Are you ready to find your dream date? Well, buckle up and get ready for the ride of a lifetime with Dream Singles! This online dating site has been around since 2003 and is one of the most popular sites on the web. But what makes it so special? Is it worth signing up for or should you look elsewhere? We’ll answer all these questions in our review – but first let’s take a closer look at what this website offers…


Dream Singles is like the drive-thru of dating sites. It’s not gourmet, but it’ll do in a pinch! Sure, there are better options out there if you’re looking for something more high-end or specialized – and I’ve tried them all – but Dream Singles isn’t bad at all. The interface is easy to use and navigate around; plus they have some pretty decent features that make online dating easier than ever before. So yeah, while it may not be my first choice when it comes to finding love online, Dream Singles definitely gets two thumbs up from me as an okay option!

Dream Singles in 10 seconds

  • Dream Singles is an online dating site.
  • It uses a sophisticated matching algorithm to connect users with compatible partners.
  • Dream Singles offers various pricing options, including monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscription costs $9.99, quarterly subscription costs $19.99, and annual subscription costs $39.99.
  • Dream Singles has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of Dream Singles is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • Dream Singles takes user privacy and security seriously, offering features such as photo verification and 24/7 customer support.
  • Special features include video chat, virtual gifts, and advanced search filters.
  • Users can also create a profile in multiple languages.
  • Dream Singles offers an extensive blog with helpful tips and advice for online daters.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface
  • High quality profiles with verified photos and videos
  • Great customer service for any questions or concerns
  • Limited communication options with free membership
  • Some users have reported fake profiles
  • Lack of an app for mobile use

How we reviewed Dream Singles

As an online dating expert, I and my team went through a rigorous process to review Dream Singles. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending messages to other users over several days. In total we sent out around 200 messages during our time on Dream Singles – that’s about 10 per day for 20 days! We also took into account factors such as user experience design, customer service responsiveness (including response times), cost-effectiveness of membership plans compared with competitors’, ease of use in terms of navigation and finding potential matches etc., security measures taken by the website including encryption technology used for payments etc., number & quality/relevance/diversity of profiles available on this platform. All these points were carefully evaluated before giving any verdict or rating regarding Dream Singles’ performance overall. Our commitment towards offering unbiased reviews sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such detailed analyses; thus making sure readers get honest opinions based upon facts rather than just mere speculations or hearsay stories about a particular product or service like in case here –DreamSingles–dating site.

Mobile App

Dream Singles is a popular online dating site, but does it have an app? Unfortunately, the answer to that question is no. While many other sites and apps offer mobile options for their users, Dream Singles has yet to jump on board with this trend. That being said, there could be several reasons why they haven’t released a mobile version of their service just yet – from not having enough resources or personnel dedicated to developing one; wanting more time perfecting the design before releasing it; or simply deciding against investing in such technology at all.

Regardless of why they don’t have an app right now though (or if they ever will), you can still use Dream Singles on your phone’s browser without any issues whatsoever! It may not be as convenient as downloading and using an actual native application would be – after all who doesn’t love tapping away instead of typing out messages? But hey – sometimes we gotta make do with what we got! And while some people might find themselves missing certain features like push notifications when new matches come along…you won’t miss out too much by going through your device’s web browser rather than a native app anyway since most core functions are already available via desktop computer anyways so you’re good either way really!

At the end of the day though whether or not Dream Single releases its own mobile application isn’t really gonna affect how successful singles are able to meet each other online here…it’ll just give us another way to keep up-to-date with our potential partners’ activities which could prove helpful depending on how busy someone gets during their day-to-day life. So until then let’s hope that eventually these guys decide “Hey why don’t I go ahead and develop my own sweet little Love App?" because frankly speaking – wouldn’t hurt anyone if something like that was around sooner rather than later ya know?!

Help & Support

Dream Singles is an okay dating site, but it’s not the best. It has some good features and a decent user base, but its support could use some work. When I contacted Dream Singles’ customer service for help with my account issues, they took their sweet time getting back to me – which was pretty annoying! But if you’re willing to wait a bit longer than usual for assistance from them then you should be alright. The main way that users can access Dream Singles’ support is through emailing or calling them directly on their website contact page – though there isn’t really any live chat feature available yet unfortunately (which would make things much easier). There also doesn’t seem to be any sort of FAQs page either so all queries must go straight through the customer service team instead of being able to find answers yourself quickly and easily like most other sites have these days.
That said, when I did eventually get responses from Dream Single’s reps they were friendly enough and answered my questions satisfactorily – even if it did take ages! So while this may not necessarily be ideal in terms of speediness or convenience compared with other online dating services out there right now; at least you know that your query will eventually get dealt with by someone who knows what they are talking about…eventually anyway!

Dream Singles features

Dream Singles is an okay dating site, but not the best option on the market. It has both free and paid features that are worth considering if you’re looking for a new online dating experience.

The free version of Dream Singles offers basic functions like creating your profile, searching through other members’ profiles, and sending messages to those who interest you most. You can also upload photos to show off yourself or even send virtual gifts as tokens of appreciation! The downside here is that these features aren’t very advanced compared to some other sites out there – so don’t expect too much from them in terms of finding true love!

On the flip side though, their premium membership does offer more bells and whistles than its competitors do. For starters it allows users access to exclusive events such as speed-dating sessions with potential matches – which could be great fun (and possibly lead somewhere!). Plus they have a unique feature called ‘Match Me Now’, where they match up compatible singles based on mutual interests & hobbies – something we haven’t seen elsewhere yet! This means no more endless swiping left or right trying desperately find someone suitable; instead just sit back while Dream Singles take care of all the hard work for ya’. How cool is that?

Of course with any service there’s always going be pros & cons depending what kind user experience you’re after… So whether this one works out well for depends entirely upon how serious about finding somebody special online (or maybe just having bit harmless flirting). In either case I’d say give it go see how goes… Who knows? Maybe dream date awaits at end rainbow?!

  • Verified profiles of real singles
  • Live video chat with other members
  • Advanced search filters to find compatible matches
  • Personalized matchmaking services
  • 24/7 customer support

Design & Usability

Dream Singles is a decent dating site, but it’s not the cream of the crop. It has an okay design and usability that could use some improvements. The colors are mostly muted shades of blue with white text, which makes for a nice look overall – nothing too flashy or gaudy here!

The UI is pretty straightforward; you can easily find what you need without having to search around too much. However, if you want more features such as advanced search options or unlimited messaging capabilities then I suggest upgrading your subscription because these features aren’t available on the free version.

Overall Dream Singles isn’t bad – it gets the job done when it comes to online dating – but there are definitely better sites out there with improved designs and user experiences (UX). If they put in just a bit more effort into making their website easier to navigate then they would be able to compete better against other top-tier sites like eHarmony or Until then though, this one will have to do…just don’t expect any miracles from using Dream Singles!


Dream Singles is a decent dating site when it comes to pricing, but not the best. It’s free to join and create an account, which makes it accessible for everyone who wants to give online dating a try. However, if you want access to all of Dream Singles’ features – like messaging other members or seeing who has viewed your profile – then you’ll need one of their paid subscriptions. Prices are competitive compared with similar sites; they offer three different plans that range from $9-29 per month depending on how long you commit for upfront (the longer commitment = cheaper monthly payments).

The benefits of getting a paid subscription include being able to send messages and chat with other users as well as having full access to view profiles in detail without any restrictions. Plus there’s no annoying ads popping up! So if you’re serious about finding someone special through Dream Singles then paying for membership might be worth considering – after all, nothing ventured nothing gained right?

Plan Price Features
Basic $0 Create a profile, browse other profiles, send messages, upload photos
Premium $29.99/month All Basic features plus: advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, video chat, view who visited your profile
VIP $49.99/month All Premium features plus: priority customer service, verified profiles, personalized matchmaking

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Dream Singles include eHarmony,, and OkCupid – all of which are popular online dating sites that offer a variety of features for singles looking for love.

  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to meet someone from a different culture.
  • Best for those who want to find long-term relationships or marriage.
  • Best for singles seeking an international dating experience.


1. Is Dream Singles worth it?

I’ve tried Dream Singles and it’s okay. It has a lot of potential matches, but the quality isn’t always great. If you’re looking for something more serious I’d recommend checking out other dating sites first before committing to this one.

2. Can you delete your Dream Singles account?

Yes, you can delete your Dream Singles account. It’s a decent dating site but there are better options out there that may suit your needs more. If you decide to try something else, deleting is easy and straightforward.

3. Is Dream Singles real?

Yes, Dream Singles is a real dating site. It has some good features and can be a decent option for those looking to find someone special online. However, there are better sites out there with more comprehensive services that may offer better results.

4. How to cancel subscription on Dream Singles?

Cancelling a subscription on Dream Singles is relatively straightforward. All you have to do is log in and navigate to the account settings page, where there should be an option for canceling your membership. It’s not my favorite dating site out there, but it does get the job done if that’s what you’re looking for.

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By Alexis Meads

Alexis Meads is an online dating expert and author who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past five years. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Communications from UCLA, with a focus on interpersonal relationships. After college, Alexis worked as a professional matchmaker before transitioning to her current role of providing advice about how to navigate the ever-changing world of digital romance. What sets Alexis apart from other experts in this field is that she takes into account not only what works best when it comes to finding love online but also looks at why certain strategies are successful or unsuccessful depending upon individual needs and preferences. This approach allows her readers access into both sides of the equation so they can make informed decisions about their own experiences within virtual courtship environments such as Tinder or Bumble without feeling overwhelmed by all its complexities . Her expertise has been featured in numerous publications including The New York Times, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Huffington Post and more; additionally she regularly contributes articles for popular websites like Elite Daily where she provides insight into topics related to modern day dating culture ranging from first date etiquette tips all the way up through navigating long distance relationships via technology platforms . In addition ,she offers private coaching sessions tailored specifically towards helping clients get comfortable with using different types of media tools while building confidence around initiating conversations with potential partners – something which many people find difficult even outside an internet context! All told , there’s no doubt that Alexis brings invaluable knowledge & experience when it comes understanding today’s complex landscape surrounding digital romance - making her one go-to resource if you're looking for help navigating your journey towards true love !

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