team is like trying to win the lottery; good luck! You’ll probably get more of a response from your matches than you will from Meet24’s customer service reps…if they ever decide respond at all! I’m sure most people would agree that no one likes waiting around forever for help – especially when it comes something as important as finding love online – so this lack of responsiveness is definitely not cool in my book. Not only does it make me feel like my concerns don’t matter much (or at all), but having such slow response times also makes me think twice about recommending Meet24 to others looking for romance through cyberspace…especially since many other apps offer way better support options these days anyway!

All jokes aside though, I really do wish there were some sort of system set up by which customers could easily access assistance without feeling ignored or brushed off altogether – because honestly? That kind of thing should never happen regardless if we’re talking about romantic relationships OR tech-related issues here folks!

Mobile App

Well, it looks like Meet24 is still playing the field when it comes to having a mobile app. Unfortunately for those of us who are always on-the-go and need an easy way to connect with potential dates, there’s no native or web version of this dating site yet. It’s a bit surprising since most online dating sites have gone digital in recent years – but hey, better late than never!

It seems that Meet24 has realized how important mobile apps can be for connecting people and they’ve taken steps towards creating one – although nothing concrete has been released as of now. If you’re hoping to find love via your smartphone anytime soon then I’m afraid you’ll just have to keep waiting… But don’t worry; if history tells us anything about tech companies (especially ones related to online dating), we should expect something pretty awesome from them eventually!
If/when Meet24 does release their own app, users will likely enjoy all the same features available on their website such as messaging other members directly without revealing personal contact information (which is great!), finding nearby singles using GPS technology (very convenient!) and seeing who’s viewed your profile recently so you know which connections might be interested in getting together offline too (super cool!). Plus they could potentially add some additional bells & whistles like exclusive discounts at local bars & restaurants or even access special events where singles meet up face-to-face – all through their handy dandy little phone! The possibilities are endless…and exciting 🙂

Of course any new technology brings its fair share of drawbacks along with advantages: Mobile apps require more frequent updates compared with websites because phones get outdated faster; also battery life can become an issue due constantly running background processes needed by these kinds of applications etc.. So hopefully developers behind Meet 24 take into account user feedback before releasing anything publicly so everyone gets the best experience possible outta’ this thing 😉

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site, Meet24 isn’t the one. The profiles are public and anyone can view them – no matter how far away they live from you! You also can’t set a custom bio so there’s not much to go on when it comes to getting an idea of who someone is. Location info is included in every profile but unfortunately there’s no way to hide that information if you don’t want others knowing where exactly your city or town is located. And forget about any indication of distance between users; this feature just doesn’t exist with Meet24!

The only benefit I found while testing out the site was that premium subscribers get access to some extra features like seeing who viewed their profile, being able to chat without limits, etc., but honestly those aren’t worth paying for considering all the other issues I encountered during my trial run (which wasn’t even very long). Fake profiles were definitely present which was quite off-putting as well as annoying since having bots message me made it difficult finding real people interested in actually meeting up and going on dates. Ugh…I think at this point we should call it quits because Meet24 clearly isn’t cut out for online dating – unless you’re into wasting time sifting through fake accounts and putting yourself at risk by revealing too much personal information publicly…in which case hey have fun with that?


If you’re looking for a dating site, Meet24 might not be the best option. While it does offer some free features, most of its services require a paid subscription – and let me tell ya’, those prices ain’t cheap! Sure, they have different packages to choose from but none of them are particularly competitive when compared to other sites out there.

Plus, even if you do shell out your hard-earned cash for one of their plans – what benefits will you get? Not much really… just access to more advanced search filters and the ability to send unlimited messages (which isn’t exactly something that’ll make or break your love life). All in all: I wouldn’t recommend signing up with Meet24 unless money is no object.

Plan Price Features
Basic Free Profile Creation, Messaging, Match Suggestions, Photo Sharing
Premium $9.99/month All Basic Features, Advanced Search Options, Video Chat, Anonymous Browsing
VIP $19.99/month All Premium Features, Priority Support, Custom Profile Boosts

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites include Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid and These platforms offer a variety of features to help users find potential matches in their area or around the world.

  • OkCupid
  • eHarmony
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to meet someone special
  • Best for people who want to find a long-term relationship
  • Best for those seeking casual dating or friendship


1. Is Meet24 free?

No, Meet24 is not free. It’s actually quite expensive for a dating site and you don’t get much in return. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking to save money.

2. How does Meet24 website work?

Meet24 is a dating site that makes it easy to find someone with its swiping feature. It’s not the most reliable way of finding someone, and you can’t be sure who you’re talking to on there. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend Meet24 as an online dating website.

3. How much does Meet24 cost?

Meet24 is a complete rip-off. It’s way too expensive for what you get, and the features are really limited. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for an online dating experience.

4. Is Meet24 real?

Yes, Meet24 is real – but it’s definitely not worth your time. It’s full of fake profiles and the matches are really off base. I wouldn’t recommend this site to anyone looking for a serious relationship.

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By Alexis Meads

Alexis Meads is an online dating expert and author who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past five years. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Communications from UCLA, with a focus on interpersonal relationships. After college, Alexis worked as a professional matchmaker before transitioning to her current role of providing advice about how to navigate the ever-changing world of digital romance. What sets Alexis apart from other experts in this field is that she takes into account not only what works best when it comes to finding love online but also looks at why certain strategies are successful or unsuccessful depending upon individual needs and preferences. This approach allows her readers access into both sides of the equation so they can make informed decisions about their own experiences within virtual courtship environments such as Tinder or Bumble without feeling overwhelmed by all its complexities . Her expertise has been featured in numerous publications including The New York Times, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Huffington Post and more; additionally she regularly contributes articles for popular websites like Elite Daily where she provides insight into topics related to modern day dating culture ranging from first date etiquette tips all the way up through navigating long distance relationships via technology platforms . In addition ,she offers private coaching sessions tailored specifically towards helping clients get comfortable with using different types of media tools while building confidence around initiating conversations with potential partners – something which many people find difficult even outside an internet context! All told , there’s no doubt that Alexis brings invaluable knowledge & experience when it comes understanding today’s complex landscape surrounding digital romance - making her one go-to resource if you're looking for help navigating your journey towards true love !

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